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Weak and Strong Life

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Abstract. In recent years, there have been many literary works about the "9 ・ 11" event.Don Delillo's novel "Falling Man" is one example. The work mainly focuses on an America family’s life situation after the 9・11 event, showing the great impact of major historical events to the spiritual life of ordinary Americans. In this paper, with the help of the trauma theory of Casey Ruth wrote in "Card Trauma: Proposes the Memory", studies and reveals the character trauma displayed in Delillo’s " Falling Man ".

Keywords: Don Delillo;"Falling Man "; Casey Ruth; Trauma

1. Introduction

The 9・11 terrorist attacks caused a great impact on the world political and economic culture pattern. In politics, the rise of anti-terrorism ideology and nationalism of developed countries (such as England, America) on terrorism policy has produced a great impact. In culture, the great historical event has become one of the themes of literary creation. More than ten years after "9・11",a large number of literary works taking this as the background emerged, which has become a unique novel of the twenty-first Century English literature: "9・11" novels. In this series of novels, Falling Man, 2007, by Don Delillo is particularly interesting. It is considered to be the unique charm of the leading figures in contemporary America postmodern novel camp. He has created many novels, Epics and a number of essays and short stories, won several prestigious awards including American Arts and Arts Prize for Literature, American National Book Award, the Jerusalem Prize etc. "Falling Man"was first published in 2007, which has made tremendous repercussions. Critics say that it is a hymn for New York and the falling people, what’s more, they defineit as the '9・11' novel.

As the world shaking terrorist attack, trauma is one of the inevitable themesof "9・11 novels. The whole novel is full of all kinds of different trauma: everyone in the face of trauma and trauma memory responses vary. Casey Ruth put forward "trauma story is a kind of late experience of the narrative. It is not to escape from reality, to flee for death or relative strength, but the trauma that endless life influence... The core of trauma story is double narrative, the death narrative is the dual crisis and survival crisis of narrative." (7) Based on the theoretical basis, this paper tries to explore the effect ofthe collective "9.11" events on three characters.

2. Keith

In the novel, Delillo did not escape the narration of 9・11 event, but by the hero's eyes and behavior, with the most tragic details, reproduced the cruelest disaster constantly, leading readers to go through that terrible day.

Keith, a lawyer working in the world trade center, witnessed Manhattan became into the hell and the doomsday scenario. At the same time, healso shows different people’s movements in the Twin Towers at that time: vulnerable customers, dead Lu Mzee, the woman who is holding the children to escape, the elderly who stopped to have a rest, a lady who lost shoes and briefcase, people who are praying silently, and the protagonist Keith, whose “eyes are vacant (266)” and is escaping with the crowd. Keith has lost his judgment instinct: he was in "the dream state", even when escaping, he was pushed or led down. He is just "a blank (268)", holding down the briefcase, continuing towards "down the road as if no end".

Escaped from the tower, Keith witnessed another building collapse: "Tower began to collapse, layer upon layer, down south, shrouded in smog". People panic escape Keith's side in "light after the end of the world", but he himself is just slowing step by step, "he cannot find himself in what one sees and hears", and all around him is “all in the fall, road signs, people, and he could not say anything. 269.”

Kaluis believes that in this "sudden and catastrophic events caused an unforgettable experience, the response is often delayed, the main form of illusion, and other forced into the brain image will be repeated". 11. A dream, a clear image; no matter what the vowel, Lu Mzee in smog, everything is falling down ", often dream fallen man, be fixed prostheses, paralysis, asphyxia, helpless diffuse away. The end of the world all around his head, cannot find a way out.

Keith tried to repair his wife and Lyon, however, and Florence developed an affair. Keith with a briefcase to find its owner - a plump black women, Florence, as they sat together, was chatting, talking about each other's work in the tower in the distance, the memories of repeated that details of the 9・11 day of her experience, repeat those dreadful smoke, stairwells and body.

By the illusory plagued Keith, he also could not return to the past. Although his wife Lyon had hoped to restore their family relationship between Keith and his wife and children, the distance is more and more distant. Keith began to escape from the family life, once he and fixed poker playing cards, but now as a poker buddies were dead, wounded, Keith occasionally and Terry into contact has gradually disappeared. Even talking about poker will let them be haunted by memories. Keith did not return to the original work, he found another kind of fun.

In the poker game, Keith found himself who could temporarily ignore everything: "in addition to fade out of space, without anything". (206) He was playing cards gambling, unable to extricate themselves, seek recreation and stimulation in which, to forget or conceal his nightmare. Keith gradually became an occupation poker hand, around the world, to participate in a variety of poker games. The encounter was an accident, Keith is not willing to recall "all 9・11" when he saw Terry, but you chose to talk about death in front of him. Keith always tried to avoid Terry, like Keith is still haunted by nightmares in the "9・11", “the trapped people, crushed limbs, paralysis of the dream, pant for breath, choking people dream, dream without help. 252.”

