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脆快凌厉 第6期

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在北京秦氏家传的少林五形八法拳(一百零八势)中,有“捧月归山”、“二虎出山”、“饿虎揽食”、“白鹤抖翅”、“五爪探顶”、“白虎闯林”、“拨草探爪”、“二虎争食 ”八个招式。这些招式学习时很容易掌握,运用时又极易见效,实为不可多得的技击妙招。笔者十几年前幸得此拳全套,研练至今深受其益,并在不断的探索与实践中领悟到前叙几个招势与截拳道简捷直接、快速灵巧的用招特点极为相似,故在此整理出来与广大传统和现代搏击爱好者们共享。

















3、本招对付摆拳、勾拳、臂拳均可运用,出示两张图片请你看图领悟,不赘述。图15是对付摆 拳,图16是演示者对付勾拳(抄拳)。




























In the Shaolin Five Shapes and Eight Methods Fighting Techniques (totally 108 postures) of Mr. Qins‘ in Beijing, there are eight postures, which are Pushing up and Cutting,Two Fists Punching,Moving forward and Punching,Catching Wrist and Sweeping Face, Pressing and Smashing,Forearm Blocking and Fist Punching,Hooking and Hitting, Punching Three Times Continually. These postures are so easy to learn and are so effective in the actual fighting that they are precious actual fighting skills. The writer‘s lucky to get the chance to learn the whole series of the technique and have practiced them hard for many years. The writer found that the swiftness and fierceness of the above eight postures are similar to the characteristics of Jeet Kune Do. Now the writer shares the eight postures with all the martial arts fans.

In the process of writing the passage, the writer confers the Shaolin Five Shapes and Eight Methods Fighting Techniques and actual fighting skills, which was edited by Mr. Qin Qingfeng. Here the writer expresses his sincerer appreciation to Mr. Qin.

A:Pushing up and Cutting

When the opponent punches your face with his fist, you can quickly raise one of your fists up to push his fist. Let his punching useless[Figures1,2] . Then, step up quickly and raise your palm up along his arm to cut the side of his neck or to push his chin heavily [Figure3].

Key points:

(1) Your pushing up must be forceful and flexible instead of stiffness.

(2) Your cutting must take advantage of the sudden turning power of the waist. All actions must be swift and ended as quick as possible.

(3) You can use any of your hands to push and cut. These actions must be coordinated with the feet moving.

Note: "Move up" means that the front foot sides to the front and the back one follows it closely; while "Step up" means that the back foot moves to the front of the front one. The two kinds of foot moving ways are both very useful and effective in actual fighting. Practitioners should practice them hard from low speed to the high speed with a companion. Then, they can get the essence of these skills.

(4) The cutting can also be replaced by pushing the opponent‘s chin or face. Try to push him down [Figures4,5,6].

B:Two Fists Punching

No matter the opponent uses his left or right fist punching you, you can use the following skills to defeat him. You, for example, can use the left side to face his attacking [Figure7]. You can quickly use the left tiger pawn (make your fingers the shape of the tiger pawn) to catch and press his wrist down. Let his attacking useless[Figure8] . Then, the left hand becomes a fist and quickly punches his face or chin along his arm [Figure9]. At this time, the opponent is likely to move his body back or urgently use his arm to defend [Figure10]. You must catch the chance, quickly slide your feet up and use the back fist to punch his belly or the pit of his stomach, wipe the floor with him[Figure11]

Key points:

(1) Your left hand catching and pressing must be quick, exact and powerful. Try to let his body weight move forward for the aim of your left fist punching. The back fist punching is the key point. It must make the best use of the strength coming from both body moving forward and the arm stretching out. You can shout at him to add your punching effect. The aim is to defeat him soundly.

(2) The left hand catching and pressing can also be from the inside to the outside, which is similar to the actions of catching wrist and pulling. But your actions must be in succession and high speed, or you‘re in the risk of being attacked by the opponent‘s back fist.

(3) The key point of successful attacking is that the actions of pressing and punching face must be swift and fluent. If so, your right fist should be effective.

In the actual fighting, the writer uses the skills defeating many challengers. Because the writer believes that the more one pains, the more one gains, he practices these skills hard every day. If practitioners can study and practice them intelligently and hard, they can get great benefit from them.

C:Moving forward and Punching

If you face the opponent with the left side[Figure12], and he hits you straightly with his right fist, you can move up to the left side and use the left hand to push his fist away. Meanwhile, your right fist from the inside of the left arm to punch the opponent‘s head, from the right to the left. Try to let him fall down on the ground[Figures13,14]. Then, use other ways defeats him soundly.

Key points:

(1) Your avoiding, pushing and punching must be finished almost at the same time or one by one closely.

(2) In the above case, you can also use the very simple way of just one punching to defeat him. That is, when his punching you, you can just lower your body to avoid his fist and punch your right fist out. This may be very unexpected for him. So he maybe punched at a loss. This way is very effective. When you use the way, you‘d better press your thumb on the joint of the first and second section of the index finger to let your fist be harder.

(3) The skills can also be used to deal with hooking fist, swing fist and arm hitting. You can look at the Figure 15 and 16 to learn the ways of using them. That‘s needn‘t describe more in details[Figures15,16].

D:Catching Wrist and Sweeping Face

When you face the right side of the opponent with your left side[Figure17], and he use his right fist to attack your face[Figure18], you can swiftly turn your body toward the right and wave the left arm to block his fist from the left to the right[Figure19]. Then, catch his right wrist and pull it back, meanwhile, sweep your left palm out suddenly to hit his face or chin[Figures20,21].

