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中图分类号: TP391.4 文献标志码:A

Reversible digital watermarking based on public key system

LI Li.zong1*, GU Qiao.lun2, GAO Tie.gang3

1. Center of Information, Tianjin University of Technology and Education, Tianjin 300222, China;

2. School of Information Technology Engineering, Tianjin University of Technology and Education, Tianjin 300222, China;

3. College of Software, Nankai University, Tianjin 300222, ChinaAbstract:

A reversible watermarking based on public key system was proposed in order to improve the security, transparency, embedding capacity. This technique shifted the pixels between the peak and zero in the histogram, extracted the characteristics of the original image, used the Boolean exclusive OR operator between the characteristics value and the watermark image processed with chaotic system, finally, embedded the value into the image with the public key. Verification process was the inverse process of the embedding, after the verification, recovered the shifted pixels depending on the relationships of the peak and zero in the histogram, the image was recovered. The public key system and chaotic system provided for security, the shift between the peak and zero pixels ensured that can embed more information, higher peak-signal to noise rate, and all the pixels can be authenticated. The process was simulated with lots of images, the results show that the method is safer than the reference, can embed more information, and has more transparency. The method can be widely used in military, medicine and satellite image for hiding information and authentication.

A reversible digital watermarking based on public key system was proposed to improve the security, transparency and embedding capacity. This technique shifted the pixels between the peak and zero in the histogram, extracted the characteristics of the original image, used the Boolean exclusive OR operator between the characteristics value and the watermark image processed with chaotic system, and finally embedded the value into the image with the public key. Verification process was the inverse process of the embedding. After the verification, the shifted pixels were recovered depending on the relationships of the peak and zero in the histogram, and the image was recovered. The public key system and chaotic system guarantee the system security. The shift between the peak and zero pixels ensured more embedded information, higher peak signal. to.noise ration, and authentication of all the pixels. The process was simulated with lots of images. The results show that the method is safer than others, can embed more information, and has more transparency. The method can be widely used in military, medicine and satellite image for hiding information and authentication.

Key words:

public key system; reversible watermarking; chaotic system; histogram; peak value








1) 绘制载体图像直方图。读入载体图像,并绘制该图像的直方图,如图1所示。从直方图可以看出,峰值点对应的像素值为230,该峰值点的值为5230,说明在载体图像内像素值为230的像素点个数最多,共有5230个;其左端值为[0,31]和其右端值为[247,255]的像素值均为零,表明在载体图像中不存在这些像素值的像素点。



中图分类号: TP391.4 文献标志码:A

Reversible digital watermarking based on public key system

LI Li.zong1*, GU Qiao.lun2, GAO Tie.gang3


1. Center of Information, Tianjin University of Technology and Education, Tianjin 300222, China;

2. School of Information Technology Engineering, Tianjin University of Technology and Education, Tianjin 300222, China;

3. College of Software, Nankai University, Tianjin 300222, ChinaAbstract:

A reversible watermarking based on public key system was proposed in order to improve the security, transparency, embedding capacity. This technique shifted the pixels between the peak and zero in the histogram, extracted the characteristics of the original image, used the Boolean exclusive OR operator between the characteristics value and the watermark image processed with chaotic system, finally, embedded the value into the image with the public key. Verification process was the inverse process of the embedding, after the verification, recovered the shifted pixels depending on the relationships of the peak and zero in the histogram, the image was recovered. The public key system and chaotic system provided for security, the shift between the peak and zero pixels ensured that can embed more information, higher peak-signal to noise rate, and all the pixels can be authenticated. The process was simulated with lots of images, the results show that the method is safer than the reference, can embed more information, and has more transparency. The method can be widely used in military, medicine and satellite image for hiding information and authentication.

A reversible digital watermarking based on public key system was proposed to improve the security, transparency and embedding capacity. This technique shifted the pixels between the peak and zero in the histogram, extracted the characteristics of the original image, used the Boolean exclusive OR operator between the characteristics value and the watermark image processed with chaotic system, and finally embedded the value into the image with the public key. Verification process was the inverse process of the embedding. After the verification, the shifted pixels were recovered depending on the relationships of the peak and zero in the histogram, and the image was recovered. The public key system and chaotic system guarantee the system security. The shift between the peak and zero pixels ensured more embedded information, higher peak signal. to.noise ration, and authentication of all the pixels. The process was simulated with lots of images. The results show that the method is safer than others, can embed more information, and has more transparency. The method can be widely used in military, medicine and satellite image for hiding information and authentication.

Key words:

public key system; reversible watermarking; chaotic system; histogram; peak value








1) 绘制载体图像直方图。读入载体图像,并绘制该图像的直方图,如图1所示。从直方图可以看出,峰值点对应的像素值为230,该峰值点的值为5230,说明在载体图像内像素值为230的像素点个数最多,共有5230个;其左端值为[0,31]和其右端值为[247,255]的像素值均为零,表明在载体图像中不存在这些像素值的像素点。



2) 直方图处理。顺序扫描载体图像,当扫描到的像素点值为[231,246]时,则将其值加上1。扫描完成后,在载体图像内不再存在像素值为231的像素点。第4期

李立宗等:基于公钥的可逆数字水印计算机应用 第32卷

3) 嵌入水印。对载体图像进行再次扫描,如果扫描到的像素点其值为230,则可以在该点嵌入1位水印信息。嵌入规则为,如果待嵌入点为0,则该点保持不变;如果待嵌入点为1,则将该点像素值加1。至此,完成水印嵌入过程。

4) 提取水印。对嵌入了水印信息的图像进行顺序扫描,如果扫描到的像素点值为230,则提取一个水印信息位0;如果扫描到的像素点值为231,则提取一个水印信息位1,扫描过程完成即完成水印信息的提取。

5) 恢复载体图像。再次扫描图像,将在图像内扫描到的像素点值在[231,247]的像素点减1,即完成载体图像的复原。




1) 载体图像处理。读取载体图像O,绘制出其直方图,找出该直方图的峰值点Max及其左侧的连续零值点Li,i∈[0,Max),右侧连续零值点Ri,i∈(Max,255]。




1.3 认证过程


1) 认证信息提取。




3 结语





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