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针对高三文科学生英语写作水平比较薄弱的实际情况,本学期采用了循环背范文的方法,具体操作情况如下: 利用近几年的高考英语范文,或各省市模拟试题中的写作文章作为基本素材,选择比较典型的题材,体裁,进行背诵,仿句,仿写,举一反三,采取多种方式反复输入,以达到灵活输出与运用的目的。下面就以一篇文章为例:

近几年中国多个省份出现大旱,很多地方出现了人畜饮水困难。为增进学生对水资源缺乏和节约用水的认识,你校将举办主题为"WATER FOR LIFE"为主题的英语演讲比赛。请根据下面的信息提示写一篇英语发言稿,其内容应包括:




Part one: 例文分析


Dear teachers and schoolmates,

It's a great honor for me to say something about the water shortage and some ways of saving water.

It's reported that many provinces suffered from drought and lots of people couldn't have access to/drink clean water. It has attracted the attention of more and more people. As we all know, many factors lead to the problem such as global warming, environmental pollution and growing population. If we didn't do something about it, the problem would become more and more severe.

Here are my suggested ways to save water in daily life. Firstly, we should form the good habit of using water such as turning off the tap when you are not actually using the water while brushing. Secondly, it's a good idea to recycle water. For example, the water used to clean vegetables 1t can be reused to water trees. Lastly, we can save water by employing water-conserving appliances at home.

In conclusion, everyone's contribution counts a lot when it comes to saving water.



(1) It's a great honor for me to……

(2)It's reported that……

(3) As we all know, many factors lead to the problem……

(4) Here are my suggested ways to save water in daily life.

(5) We should form the good habit of using water such as turning off the tap when you are not actually using the water while brushing.

(6)When it comes to saving water……

第四步: 背诵本文中含有以上句型的句子。

Part two:仿句(把下面的句子译成英语)。仿写的目的是提高学生运用的能力,以不变应万变。

第一步:学生独立完成。(通过前面的文章,学生有了基础) 1. 和大家分享关于气候变化的观点我感到很荣幸。(It's a great honor for me to)


2. 我认为,多种因素导致了这种现象的发生。(As far as I'm concerned)


3. 确实到了我们采取有效措施保护水资源的时候了。(It's high time that…)


4. 总之,养成保护环境的习惯是非常重要的。(It's important to…)



1. It's a great honor for me to share my opinion on the climate change with you.

2. As far as I'm concerned, many factors lead to the phenomenon.

3. It's high time that we took effective measures to preserve the water resources.

4. In conclusion, it's important to form the good habit of protecting the environment.


Part three: 仿写文章






Hello,everyone!I am greatly honored to be here exchanging our experiences on English learning with all of you.

Two months ago we set up an English club aimed at improving our English learning enthusiasm and speaking skills. During the two months we had many kinds of activities such as acting English plays,debates,speech contests and so on. Of all the activities the English debates are particularly beneficial. For each debate we had a specific motion and we took active part in the debates. Through the debates,not only have we aroused the passion of the students of learning English but also our spoken English has been greatly improved. The organizers as well as the participants have benefited a lot from the club.

Thank you for your listening and welcome to join us!



Part four:循环背诵范文。坚持背诵一周,每次约用5分钟时间课前检查,先检查英语水平较好的学生,最后检查英语基础较差的学生,目的是给他们留足充分的准备时间,以使他们成功背过,提高他们学好英语的信心,从而逐步提高他们的英语成绩。从本学期来看,确实起到了一定的效果。

Part five:默写范文。默写的目的是把背诵的内容落到实处,避免学生眼高手低,一说就会,一写就错。把所写内容烂熟于心。

