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叛逆自我 第4期

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叛逆自我》故事的主人公是被身在纽约的祖母带大的,她的父母是20世纪60年代哈佛大学的激进分子(radical student activists)。满心期待父母会重新出现的他在没人管教的成长中成了一个亡命徒(outlaw),流亡过程中他学会了勇敢面对自己(bravely confronts his life)。这部小说讲述了一段美丽却痛心的爱情(an achingly beautiful story of the love)。我们选取了第一部分的几段话给你提供意外、伤感的体验,文中没有用引号圈起对话,而是单独成段,这也是一种常用的叙述方式。


Grandma Selkirk plucked at the Hindu beads. What is this? This is what the working class is wearing now?

I am the working class, she said. By definition.

The boy squeezed the grandma’s hand but she snatched it free. Where’s his father? They keep showing his face on television. Is he going with the flow as well?

The boy burped quietly in his hand. No one could have heard him but Grandma brushed at the air, as if grabbing at a fly. I called him Jay because I was worried for you, she said at last. Maybe it should have been John Doe. God help me, she cried, and the crowds parted before her. Now I understand I was an idiot to worry.

The mother raised her eyebrows at the boy and, finally, reached to take his hand. He was pleased by how it folded around his, soothing, comfortable. She tickled his palm in secret. He smiled up. She smiled down. All around them Grandma raged.

For this, we paid for Harvard. She sighed. Some Rosenbergs.

The boy was deaf, in love. By now they were out on Lexington Avenue and his grandma was looking for a taxi. The first cab would be theirs, always was. Except that now his hand was inside his true mother’s hand and they were marsupials running down into the subway, laughing.

In Bloomingdale’s everything had been so white and bright with glistening brass. Now they raced down the steps. He could have flown.

At the turnstiles she released his hand and pushed him under. She slipped off her pack. He was giddy, giggling. She was laughing too. They had entered another planet, and as they pushed down to the platform the ceiling was slimed with alien rust and the floor was flecked and speckled with black gum―so this was the real world that had been crying to him from beneath the grating up on Lex.


“Che is as convincing a child as any I have found in the pages of a book: beady as a boy scout; innocent and yet so knowing; brimming with watery nostalgia for states he has never even known.”―The Observer (U.K.)
