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[误]: What an useful book he has bought!

[正]: What a useful book he has bought!

冠词a用于辅音音素(音标)前, an用于元音音素(音标)前,又如:half an hour(半个小时); an honest boy(一个诚实的男孩);a university(一所大学)。

[误]: A teacher is giving a lesson in front of the classroom.

[正]: A teacher is giving a lesson in the front of the classroom.

在地点名词前有无冠词意思有所不同。 in the front of “在…..前面(范围内)”,in front of “在…..前面(范围外)”,又如:at the table(在桌旁),at table(在就餐);in hospital(住院), in the hospital(在医院); go to school(去上学), go to the school( 去学校); in prison(坐牢), in the prison.(在监狱)。

[误]:We often play the basketball after the school.

[正]:We often play basketball after school.


[误]: He goes to school by the bike.

[正]:He goes to school by bike( on a bike).

“by+交通工具”表示“乘……”,交通工具的名词前不用冠词,也不用复数。又如by ferry(乘渡船),by bus(乘公共汽车),by ship(乘船),by plane(air)(乘飞机),on foot.(步行),by underground(乘地铁); by rocket(乘火箭)。


[误]: This is the twin’s bedroom.

[正]: This is the twins’ bedroom.

复数名词的所有格有两种:(1)以s结尾只加 ’ ;(2)不以s结尾的仍需加’s。

[误]:How many polices are searching for the robbers?

[正]:How many police are searching for the robbers?


[误]: What a good news it is!

[正]:What good new it is!

英语中news为不可数名词,不能用冠词修饰,也不能有复数形式。类似的还有 work(工作),money(钱),information(资料);knowledge(知识);fruit(水果)。


[误]: He told us to careful with fire.

[正]:He told us to be careful with fire.

careful是形容词,英语中形容词常置与 be, sound,feel, look, smell等连系动词之后。常见的容易误为动词的形容词有 late,afraid, quiet ,quick, sure.又如:Don’t be late.(别迟到)

[误]: Working on the farm is more better than having classes.

[正]:Working on the farm is much better than having classes.

much, a lot, a little ,far ,even, still等可以置于形容词的比较级前,表示程度,但不可以用 more修饰比较级。

[误]: Shanghai is more beautiful than any city in China.

[正]:Shanghai is more beautiful than any other city in China.


[误]: The population of China is larger than USA.

[正]:The population of China is larger than that of USA.

相比较的是两国的人口,不是国家,故than之后加代替population的that 。比较句中than后常加上代替上文主语的代词 those, the one(ones)。


[误]: I,you and he are all good students.

[正]:You,he and I are all good students.


[误]: These apples and oranges are for you and we.

[正]:These apples and oranges are for you and us.


[误]:These are her school things. My are in my desk.

[正]:These are her school things.Mine are in my desk.


[误]: Mr.Wu will teach our English next term.

[正]:Mr.Wu will teach us English next term.

“教某人某事”teachsth, sb作动词teach的宾语,应用宾格us。

[误]: Everyone in China like Mid-autumn Festival.

[正]:Everyone in China likes Mid-autumn Festival.


[误]: Do you have interesting anything to tell us?

[正]: Do you have anything interesting to tell us?



[误]: The teacher asked us to write an 800-English-words composition.

[正]: The teacher asked us to write an 800-English-word composition.

数词(one除外)常修饰可数名词复数,但数词和名词之间如有“--”,则名词用单数。又如 400-metre-race(400米赛跑);a fifty-year-old woman(一个50岁的老奶奶)。

[误]: About two hundreds of students took part in the activities.

[正]:About two hundred students took part in the activities.

数词与hundred,thousand,billion,million等的单数连用,但注意 hundreds of, millions of;thousands of不与数词连用。

[误]: This story happened in the twenty century.

[正]:This story happened in the twentieth century.



[误]: All the children are listening to their teacher careful.

[正]:All the children are listening to their teacher carefully.

listen to(听)是动词,修饰动词用副词。

[误]: Everyone spoke high of him.

[正]:Everyone spoke highly of him.

high,highly都是副词,但前者指具体的高,后者指抽象意义的“高度地”。区别wide(张得大地,完全地), widely(广泛地,广阔地);deep(深地), deeply深深地); late (迟地),lately(近来); hard(努力地,认真地,剧烈地); hardly(几乎不)。


[误]: Although he is not feeling well,but he is going on with his work.

[正]:Although he is not feeling well, he is going on with his work.

[正]:He is not feeling well, but he is going on with his work.

