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Sports and Sportsmanship―体育和体育道德

Recently I received a few letters from our readers asking about sports in America. Well, today let’s talk about some of the popular sports played here. Closely related to playing sports is “sportsmanship”. So, we’ll also touch on how sports should be played. Of course, what I’m telling you are the kinds of sports that I think interesting. There are many types of sports people play in the different parts of the world, and here I’m only going to mention a few that I think I know how to play.


Tennis, I guess, is one of the most popular and most played sports in America. Tennis is almost as important as ping-pong in China. Many rules are similar between the two games. Indeed, ping-pong is also called “table-tennis.” Unlike ping-pong with a scoring of 21points per game, a tennis match is usually won by two wins out of three sets with six games per set. There are only four points in a tennis game, which are scored as: Love, 15, 30, 40, and game. Like ping-pong, when two players have the same score, we say: “15 all, or 30 all,” instead of “15 each” ― a funny usage, isn’t it? Some readers may ask “how about 40 all?” Well, in tennis, there’s no “40 all.” When both players reach 40, they deuce1 and win the game by two points. Tennis can be played by two players or by four players at the same time; the former is called “singles” and the latter “doubles”; note their plural forms, since each game is played by more than one person.


Golf is getting more and more popular here. It is everybody’s game―men and women, young and old. Sometimes we see good golf players who look a bit out of shape, more often than not, with a chubby belly2. Usually a golf course has 18 holes. Each hole has a pre-set number of strokes within which a golfer should get the ball in the hole. This pre-set number is called “par.” Golf courses generally have holes from par 3 and par 5, and the total par for an 18-hole course is usually 72. For a par-5 hole, if a golfer makes the hole with five shots, he is “on par”; he gets a “birdie” if he completes the hole with four strokes, and an “eagle” with three―these are professional golfers, or “pros,” we are talking about. Most people don’t go anywhere close to “under par”. Most often, we hear: “I got a ‘bogey’ for the 12th hole (one stroke over par)” or “I had a ‘double bogey’ for the 15th (two shots over par).” Even more often, we hear people say: “I just had a bad day ...”


I loved skiing. I used to go to the mountains and flew down the ski-slopes3 in frostbite4-causing winter conditions. When I’m getting older, the winter gets colder for me. Before I realized, I had stopped going skiing altogether. But, I recommend this sport to everyone. There are different types of skiing, too. One popular type in the area I live is downhill skiing, also called Alpine skiing. As you can imagine, skiers go up the hill on a chair-lift or in a gondola5 and then ski all the way down to the base of the hill. Remember, the key in downhill skiing is to be able to stop. If you don’t know how to stop on the slope, the outcome will be a disaster.

Another type of skiing is cross-country skiing. X-country skiing is a fun sport especially when you do it with your dog. When there was a big snow overnight, DD and I would get up early in the morning and go skiing in the woods. Nothing is more fun than skiing on trails covered with fresh snow while listening to the little humming sound of snow falling on the pine trees. Of course, in mornings like that, DD would work hard too―I bought DD a sled dog strap6 for him to pull me in the snow. One day, a neighbor saw DD pulling me on my skis7, and she yelled to us: “That’s not fair!”


With the thought that it was unfair for DD to pull me because he was so small, let’s now turn to sportsmanship. I am sure DD did not think pulling me through the snow was unfair, not only because he was having fun himself but also because DD was “a good sport”.

A good sport is a person who shows sportsmanship when playing sports. What are some of the qualities being a good sport? The first thing in my book is that players have to respect each other and play a fair game. In a tennis match, when there is no chair-umpire8 present, it relies on the players to call each other’s shots ― whether they are long or wide (outside), since the two baselines of a tennis court are quite far apart and it is difficult for a player to see if the ball is in or out.

Another important quality in playing sports is to be “a good loser”. I admit it is sometimes hard to accept defeat and be gracious to the person who has just beaten you at the end of a game. Hey, it is only a game, isn’t it? Be a good sport, walk up to your opponent, shake hands, and congratulate him on a game well played. Because a good sport is so much liked everywhere, its meaning has been expanded beyond describing someone playing a fair game in sports. Now “a good sport” is also a person who is easy going and has a sense of humor on himself.


1. deuce:决赛。

2. chubby belly:鼓肚皮。

3. ski-slopes:滑雪道。

4. frostbite:冻疮。

5. chair-lift or a gondola:滑雪时上山用的吊椅或吊车。

6. sled dog strap:雪橇狗的缰绳。

7. skis:滑雪板 (两只)。

8. chair-umpire:网球裁判。

So much for sports for today. We’ll talk about some other sports next time. Till then, send your questions to .
