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A Defense Fortress Witnesses the Atrocities of Japanese Pirates

By Lu Yiguang

Taozhu is the name for one of the 50 fortresses built in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces against invading Japanese pirates.

About 50 kilometers east of Linhai, the seaside fortress was first built in 1443. The adobe fortress was built into a stone defense work. It was expanded in 1559. Today, the circumference measures 1,400 meters long and the wall base is ten meters wide.

The military fortress, now under the state protection as a major historical and cultural site, witnessed the atrocities of Japanese pirates and the fiercest battles fought by the local people in defense of their peaceful life.

In 1439, thousands of Japanese pirates landed at Taozhu. After seizing the town, they dug up tombs; they tied babies on bamboo poles and poured boiling water on them, laughing and clapping their hands when watching the babies wailing. They bet on pregnant women to identify the fetuses?sex and then they slit open their bellies to determine who won the bet. According to history, after the Japanese pirates withdrew, the corpses were piled up like a hill and blood flew like a river. The whole of Taozhu was devastated. Passers-by cried at the horrible sight.

In the spring of 1559, nearly a thousand of Japanese pirates invaded from the Taizhou Sea. They besieged Taozhu. A battalion commander named Zhai Quan organized the defense. The battle raged for 7 days and nights. When the city was about to fall into the enemy's hands, Qi Jiguang and his troops arrived after a forced match day and night from Ninghai. Qi sent dozens of blunderbuss men sneaking into the fortress. Then his troops attacked the Japanese pirates from both within and without. All the Japanese pirates were annihilated. This is known as the Victory of Taozhu.

Many local residents today still have a sacrificial tablet at their houses in memory of Qi Jiguang, a national hero who fought and beat Japanese pirates. Young men can do some martial arts named after the general. There is a museum in the town where the history of fighting the invading Japanese pirates is displayed. Taozhu is now a base for military education in Zhejiang Province.

Nowadays, the ancient fortress is also a tourist attraction. Taozhu is not only a state geological park but also a province-grade scenic zone. Caves, peaks and cliffs show natural splendor and grace.

(Translated by David)