(al)though(虽然)与 but(但是)不可同时使用,另 because(因为) 与so(所以)也不可同时使用。


[误]: Must we hand in our homework today?No,you mustn’t.

[正]:Must we hand in our honework today?No, you needn’t.

由 must ,need 构成的一般疑问句,肯定回答用 must,否定回答用needn’t 。

[误]: The woman mustn’t be Mrs.Brown,for she has gone to England.

[正]: The woman can’t be Mrs. Brown, for she has gone to England.

mustn’t 意为“禁止,不应该”, needn’t “没有必要”,can’t“不能,不可能”。

[误]: Be quick!Somebody waiting for you at the gate.

[正]:Be quick!Somebody is waiting for you at the gate.


[误]: His brother has joined the Party for twenty years.

[正]:His brother has been in the Party for twenty years.

[正]:His brother has been a Party member for twenty years.

短暂性动词不可以与表示一段时间的时间状语连用,常要求用相应的延续性动词或形容词,常见的有die―be dead;leave―be away from;begin―be on; end―beover;arrive―be here(there); buy―have; borrow―keep等。

[误]: There is going to have a football match tomorrow.

[正]:There is going to be a football match tomorrow.

There be 结构的将来时态为 there is going to be或there will be。


[误]: The boy’s never been to Australia,hasn’t he?

[正]:The boy’s never been to Australia, has he?

如陈述部分含有 seldom,never,few, little(少),no ,none.nobody,hardly等否定意义的词时,反意疑问部分要求用肯定。

[误]: Let’s have a discussion about your question,will you?

[正]:Let’s have a discussion about your question,shall we?

陈述句部分如是祈使句,则反意疑问句部分用will you, 但注意Let’s(咱们)包括听话者在内,疑问部分用shall we。Let us(让我们),不包括听话者,反意部分用will you。

[误]: I don’t think chickens can swim,don’t I?

[正]: I don’t think chickens can swim,can they?

陈述句部分为含有从句的主从复合句时,反意疑问部分要求与主句的人称及时态相一致,但如主句是I (don’t)think, I(don’t)believe; I (don’t )suppose.等,则要求与从句的人称及时态相一致,并且要注意否定的转移。

[误]: There is little milk in the glass,is it?

[正]: There is little milk in the glass,is there?

陈述句是There be结构时, 反意疑问部分主语仍用there。


[误]: How an easy question you have asked me!

[正]:What an easy question you have asked me!

感叹名词用what即: What a(n) +adj.+ n.(可数名词单) +主谓 !或What adj.+n.(复数名词或不可数名词 )+主谓!

感叹形容词和副词用how 即:How adj./adv.+主谓!


[误]: If he will be free tomorrow,he will visit me.

[正]: If he is free tomorrow ,he will visit me.

if作“如果”讲,引导条件状语从句,从句中要求用一般现在时代替一般将来时。但作“是否”讲,常引导宾语从句,可用任何时态,如:I wonder if he will come tomorrow.

[误]: We won’t leave until it will stop raining.

[正]: We won’t leave until it stops raining.

在 as soon as, until ,when, before , after.等引导的时间状语从句中要求用一般现在时代替一般将来时与主句的将来时态相一致。

[误]: He said that he has read the comic books twice.

[正]: He said that he had read the comic books twice.

主句是一般过去时,宾语从句中要求用相应的过去时态,即一般过去时,过去进行时,过去将来时,过去完成时。但如从句中是表示客观真理或科学事实,则仍然用一般现在时。如:The teacher told us the earth moves around the sun.

[误]: Could you tell me where does your brother live?

[正]: Could you tell me where your brother lives?


[误]:Doyou know the man with that your father is talking?

[正]: Do you know the man with whom your father is talking?

引导定语从句的关系代词取决于先行词,先行词是人用that, who 或whom,先行词是物用 which,that.但如将定语从句中的介词提前,那么只能用which或whom不用that。

[误]: Everything which you need has been ready.

[正]:Everything that you need has been ready.

先行词是不定代词everything,nothing ,anything,something,all等时,那么关系代词用that,不用which。另注意:(1)先行词如有形容词最高级或序数词修饰,用that不用which。

(2)先行词如有the very,the only修饰,用that,又如:

This is the only question that he can answer.



[误]: Neither Jim nor Kate have been to Hainan.

[正]: Neither Jim nor Kate has been to Hainan.

neither…nor…; not only…but also…; not…but…;either…or….等连接两个并列名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词要与后面的主语相一致。

[误]: The teacher together with his students are working on the farm happily.

