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On The Loss of Humor in Translation From Perspective of Skopos Theory

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Abstract:Humor is everywhere in our daily life. It not only brings people laughter, but also reduces pressure,relaxes intensive atmosphere,and helps people avoid embarrassing situation. Meanwhile,humor can also reflect people’s attitude towards life and shows the charm of human being’s language and their wisdom. The problem is that humor cannot be accurately and vividly be translated due to varied factors such as culture, linguistics and spelling, etc.

This thesis mainly analyzes the reasons and solutions of humor translation from the perspective of skopos theory. This analysis is based on an abundance of humor examples. By such thorough analysis, it is found that differences in culture and linguistics account for the failures in humor translation. Chinese and westerners differ a lot in cultural vocabulary, conventional structure, semantic, syntax, social and historical background and value, which puts forth many problems for translation especially for humor translation that requires expressing the most vivid meaning in the least words. Under the guidance of Skopos theory, texts can also be successfully translated. It is under the guidance of Skopos theory no matter the translator adopts transliteration, domestication or method of notes. Therefore, by such analysis from the perspective of Skopos theory, readers will have a deep and thorough understanding of humor translation.

Key words:Humor Translation; Skopos Theory; Cultural Differences

1. Humor, Skopos Theory and Humor Translation

1.1 Definition of Humor

People can get different definitions about humor from others. However, what on earth does the humor mean? This question seems easy. But if people think it over and try to put out the definition of humor, they may find it actually a difficult job. In fact, the English word “humor” is derived from the Latin word “humere” meaning “to flow or be wet”. As for the definition of humor, many researchers have tried their best to define humor from their research results.

From all those definitions, it is noticed that different scholars give their definitions from different perspectives. People couldn’t say which one is better. However, something in common from above definitions can still be found: one is that humor by all means refers to something amusing. And the other is that humor involves human participants who are endowed to produce and recognize the amusement.

1.2 Skopos Theory

1.2.1 Basic Ideas of Skopos Theory

Skopos is a Greek word for “purpose”. This fits in with intentionality being part of the very definition of any action. To say that an action is intentional is to presuppose the existence of free will and choice between at least two possible forms of behavior. One form of behavior is nevertheless held to be more appropriate than the other in order to attain the intended goal or purpose. We can distinguish among three possible kinds of purpose in the field of translation: the general purpose aimed at by the translator in the translation process , the communicative purpose aimed at by the target text in the target situation . Nevertheless, the term skopos usually refers to the purpose of the target text.

1.2.2 Skopos Theory and Humor Translation

Seen from the target-oriented perspective, Skopos theory boasts itself of one of the deconstructive translation studies, which focuses on the target text’s function and practicability. Skopos theory holds that translating is a purposeful communicative human activity. Skopos rule is the primary one of the three rules that include skopos rule, coherence rule, fidelity rule or loyalty.

Skopos theory is a kind of translation theory put by German functional translators Reiss, Vermeer and Nord and others from the perspective of purposefulness of translation. The core principle of the theory is the “objective criteria”: “Any translation behavior is determined by the purpose of translation, in short, the purpose of the translation determines the means of translation”. The theory holds that: as long as the purpose of translating can be achieved, the translation method can not only be original.The evaluation of the merits of translation lies not in the degree of equivalence to the source language, but lies in its “appropriateness ” of translation purpose, that is, whether it helps to achieve the expected functions of the translation in the context of target language.(Fan, 2006: 2)

2. Causes of Failure in Humor Translation

2.1 Linguistic Factors

Language is a kind of sign, a medium of information. The essence of translation is the transformation of two different kinds of linguistic signs. English and Chinese are two entirely different languages. Chinese belongs to the Sino-Tibetan language family while English belongs to the Indo-European language family, which inevitably results in the fault between the languages. Humorous words are close to life and feature in native characteristics. Therefore, humor is created easily in the blank between languages, which makes translation more difficult as well as results in untranslatability.

