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Charles: Good morning, Clarice! Would you like some cake?

Clarice: Cake? You know I would, Charlie! What’s the occasion?

Charles: I’m just throwing myself a little going-away party.

Clarice: Going away? What’s that about? Where are you going?

Charles: I’m going back home to Haikou.

Clarice: That sounds nice! Have a great trip!

Charles: It’s not a trip, Clarice. ①I’m going for good.

Clarice: Really? So suddenly? That’s a 1)shocker. ②What brought this on?

Charles: It’s not so sudden to me. It’s something I’ve been 2)mulling over for years now.

Clarice: Tired of the Beijing smog, huh? I can understand that. Haikou will be like a breath of fresh air, pun intended.

Charles: You said it! But it’s not just about the air quality. It’s about quality of life. ③I’ve just about had it with the hustle and bustle of big city life. Cleaner air, less stress, more time with family, more me-time…I can’t wait to restart my life back there.

Clarice: Amen. You might even be able to afford a house back there.

Charles: Right on. But at first, I won’t even have to―since my whole family is down there, I can live rent-free for a while.

Clarice: ④Well, color me jealous. I read in the newspaper this morning that about 80% of white-collar city workers would like to move to a smaller city. I don’t know how you can afford to retire at your age, though.

Charles: Who said anything about retiring? I’ve landed a new position at a 3)consulting firm. It will be a career 4)transplant.

Clarice: Really? But are you sure that will be fulfilling? Haikou is, what, a 5)third-tier city? That sounds like a professional backwater to me. It sounds like career suicide.

Charles: ⑤A few years ago, you would have been right, but there’s been a sea change. As more white-collar workers like you and me are feeling the need to get out of the big city, more and more companies are 6)catering to us.

Clarice: That may be true. I also read that job applications in Beijing have been on the decline lately.

Charles: That’s right. At the same time, applications in second- and third-tier cities have been on the rise.

Clarice: That’s a pretty surprising shift in human resources.

Charles: Well, it’s not a really big trend yet. ⑥There’s no serious brain drain in the big cities so far.

Clarice: There probably won’t be, either, at least not for the 7)foreseeable future. After all, human resources go where 8)capital goes, and the first-tier cities are still where it’s at.

Charles: Indeed. That goes both ways, though. More white-collar jobs in smaller cities means more capital will flow there as well.

Clarice: Yeah. All you big-city workers will probably 9)contribute to the economy of those cities in a big way, not to mention the cultural development.

Charles: When you put it that way, I guess moving back home is the 10)patriotic thing to do!

Clarice: ⑦Oh, don’t get so full of yourself. Anyway, where’s my cake?!



























① I’m going for good. 我待在那儿不回来了。

for good: forever, permanently(永久地,一劳永逸地)。


They’ve tried to repair the copy machine so many times, but this time it broke down for good.


② What brought this on? 什么事让你这么做呢?

bring sth. on/bring on sth.: cause sth. to happen(促使某事发生)。例如:

The restructure was brought on by a series of recent misjudgments.


③ I’ve just about had it with the hustle and bustle of big city life. 我受够了大城市熙熙攘攘的生活。

hustle and bustle: very busy and noisy activity(忙乱,吵闹)。例如:

It’s all hustle and bustle at the shopping malls on the weekends.


④ Well, color me jealous. 好吧,就当我是嫉妒吧。

color sb. + adjective: consider sb. in a particular way, often in a joking sense(以某种方式看待某人,通常是一种戏谑的表达方式)。例如:

Well, color me stupid; I just can’t understand the movie.好吧,就当我笨吧,我就是看不懂那部电影。

⑤ A few years ago, you would have been right, but there’s been a sea change. 要是在几年前,你的想法也许是对的,但是现在的变化太大了。

sea change: a major change or transformation(巨变,突变)。例如:

Almost all wars bring about a sea change to the regions involved.


⑥ There’s no serious brain drain in the big cities so far. 目前为止大城市还没有面临严重的人才流失。

brain drain: loss of skilled intellectual and technical labor through the movement of such labor(人才流失,人才外流)。例如:

High salaries are not enough to stop brain drain.


⑦ Oh, don’t get so full of yourself. 噢,别那么自以为是。

full of oneself: conceited, self-important(自负,只顾自己,自以为是)。例如:

Tim is very unpopular because he’s so full of himself.蒂姆非常不受人待见,因为他太自以为是了。