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常见重金属和农药对Bacillus pumilus WP8促生能力的影响

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摘要:采用平板发芽生长方法,研究Cu、Pb、Zn、农用硫酸链霉素和乙草胺在各自建议浓度(Recommended concentration, RC)和2×RC下,Bacillus pumilus WP8对辣椒发芽生长的影响。结果表明,Cu和乙草胺在试验浓度下,辣椒均不发芽,WP8的存在未能缓解胁迫作用; Pb、Zn和农用硫酸链霉素在RC下,对WP8的促生能力,特别是根的伸长影响很小;2×RC下,Pb处理对WP8促生能力的影响依然较小,但Zn和农用硫酸链霉素处理对WP8促生能力的影响较大,但根的指标仍能达CK水平;WP8的生长状况和促生表现之间没有明显的相关性。

关键词:重金属;农药;Bacillus pumilus WP8;促生能力

中图分类号:Q935 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0439-8114(2012)14-2988-04

Effect of Common Heavy Metals and Agricultural Agents on Plant Growth Promotion Ability of Bacillus pumilus wp8

SHEN Min,KANG Yi-jun,WANG Huan-li,ZHAO Qing-xin

(School of Life Science and Technology,Yancheng Teachers University, Yancheng 224002,Jiangsu,China)

Abstract: A germination and growth experiment using filter paper was carried out to study the effect of Cu, Pb, Zn, agricultural streptomycin (STM) and acetochlor (ACT) at respective recommended concentration (RC) and 2×RC on the germination of pepper seeds and the growth promotion ability of Bacillus pumilus WP8. The results showed that no germinated seeds were detected under the stress of Cu and ACT, and there was no alleviative effect when inoculated with WP8. Slight effects of Pb, Zn and STM stress at RC, as well as Pb stress at 2×RC on seedlings growth especially on root elongation were detected, and the effects of Zn and STM stress at 2×RC on seedlings growth were distinct. However, the root length index still come up to the level of control check (CK). There was no clear definitive relationship between the growth of WP8 and the growth promotion effects. These results provided some basis for the further development of WP8.

Key words: heavy metal; agricultural agent; Bacillus pumilus WP8; plant growth promotion ability

植物根际促生菌(Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria,PGPR)是指生存于植物根际、根表,并能直接或间接地促进或调节植物生长的微生物[1]。利用PGPR及其制剂部分替代化肥、农药已成为解决农业环境污染的重要途径。在前期的工作中,从小麦根际筛选出1株高效广适的PGPR菌株Bacillus pumilus WP8[2],并已在水稻、豇豆和番茄等植物的促生/生防试验中获得成功,WP8的良好表现说明其具有较强的应用潜力。

PGPR菌株实际应用时发挥促生/生防作用的前提是在土壤中能表现出充分的竞争力[3]。土壤中生物和非生物因素都影响着PGPR的生存和定殖能力,其中非生物因素主要是土壤中对微生物生长不利的重金属、农药残留[4]。虽然人们已认识到重金属、农药残留对食物和环境安全已经或将要造成的危害,但事实上,目前农业生产过程中仍不能完全避免这种危害。因此,研究WP8在常见重金属农药胁迫下的实际促生表现更具现实意义,也是进一步评价其应用潜力的重要依据。Ahemad等[4]研究发现几种常见杀虫剂对Klebsiella sp. strain PS19促生指标都产生了影响,且环境中农药剂量越大,影响越显著。这可能是迄今检索到仅有的相关报道,然而该研究仅测定了相关促生指标,未能通过具体植物进行验证,而且缺乏重金属等土壤中常见胁迫因素的影响。鉴于此,以WP8为材料,以土壤中常见重金属Cu、Pb、Zn和常用农药乙草胺、农用硫酸链霉素等为胁迫因子,以辣椒种子为试验对象,通过平板发芽方法研究WP8在重金属、农药胁迫下对辣椒种子发芽率及幼苗生长的影响。

1 材料与方法

1.1 供试材料及处理方法

接种适量Bacillus pumilus WP8细胞于NB液体培养基(Nutrient broth),(28±2) ℃、180 r/min摇床培养48 h后,转至无菌50 mL离心管中,5 000 r/min离心10 min,弃去上清液,细胞重悬于无菌去离子水中,混匀,调至108CFU/mL,置于4 ℃冰箱保存3 d备用。