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还记得CE:Teens 2008年4月号的专题《“贴秘”不能说的秘密》吗?本期专题的主人公戴维・罗斯巴特也在从事类似的工作,将自己捡到和别人寄来的废弃纸条整理成杂志出版。看来一个人的垃圾确实能成为别人的宝物哦!一起来看看罗斯巴特是如何开始“发现”之旅的吧。

In June of 2001, the first issue of FOUND was born. It began as a cut-and-tape magazine. As editor

and creator of FOUND Magazine, Davy Rothbart spends a lot of time crisscrossing[使交叉成十字状] the U.S. sort of an apostle[倡导者] of ephemera[短时效物品的收藏系列], champion[拥护者] of anonymous[匿名的] shopping lists and love letters and pained adolescent[青少年] diary entries that fans find and send in to his magazine. Sometimes on his tours, he travels with his brother, Peter, a musician. At events, the younger Rothbart plays music inspired by found notes, while the elder reads aloud some of his favorites. “I try to read them with the energy and emotion that they were written with, and I get a little carried away, you know,” says Davy.

The particulars of each story in the book are unique. But the commonality[共性] is in the curiosity and the belief that there’s something a little bit magical about finding something that once belonged to somebody else.

Rothbart, who grew up in Ann Arbor, Michigan, says he was always interested in “trash and clutter[杂乱的东西],” but that interest went from casual to something else while he was living in Chicago. “There was this note on the windshield…you know, my name’s Davy, but on the windshield was this note to Mario. So

I’m like, ‘Well, what’s this all about?’

“It said: ‘Mario, I f**king hate you. You said you had to work then why’s your car HERE at HER place? You’re a f**king LIAR. I hate you. I f**king hate you.’ Signed, ‘Amber.’ ‘P.S. Page me later. ’”

Rothbart fell in love with the note with its tiny explosions of contradicting emotions: jealousy and rage, hope, a touch of the kicked dog注1. And of course, the final irony it wasn’t Mario’s car. Rothbart started showing the note to his friends, and they in turn started showing him their own finds, and from there the thing snowballed. As has Rothbart’s career: He published his first short story collection, The Lone Surfer of Montana, Kansas, in 2005 and contributes regularly to[投稿] This American Life注2 and GQ注3.

For Rothbart, the finding isn’t restricted to the page. “That’s part of the magic for me in a trip like this it’s sort of like a real-life FOUND Magazine, you know. All the strange people we meet. If you’re doing a road trip to 55 cities in 60 days, you’re going to bump into[偶然遇见] people along the way.

“There was one guy in Knoxville, Tennessee. After a show, we were loading up boxes outside of the bar, and he came up. He’s like: ‘I’ve been all around the world, man. If I see something, I’ll send it to you.’

“And I was like, ‘Well, what’s your favorite place, if you’ve been all around the world?’ And he’s like: ‘Hmmm. Oh, I got it. I got it. Phuket, Thailand: dollar Heinekens.’” Rothbart laughs. “I thought that was amazing.”










注1:a kicked dog指的是“被拒绝的人,被社会遗弃的人,可怜虫”,整句的意思是“体会到被拒绝、抛弃的感受”。

注2:“美国生活”(This American Life)是一档叙事类广播节目,每周一期,每期60分钟。由芝加哥公共电台(Chicago Public Radio)出品,艾拉・格拉斯(Ira Glass)主持。它于1995年11月17日首播,2007年3月进入电视领域。该广播节目每期围绕一个主题,通常由两至五个小故事展开,多数采用新闻采访的形式,由当事人以第一人称讲述,偶尔也有随笔、回忆录、实地录音、小说等其他内容。