Key points:

(1) Your left hand blocking must be in time; your right hand catching and pulling should be quick, exact and heavy; your left palm sweeping must be heavy and swift as a whip; your hands must be pulled back as quickly as possible after the sweeping.

(2) At the time of catching his wrist, you can move forward and use your leg hooking his front leg. Then, your suddenly sweeping (waving arm and pushing body back) can beat him down to the ground heavily [Figures22,23].

(3) If you use the back of your fist instead of palm to hit, it will be the same as the Fist Back Punching in the Jeet Kune Do. This posture is just similar to Bruce Lee‘s famous fighting skill---Hand Hooking (I called it this name.).

E: Pressing and Smashing

When the opponent attacks your face with his fist, you can use the hand in the back to press his fist down [Figure24]. Then, slide feet up to approach him and use the back of your right fist to smash his face [Figures25,26].

Key points:

(1) Your pressing must be in time and powerful; your fist back smashing should use the elbow as the axis and try to be quick, flexible and forceful; your actions must be quick and fierce; your ending must be swift.

(2) The above actions can also be changed as that stepping the back foot up and using the hand in the front to press and the back fist to smash. You should use them flexibly.

(3) If using the smash to attack the side of the opponent‘s head, it will be similar to the Fist Back Smashing in the Jeet Kune Do[Figure27] .

F:Forearm Blocking and Fist Punching

If you both face each other with the left sides, same as the Figure 1, and the opponent use the front hand pretending to attacking your chest but use the right fist to punch your face, try to hit you down[Figure28]. You can wait until his fist in the half way and be unchanged, bend your front arm and use the outside part of the forearm to block his fist. Meanwhile, step the back foot up to the front and suddenly turn your waist and use the back fist to punch his belly or the pit of his stomach heavily[Figure29] .

Key points:

(1) The forearm which you are using to block must be flexible, swift and powerful instead of stiffness; your right fist punching should be at the same time with the blocking, try to coordinate closely with the feet moving to prevent his continual attacking.

(2) You can also block his fist to the inside, but you‘d better use the root of your palm to block, or use the part near the wrist of the forearm to push his fist up.

(3) The another practicing way of using the Forearm Blocking and Fist Punching is as the following: When the opponent uses his right fist attack you, you can quickly use your left tiger pawn (making your fingers like a tiger pawn) to press and catch his wrist, and turning it towards the outside to control his arm[Figures30,31] . Then, step your fight foot up, use your right tiger pawn to push and punch his chin. That will beat him down to the ground[Figures32,33] . Then, use other actions to defeat him. Your pressing, catching and turning must be in time, exact and powerful. Your right palm pushing and punching should cooperate the strength of body moving forward. The aim of the punching is to smash his chin. Then, pull your palm back by the power of bouncing.

G:Hooking and Hitting

If, in the actual fighting, the opponent suddenly kicks your crotch with his fight foot[Figure34], you can swiftly move your body weight to the right leg and raise your left leg up to avoid his kicking, meanwhile, use the left hand to hook his right ankle . Then[Figure35], put your left foot down to the front and turn the body left, use the root of the right tiger pawn to hit his chest, belly or chin, try to hit him down[Figures36,37] .

Key points:

(1) Your left foot rising and your left hand hooking must be at the same time, and your hooking must be exact and firm.

(2) Your foot putting down and right tiger pawn hitting must be fierce and powerful. If your actions speed is not high, his fists could block your actions of hooking and hitting; if your actions are not powerful enough, you cannot hit him down and defeat him.

(3) In the skills, you can also use the left hand to hook his leg away, but don‘t catch his ankle. Directly put your foot down and hit him. Thus, your actions can be more simple and practical.

(4) You can also use the skills to deal with the hooking fist attacking. But you must change your left hand hooking into using the ulna part to smash, or use the root the palm to smash, or the edge of the palm to cut the inside of his arm to let his arm pain or numb. At the same time, hit his chin heavily. He will lose the ability of attacking.

H:Punching Three Times Continually

When studying the posture, practitioners should pay more attention to the essence of the skills instead of shapes and poses. If, in the actual fighting, you and the opponent face each other with your left sides (same as the Figure 1), the opponent uses the front hand pretending to hit you, while uses the back one punches your face. You quickly move body to the left to avoid his attacking, and push your left hand toward the inside to block his fist, and use the right fist to punch him on the pit of his stomach heavily[Figure38] . Then, catch the chance of his feeling pain, quickly turn body right and wave your left fist to punch his chin or face[Figure39]. Then, punch his uncovered belly heavily to defeat him[Figure40].

Key points:

(1) Your judge of his fist attacking must be exact. Your avoiding, pushing and punching should be finished at the same time. Then, the followed two times of punching must be one by one closely, just like a blow of wind.

(2) If the opponent moves back to avoid your punching, you must move forward swiftly to pursue him and defeat him completely.

Here should be the end of the article. The famous master Guo Yunshen ever said: "All the shapes and postures are not the real aim. The shapeless ways of fighting are most useful and effective." All the eight postures have been showed to you. But that‘s far away from the need of actual fighting. Practitioners can change the order of the eight postures and try to use them in succession at any order. Then, the writer believes that you can get great benefit from them. If you can use the above skills according to the defending rules of Fighting at the Will , that is ,your defending ways can be like the Chinese word "米" . You need to put your hand in the center of the eight directions, carefully judge the opponent‘s attacking direction. If his hand or foot inclines to one direction, you can hit or push your hand out toward the direction . Then, if you can hit the opponent according the actual fighting rules of attacking cooperating with the defending, and practice these skills every day, you can defeat any of the opponents, even if he is very fierce. You can end the fighting by a simple punching[Figures41,42].