2.1.1 Phonetic Barriers

Each language has its own font structure and voice systems. The uniqueness can always find its counterpart among its own family or system, because in the same language system, the phenomenon of sharing language signs appears. Thus, complete transcoding is not needed in the process of translation. When one language is needed to be translated to another language of different language system or structural skills, there is definitely no channel of sharing information as for linguistic or structural skills. Apparent limits of translatability occur, and sometimes they are even untranslatable. Different language system set barriers for humor translation.(Zheng, 2006: 3)

2.1.2 Morphological Barriers

The formation patterns of English and Chinese are totally different. Chinese is Hieroglyphic, featureing in the perfect combination of formation and meaning. English is Alphabetic, using various affixes to show the speech. Due to the loss of equivalence in connotation and denotation, there always appears the failure of conversion of contents and formation in literal and funtion referring to translation between English and Chinese. The humor makes the original language readers take delight in talking about but can not cause the resonance of the target reader.

2.1.3 Polysemous Barriers

Polysemy is a very common phonomenon in one language. However, it has different manifestations in different languages. Polysemy is often used in both Chinese and English to create humor. In appearance, the word shows one meaning but in fact, it implys another meaning. It is in this way that fun is created. The problem is that polysemy differs with languages. A polysemous word in one language is probably not a polysemy in another, or, not the same meanings as in the other.

2.1.4 Syntax Barriers

The disparity of grammer in English and Chinese is an important factor causing the untranslatability. It is common to create humor by use of syntax rules. When one sytax rule in one language does not even exist in the other language, it becomes rather hard for translators to make the target readers understand the same fun as the native readers.

2.2 Cultural Factors

It has long been recognized that language has a close relationship with culture and the impact of culture upon language is huge. Culture can affect people’s cognition, belief, attitude, view of value and so on, which directly influence their communication. Humor of course is no exception. In the comprehension of humor, cultural factors cover a lot of aspects. People from different cultures may produce humor. They may also produce humor even if they have the same cultural background, for they can make use of their acquaintance of that culture. From the author’s viewpoint, there are mainly three important factors that affect the production of humor: inadequate cultural information, cultural difference and deliberate misinterpretation of culture. Language is the vehicle of spreading culture and culture is the carrier of language.

2.2.1 Social and Historical Background

In our daily life, we come to contact a lot of English humor through the media of television, internet, newspaper or magazines, but find few interesting. Most English humors make us puzzled: Where does the fun hide? The phenomenon is certainly caused by various reasons among which the social and historical backgrounds are particularly prominent.

2.2.2 Difference in Values

Any form of language text is a reflection to values, including humor. The reason why one piece of humorous material can amuse people is that people to a great degree are able to understand and accept the values embodied in the material. It is undoubtedly true that English and Chinese nations have differences in their values. It is one symbol of successful translations to make the target readers accept the values contained in the humorous text.

3.Suggestions for Successful Humor Translation

Vermeer holds that the translation’s function is what determines the main criteria for translation strategies. Skopos theory believes that the functions of the original and the translation can be the same or different. The translator's task is to create a new text that can meet the cultural expectations of the target readers on the basis of a specific function .

3.1 Transliteration

Most humor has some story and context as a background. Along with the development of the plot, an effect of humor is created. Conatraints of scenarios humor are limited, transliteration can be used.

3.2 Domestication in Humor Translation

Domestication is to use the ethnocentric attitudes to make the foreign language text be in line with the target language cultural values, bringing the original authors into the different culture of the target language. In order to allow the target readers to accept the original author's information as much as possible, the translator must recreate the original within certain limits, making a domestication of grammer, rhetoric and even the culture.

3.3 Method of Notes

Some humor features highly in national cultural characteristics, belonging to a certain people. It is hard to find any languages that correspond in the target language. Under this condition, notes are needed.

The illustrative words in the example extend the transmission of humor, which inevitably affected the impact of humor. But in order to make readers taste the text’s humor, such notes are necessary.


Humor is a polyhedron, which encompassed a large number of language skills and cultural connotations. At a certain level, humor can be domesticated, commented and by other compensation strategies to improve the translatable degree, so that some information and the artistic effect are preserved.The Skopos theory of fuctional translation school makes a breakthrough against the research mode of structuralism linguistic school which regards language as static. It emphasize that the translator should decide his translative strategies according to the expected functions of the translation, thus having expanded the research horizons. According to Skopos theory, translators can adopt means of cutting or changing. These means can be used to play an active role in translation role. Of course, the use of deletion and change does not mean to abuse. The three principles of Skopos theory should be considered as a benchmark.(Of:School of Foreign Languages Hubei University)


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