The reader can see countless people in the shadow of Keith, the living, the dead, falling man. Readers in Keith possessed, see all the events, but incapable of action.

3. Lyon

Many things troubled the wife, Lyon. Her father’s suicide, she and her husband’s separation, and her mother’s talking about. Although she isn’texperiencing "9・11" in the scene, when the 9・11 day, Keith, who covered in blood station and stood in front of her, really brought her great influence.

For the patients, they are often unable to time-space reality and trauma do distinguish, even normal scenes often appear in life and some seemingly unrelated items will be caught in patients with traumatic memory, arouse the patient's traumatic experience, the invasion of head trauma of continuous, like a nightmare.

There is no personal experience the Lyon did not escape the "9・11" nightmare. Her mother's room wall still life paintings, several well-proportioned bottle let her see the outline of the Twin Towers. David. Yiannis Aaker, a performance artist, often seen in public in New York, he to fall not moving, upside down in the air.

And Keith in "9・11" memories cannot extricate themselves vary, Lyon to seek another solution. Lyon's father suffering from Alzheimer's disease (Alzheimer's disease) and despair Dutch act, Lyon fear they will eventually affected. Do volunteer work in the community nursing home she organized a writing team, guide those suffering from Alzheimer's disease of the elderly own story, and they are recorded. In the process of writing, the old people's mood is gentle, spiritual liberation. In this process, Lyon and old people established a relationship - the narrator and listener relation: in the process of listen to old people told, she acknowledged and respected as the narrator of old people, to establish contact with them and mutual understanding. In a series of memories, she gradually arouses the desire discourse traumatic experiences, and "tell them all, say everything. She needs them to listen." (138) The psychologist Nigel C. Hunter (Nigel C.Hunt) said: people are good at narration, and become a kind of need. It is the story, can establish a narrative, self and identity, and helps to form the sense of self and identity in the social environment in trauma. (115) At the end of the novel, Lyon to re-examine their own life, brave to face their own responsibility and identity, "she is going to live, to live calm attitude stomach reliable; she and her children will be building aircraft - across the sky silver - the day before the way to live". 258.

4. Florence

Psychologist Janet Pierre (Janet Pierre) thinks that trauma is the core of the traumatic memory. In daily life, familiar and are expected to experience will automatically be integrated, without the need for special details to consciousness. This kind of memory is the narrative memory.

In very long period of time, Florence is in an empty state. When Keith went to return the briefcase, Florence told him "I think everything is finished... Basically I what didn't do, just sitting in this room." 57.

From about 9.11 to about family, marriage and friendship, Florence has been able to join the analysis, judgment of Discourse: "I am the story". (117) In Florence, running out of the building. His body and soul are left in the past. Keith saved her.

5. Falling man

Richard Drew took a group photo in the world trade center at nine forty-one in the morning in September 11, 2001. By the terrorist attack on the world trade building, a group of desperate victims trapped in the twin towers around the top, fire, smoke, and eventually forced to jump down from a window. According to an eyewitness to statistics, at least two hundred people ended his life in this way. Drew recorded the fallingmoment when a person’s head was down; arms were at both sides, and left leg and knee were bending. After that, the term "falling man"has become the century of a symbolic vocabulary, which is widely used in all kinds of media.

The artist David Yiannis Aaker, after the aircraft hit the floor of the ten-day, he began performing in public, did not move to the falling state inverted air. He was dressed in a ceramic package, tie, dress shoes, always head toward the ground, transferring to the building. The people did not welcome David’s performance; because of his actions will always evoke memories of the terrible of Petronas Twin Towers. "Open the terrible, something we had not seen anything --- a collective fear of falling figures, a fall in the US body". (35) David used his performance to remind people, don't forget to "9.11" incident, don't ignore people heart trauma.

6. Conclusion

As early as 1997, in “The underground World”, Delillo invented the terrible scene where terrorists hit the world trade center. It is the foresight of history. In the book "In the Ruins of the Future”, Delillo expressed his views and feelings of "9・11 incident", and stressed that the writer should write about the stories of survivors. Six years later, Delillo came back with"Falling Man"(2007). In the novel, Delillo combines the major historical event with emotional life and heart concern together, explains all the confusion and trauma brought by 9・11 event to ordinary citizens.

7. Acknowledge

This paper is financially supported by MNU Research Platform (Grant NO. 2013A04).


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[5] Don Delilo," Falling Man "(Translated by Zhongzhi Yan, 2010)

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