[正]:The teacher together with his students is working on the farm happily.

主语后有 except,together with,with,as well as ,more than等修饰时,谓语动词与主语一致。又如:My father as well as my mother works in our school.

[误]:A number of exchange students is visiting the museum.

[正]:A number of exchange students are visiting the museum.

A number of……意为“大量,许多”,后跟复数动词。 the number of…..意为“……的数目”,后跟单数动词。又如:

The number of the workers in this factory is about 500.

[误]: The United States are a developed country.

[正]:The United States is a developed country.

the United States,physics,politics,maths等名词形式是复数,但是表示单数意思,后跟单数动词,注意 police,people形单意复,后跟复数动词。The police are searching for the robbers.

[误]: This pair of jeans are very expensive.

[正]:This pair of jeans is very expensive.

glasses,trousers,jeans,scissors,gloves 等由两部分组成的名词作主语,后用复数动词,但如有pair修饰,则谓语动词与pair的单复数相一致。

[误]:The black and white sheep are eating grass at the foot of the hill.

[正]:The black and white sheep is eating grass at the foot of the hill.

and连接名词或代词作主语,动词常用复数。但如指同一个人或物,动词用单数。试比较:The black and the white sheep are eating grass at the foot of the hill.

[误]: There are a teacher and forty students in the classroom.

[正]: There is a teacher and forty students in the classroom.

There be 结构中be的单复数取决于其后的主语,但如是并列主语要求与就近的主语相一致。


[误]: Let one of the students reads the text.

[正]:Let one of the students read the text.

read the text 在句中作one of the students的宾语补足语。结构为 letdo sth. 类似的还有makedo sth(使某人做某事), havedo sth.(让某人做某事) hear(see)sb do sth.(听见或看见某人做某事)。

(1)要求用to do作宾语的常见的有:want to do; hope to do;decide to do;plan to do;wish to do; try to do; fail to do; would like to do.(2) 要求用to do作宾语补足语的有:wantto do;encourageto do;askto do ;tellto do; orderto do; allow sb. to do(3)用不带的to不定式常见的有 had better do sth;Will(would)you please do sth;Why not do sth.(4)be happy(sorry,surprised,excited…) to do ;

要求用v-ing的结构有have fun doing ; be busy doing; have some problems doing ; be good at doing;be worth doing; be used for doing ; allow doing ; keep(sb) doing; finish doing; like doing; enjoy doing; practise doing; mind doing; give up doing; prefer doing to doing;spends some time doing ;

[误]: Tell him don’t to forget to turn off the light.

[正]: Tell him not to forget to turn off the light.


[误]: He was so tired that he stopped having a rest.

[正]: He was so tired that he stopped to have a rest.

stop to do sth.停下来去做某事 stop doing sth.停止做某事;区别 forget(remember) to do sth.忘记或记住做某事forget(remember)doing sth,忘记或觉得做过某事。

[误]: The cakes making by my mother taste very delicious.

[正]: The cakes made by my mother taste very delicious.


[误]: We found that important to take enough exercise every day.

[正]: We found it important to take enough exercise every day.



[误]: The students today are made do much homework every day.

[正]: The students today are made to do much homework every day.

主动结构中用不带to不定式(即动词原形)作宾语补足语的在被动语态中要求加上to常见有be made (heard,seen)to do sth.

[误]: This story was happened in a small village.

[正]:This story happened in a small village.


[误]: The old must be spoken politely.

[正]: The old must be spoken to politely.


[误]: This kind of object is felt smooth.

[正]: This kind of object feels smooth.



[误]: The car accident happened in the night of February 10th.

[正]: The car accident happened on the night of February 10th.


[误]: The students often chat with each other with English.

[正]: The students often chat with each other in English.

介词in, by with都可表示“用”;in“用语言或方式”;by 用“手段”;with.“用工具”又如:People in the west celebrate the Halloween in different ways.

People in China eat with chopsticks.

Please teach us how to send messages by telegraph.

[误]: I don’t know the answer of your question.

[正]: I don’t know the answer to your question.

“……的”用of ;但the entrance to…… “……的入口”;the ticket for.“……的票”;the key to….”……的钥匙”。

[误]: Everyone is looking forward to visit the Summer Palace.

[正]:Everyone is looking forward to visiting the Summer Palace.

look forward to中to为介词,介词后用名词或动名词。又如:make a contribution to doing sth.(对做…作出贡献) be used to doing sth.(习惯做某事)。