Language Focus / 语言点:
1. 语言背后的文化知识
2. 固定英语表达法
3. 阅读难点解析
Knowledge Links / 知识点:
1. 中式家具(清朝和明朝风格)
2. 参加鸡尾酒会的礼仪
3. 在中国比较出名的英国企业
Part One
James's New Home
James 的新家
James: It feels great to finally have my own pad in Beijing! As you can see though, it could use some decorating and I still need to find some nice furniture. I figured the best place to start would be to call in my expert locals. Any ideas?
Sabrina: I think maybe we can try Ikea, their furniture is very modern and convenient. Many of my friends like Ikea's stuff...
James: No, no, no (...James interrupts her)I'm living in China, I want every day that I spend in my home to remind me of where I am, so I really wanna buy some traditional Chinese furniture.
Lily: Xiao Qiang, do you know anywhere?
Xiao Qiang: Oh, let me think ...OK, we can go to Longshuncheng, they have typical Ming Dynasty furniture. I have a car, so I can drive you guys there now.
James: Thank you so much! That sounds like a plan.
Part Two
Classic Ming Furniture
Sabrina: I know a little bit about furniture of the Ming Dynasty. I have an aunt who works with antique furniture. She told me that Ming furniture is very simple. Not so much decoration on them as Qing Dynasty furniture. Qing design over-does it sometimes so you lose the feeling of simplicity.
Lily: Please! You have lived in America for 2 years but you are still as unfashionable as ever! Everyone likes the excess of Qing decoration now!
James: I think I like the simpler style too. This furniture is exactly what I hoped to find. Hand carved, solid wood...(James sits down on a Ming couch) Ouch. Ok, well I think I like everything except the sofa. (Everyone chuckles as James rubs his bottom)
(James finds the manager of Longshuncheng)
James: Hello, do you speak English?
Mr. Zhang (the manager of Longshuncheng): Occasionally! Just joking, we get a lot of foreign customers here so most of my staff can speak some English too. What can I do for you?
James: Could you give me some suggestions about which furniture to buy? I have a medium sized apartment so I want to maximize the use of space.
Mr. Zhang: I think if you want to use traditional Chinese furniture to decorate your flat, you should buy 1 tao of them.
Sabrina: "Tao" means "set".
Mr. Zhang: Otherwise the furniture styles in your flat will be mixed, not very attractive.
James: I agree with you, but if I really buy 1 tao of them, can you give me a decent discount? Coz they are a bit expensive!
Mr. Zhang: I have many foreign customers. They have bought a lot of Chinese furniture from me. I am very happy to see that so many foreign friends like Chinese culture now. So every time when I meet foreign people who like Chinese furniture as you do, I always give them a good discount.
James: Thank you, Mr. Zhang!
Part Three
Lily Tests the Water
Sabrina: Lily, I think Xiao Qiang has a thing for you, have you noticed?
Lily: I don't know, and I don't care. We are too familiar with each other; I don't have any feelings for him that way. Besides, you're the one getting chased if I'm not mistaken.
Sabrina: What? What do you mean by that?
Lily: James was practically drooling over you at the furniture store!
Sabrina: I don't think so, and I hope you're wrong. He is nice to have as a friend but that's as far as our relationship will ever go. He's just not my type, I like mature men, not boys.
Lily: Ok ... if you really aren't interested in him, leave him for me.
Sabrina: Seriously, I really think Xiao Qiang likes you very much, he's had a crush on you for so long...(mobile rings)...Wei? Hello, this is Sabrina.
James: Hi, This is James. Is now a good time to talk?
Sabrina: Sure, go ahead.
James: My friend Paul is holding a cocktail party the day after tomorrow. He wanted to invite some related media to come, so I recommended Bilingual Time. Paul has already faxed an invitation to your office, and asked you to come.
Sabrina: Thank you very much. I would love to go.
James: You are welcome, Bye for now.
Lily: Bye sweetie! (Shouts and laughs)
(Right after hanging up with James, Sabrina's mobile rings again.)
Sabrina: Hello, this is Sabrina.
The Chief Editor of Bilingual Time: There is a cocktail party the day after tomorrow, we want to send you to do an interview, do you have time?
Sabrina: Of course, thank you! I have time.
The Chief Editor: You've been doing a great job since you came to Bilingual Time, so keep up the good work! You're on your way to becoming a great journalist!
