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男孩罗伊刚刚随父母搬到阳光明媚的佛罗里达。然而他却一点儿也不开心,因为这已经是他8年来第6次转学了。初到新学校被同学欺负是少不了的,幸好罗伊遇到了为他打抱不平的女孩比阿特丽斯,以及一个总是赤着脚在街上奔跑的男孩。这个男孩叫“鱼手指”(Mullet Fingers,因为他可以徒手捉鲻鱼),他每天的任务就是救助一群猫头鹰―因为开发商要在猫头鹰的居住地上建“宝拉妈妈薄饼屋”!为了保护这些猫头鹰,三人决定挺身而出,和无良开发商、腐败政客全面交战!

本片改编自卡尔・希尔森(Carl Hiaasen)的同名畅销儿童小说,书名“hoot”是指猫头鹰的鸣叫声,以此代表猫头鹰发出求救的声音,表达了作者希望人类保护生态环境的愿望。

注:下文中“MF”指代Mullet Fingers。


Beatrice: Why are you carrying around an old pair of sneakers[运动鞋]? That is weird.

Roy: They’re not for me. They’re for this barefoot kid I met.

Beatrice: Maybe he doesn’t want shoes. Did you ever think about that? Why do you care so much about this kid anyway?

Roy: I don’t know, OK? He looked like he needed help.

Beatrice: I’ll tell you what I’m gonna do. I’ll make sure that the barefoot kid gets these sneakers. Now get out of here!

Roy: So you do know him! Well, who is he?

Beatrice: Can I trust you?

Roy: Of course.

Beatrice: He’s my brother. Well, my stepbrother.

Roy: Why doesn’t he live with you?

Beatrice: My step mom shipped him off[将……送走] to some military school[军校]. He lasted two days and then ran off[逃跑]. He hitchhiked[搭便车] back all the way from Mobile, Alabama. Nobody else knows that he’s here and nobody’s gonna tell them, right?

Roy: Not me.

Beatrice: About four years ago, when my dad was still playing pro[职业运动员] basketball, he went to this celebrity[名人] golf tournament[锦标赛] where he met some cheerleader[啦啦队队长] named Lana. At the wedding, she shows up with a son that she didn’t seem to like at all.

Roy: She didn’t even like her own son?

Beatrice: I’m the only one he even talks to anymore.

Roy: What’s his name?

Beatrice: I call him Mullet[鲻鱼] Fingers.

Roy: Mullet Fingers? Why?

Beatrice: I think you’re heard enough for one day. Besides, it’s getting late.

Roy: Yeah. Looks like I’m gonna be late for dinner.






















Beatrice: I came by at lunch and I found him like this.

MF: The dog got me.

Roy: Let me see. I’m gonna put some antibiotic[抗菌素] cream on for now. But you’re gonna need a doctor.

MF: I’ll be OK, all right?

Roy: How’d you get bit?

MF: My arm got stuck.

Roy: Doing what?

MF: I got some little friends I look after over at this construction site. Anyway, they brought in these big dogs to get rid of me. So, I put some snakes around the lot[有特定用途的一块地] to freak the dogs out. See, I knew the trainer would drag them out of there when he saw that they were cottonmouths[棉口蛇].

Roy: Does this have anything to do with that cop car that got painted black? The gators[即alligator,短吻鳄] in the toilet?

MF: If they build that pancake place, those baby owls are toast.

Roy: Yeah. Yeah. I’ve seen those owls.

MF: Wait, you have?

Roy: Why don’t they just build somewhere else?

Beatrice: We tried to tell them about the nest, but all we got back was this form letter[套用信函] from this jerk[混蛋] named Muckle, saying they had all the permits they needed to build. They don’t care about little birds. My brother’s been trying to stall[拖延] them ever since.


Roy: Room service. Here.

MF: Oh. Thanks.

Roy: How’s your arm?

MF: Eh, fever’s gone, but I ache all over. Get in trouble last night?

Roy: No big deal. But I had to tell my dad about the owls and Mother Paula’s.

MF: What’d he say?

Roy: He said they can build whatever they want, as long as they have legal papers[文件]. There’s really nothing we can do.

MF: We?

Roy: You know what I mean.

MF: You’re saying it’s a lost cause[无法实现的计划], right? Come on. You gotta start thinking like an outlaw[罪犯].

Roy: I’m not an outlaw.

MF: Yeah, you are. Last night at the hospital, that was definitely an outlaw move.

Roy: You were hurt.

MF: You crossed the line, ‘cause you cared about what happened to me. Hey, come on. I’ve got something really cool to show you. Ever since I was little, I’ve been watching this place disappear. The piney[松树般茂盛的] woods, the mangroves[红树林], the creeks, the glades[森林中的空地]. Even the beaches. And they put up these giant hotels and only goober[愚蠢] tourists are allowed. It really sucks.

Roy: The same thing’s happening everywhere.

MF: Wait, they got mountains where you’re from, right?

Roy: Yeah. Miles and miles of them.

MF: See, that’s what we need here. I mean, this state’s so flat, there’s nothing to stop them from bulldozing[用推土机推平] from one coast to another.

Roy: Except for you.

MF: Yeah. Except for me.


Roy: Who likes pancakes?

Others: I do! We do! Love them!

Roy: Yeah, me, too. I love pancakes. And a pancake house will be great in Coconut Cove. But not here. Not in this spot because somebody was here first and they still are. They’re little baby owls.

Others: Owls? Where?

Roy: No, not up in the trees, but in the burrows[洞穴] you see all around. And if you build a Mother Paula’s here, you’re gonna kill some really beautiful animals. Now, just think about that as you’re chowing[吃] down on your key lime pie[(甜品)青柠派] and pancakes.

(Mr. Muckle appears with a bulldozer[推土机].)

Muckle: Get out of the way, kid!

MF: You want to bury those owls, you got to bury me, too!

Roy: Me, too!

Beatrice: That makes three of us.

Roy: We will not let you kill these owls.

Muckle: Ladies and gentlemen, these kids are a little misguided. They have no proof of any owls. You folks see any owls? ‘Cause I don’t.

Others: No.

MF: Why would they come out of their holes while everybody’s here? All we do is make noise. Cars, trucks, bulldozers. All we do is scare them.

Roy: Yeah. No wonder we don’t see them. Maybe if we all just be quiet, they’ll come out. Why don’t we try it? Let’s all be quiet for one minute. Just sixty seconds, OK?

Muckle: This is absurd[荒唐的].

Roy: OK? Everybody ready? Go.

Others: Shh! Shh!

(Owls come out from the burrows.)

Beatrice: Roy. Look!

Roy: Ha ha!


Roy: Mom and Dad realized they liked Florida just as much as I did, and they decided to stay here and make this our home, for good[永远]. After all the bad publicity, the pancake company couldn’t back off[放弃对某物的要求] the promises made that day by Mother Paula. They ended up donating[捐赠] the land as a wildlife preserve[保护区]. The owls are still there, and you could see them if you’re real quiet. Beatrice and I became best of friends and I never missed a soccer game. Attendance was mandatory[强制的]. Last, but not least, is Mullet Fingers. Well, whenever he wants to get together, he has his own secret way of letting me know.
