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圣诞之父 第12期

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Long ago there lived an explorer named Nicholas. He traveled around the world in search of new lands, new animals, and new relics1) to discover. And in every place he visited, Nicholas found a special gift to bring back to his son Christian.

In his most perilous2) journey, Nicholas traveled to the Arctic to find the North Pole. After weeks of tireless dogsled3) trekking4), Nicholas reached the northern Arctic Circle where very little life could survive.

Nicholas relied on the direction of his compass. As the weeks turned to months, Nicholas could still not find the North Pole and his food supply was getting low. His compass began constantly spinning and it could no longer help him find his way. So Nicholas decided to head back home to civilization and admit defeat. But it seemed that no matter what direction he walked in, he kept finding himself stranded5) deeper and deeper in the vast wilderness.

By this time, Nicholas' beard had grown long and it was constantly covered with snow and ice. It was in his most desperate moment, when he had all but given up, that Nicholas saw small footprints in the snow. Hungry and freezing, Nicholas followed the footprints to a small village. He could not believe that anyone could live in such a frigid6) place, but there were dozens of small huts7) around him.

Nicholas unleashed8) his dogs and went exploring as he did best. In the center of the village there sat a small tree, the only one within miles and miles. But what caught Nicholas' eye was a hat sitting atop9) the tree. It was reddish10) brown in color and had a ball on top. Nicholas fought through the wind to reach the small tree and grabbed the hat. Not only did it look warm, but also he thought that it would also make a perfect gift for Christian―if he ever made it out of the Arctic and back home.

The moment Nicholas placed the hat on his head, everything changed. The villagers left their huts and came out to surround him. He noticed that each of them was roughly three feet tall. The dogs became frightened and ran away at the sight of the crowd. Nicholas was too startled11) to chase after them.

Knowing how to deal with peoples of all different cultures, Nicholas asked to speak with their leader or chief.

"We do not have one," replied a woman with a smile, "all of us are equal. But Michael is 2000 years old, and that makes him the eldest."

"How can that be?" asked Nicholas.

Michael stepped forward and spoke. "The hat you are wearing was removed from the top of our tree. That tree is the North Pole, where there is no day and no night. As long as the hat stays here, we are unaffected by time. Now that you wear the hat, you, too will not age."

"Me?" asked Nicholas as he tried to take off the hat.

"It cannot be removed," said Michael, "I am sorry."

"But I must get home," said Nicholas, "please tell me how to find my way back south to my village."

"You cannot leave us," pleaded the woman.

"It's true," said Michael, "if you were to leave with the hat, we would not be able to survive."

Nicholas was devastated12). He sat down on his sled and cried. He needed to get back to his son.

















1. relic [ˈrelɪk] n. 遗迹

2. perilous [ˈperələs] adj. (充满)危险的

3. dogsled [ˈdɒsled] n. 狗拖的雪橇

4. trek [trek] vi. (缓慢或艰难地)旅行;长途跋涉

5. strand [strænd] v. (使)搁浅

6. frigid [ˈfrɪdʒɪd] adj. 寒冷的;极冷的,凛冽的

7. hut [hʌt] n. (简陋的)小屋

8. unleash [ʌnˈliːʃ] vt. 解皮带放开

9. atop [əˈtɒp] prep. 在……顶上

10. reddish [ˈredɪʃ] adj. 带红色的,微红的,淡红的

11. startled [ˈstːtld] adj. 受到惊吓的;吃惊的

12. devastated [ˈdevəsteɪtɪd] adj. 极度悲伤和震惊的

13. caribou [ˈkærɪbuː] n. 【动】北美驯鹿(亦作reindeer)

14. yonder [ˈjɒndə(r)] pron. 那边,远处

15. carpenter: 参见P7注释30

16. prank [præŋk] n. 胡闹,恶作剧;(使人难堪的)玩笑

17. console [kənˈsəʊl] vt. 安慰,抚慰