Sabrina: Thank you very much! I still have a lot of things to learn. Bye.
Language Focus
1. It feels great to finally have my own pad in Beijing!
2. ...to call in my expert locals.
“call in”的意思是与某人取得联系将其叫过来。通常,这个词组是在某人想要把军队或应急人员叫到现场时使用的。如:
1.Call in the infantry and secure the perimeter
2.Call in the police to handle this mess
3.Call in the professionals to figure out what's
wrong with...
另外,“expert locals”指的就是Sabrina、Lily和小强。因为他们是北京当地人,对这里的一切都比较熟悉,与James相比,可以说是了解北京的专家了,所以就有了“expert locals”的说法。
3. Occasionally!
当被问及“Do you speak English?”时,要想来点儿幽默的效果,就可以用“Occasionally!”来回复。虽然说话者的本意是问“Can you speak English?”,但由于用了“Do you speak English?”这个在字面上意为“Do you ever speak English?”的句子,所以,用“Occasionally!”来回复也并非是完全所答非所问,玩笑意味很浓。
4. ...so I want to maximize the use of space
在纽约之类的美国大城市里,公寓都很小,由于东西挤得满满当当的,所以给人造成一种非常狭小的感觉。因此,住户就想方设法选择尺寸最小的家具,以及恰当的装饰风格,以便使房子看起来比实际要大。这种做法就可以被称为“maximize the use of space”或“make the most of the space”。
5. ...I think Xiao Qiang has a thing for you...
“have a thing for someone”是个俚语,意思是“喜欢某人”或“被某人所吸引”。
6. James was practically drooling over you at the furniture store!
“drool”的本意是“流口水”,所以“drool over someone”的意思有点儿类似于汉语中的“垂涎欲滴”,是说某人的言行举止以及面部表情将其对一个人的好感完全暴露了出来。
7. ...he's had a crush on you for so long...
“have a crush on somebody”这个词组有点儿类似于“fall in love with someone”,但是在程度上并没有那么重,可能只是一时的兴起,维持不了太长的时间。这个词组经常用来形容十来岁的青少年对某人的好感和爱恋,例如,“High school students are often said to have a crush on certain teachers.”
8. ... I might have really been speaking in my underwear!
9. Sabrina and Paul smile and start to mingle with the guests.
Part Four
About Paul
Paul: Thanks for helping just now.
Sabrina: You are welcome, it was good practice for me. I felt kind of nervous though, that was my first time being a translator.
Paul: Actually I was the nervous one. When I was giving the speech just now, I realized that I had forgotten to tighten my belt. Another couple minutes on stage and I might have really been speaking in my underwear!
Sabrina: Next time give me a hand signal and I'll create a diversion off stage so you can make a quick escape! (Both of them laugh)
Paul: I joke about it but being here is actually very important to me. I am here to create bridges of culture and business, so much depends on how I present myself and the relationships I am building. Sometimes I wish I had less pressure like James, just living life and seeing what happens.
Sabrina: I doubt that. You seem like a very motivated person with a clear direction for your life. That is very admirable and I'm sure you'll enjoy life's journey just as much as anyone else.
Paul: That's quite a compliment. Let's find ourselves a couple cocktails to celebrate then, shall we?
Sabrina: Lead the way. (Sabrina and Paul smile and start to mingle with the guests)
Knowledge Links 知识点
James的家具是从京城的百年老字号“龙顺成”买来的,成套的明式黄花梨硬木家具。“龙顺成”是清朝同治年间开张的老字号家具店,其宫廷御选风格的“京作”家具十分出名。但是,James不喜欢清式家具,觉得过于雕梁画栋,太繁琐,感觉俗气。相对而言,他更喜欢明式家具的简洁明快和细腻精致。(龙顺成网页:www.省略/default.asp )
1. 明代家具的整体结构是以立木作支柱,横木作联结材,吸取了大木梁架和壶门台座的样式和手法,使家具成为有束腰与无束腰两大结构特征。这两大结构既符合力学原理,也形成了不同的艺术特色。
2. 明代家具喜好使用各种样式的杖子、牙条、角牙、矮老、卡子花和托泥等。
3. 明代家具能科学地使用各种榫卯,构件之间不用钉子,而是完全凭借技巧使家具各部件成为有机结合,各部件之间的结合既合理又严密,由此产生一种自然和谐美。