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Cicada and cuckoo lived in the same thick woods.

Cicada used to climb to the tall maple tree flapping its wings there and singing loudly. Its voice could be heard far off in the mountains and forests.

Cuckoo, meanwhile, had a pair of colorful wings, a small golden mouth,and a beautiful voice.It was very talkative, and talked on and on everyday.What it liked best was the shiny and sweet dew on the green leaves.

But cicada and cuckoo used to quarrel with each other, for they had different wishes and requirements.

Cicada wished the sun would shine warmly everyday so that it could sing to its heart's content. Cuckoo, however, wished it would rain everyday so that it could drink cool dew any time.

One day, cicada and cuckoo quarreled again.

"I'd rather it was sunny!" said cicada.

"I'd rather it was rainy!" said cuckoo.

They quarreled and quarreled and their voices grew louder and louder,their faces and ears red with excitement, but still nobody could win.Neither of them could convince the other as to which way was better.

They came to thrush and asked it to decide which was more reasonable.Thrushsaid,"Iambusy everyday. You'd better go to ask someone else's opinion."

They came to an old farmer and asked him to decide who was right. The old farmer fondled his gray beard and judged for the two guests from the forest, "Please think about it. If it is sunny every day, won't all the living things be burned to death by the sun? If it is rainy every day, won't everything on the earth get drowned by floods?"

The old farmer concluded, "If a person only satisfies his own desire and neglects the whole world, he will not be benefited at all."

Cicada and cuckoo thought the older farmer's talk was sensible and they no longer had anything to argue about and each went back to its own woods quietly.














