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一提到美剧《生活大爆炸》,相信众多读者会跳出来自称是它的忠实粉丝。2007年,这部由哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)推出的情景喜剧一经播放,即在大批美剧迷中引发了“大爆炸”般的追捧,目前该剧已更新至第六季。在这部以“科学天才”为主角的情景喜剧中,四个理工宅男和一个美女邻居之间的爆笑故事不仅让我们见识了科学怪胎的可爱,也让我们看到了书呆子的春天。在剧中,主人公Leonard和Sheldon是一对关系要好的室友。Leonard是一名智商173的实验物理学家,24岁就取得了普林斯顿大学的博士学位。Sheldon是一名智商187的理论物理学家,拥有一个学士学位、两个硕士学位和两个博士学位。他们虽然智商高人一等,精通物理学理论,但在日常生活中却是不折不扣的生活。他们的邻居Penny是一位金发美女,梦想成为一名演员,但一直未成功。她平时在快餐店打工,性格开朗,待人友善。他们还有两个好朋友:Howard (犹太人,是一名航天工程师,与母亲住在一起,自称花花公子)和Rajesh (来自印度,是一位天体物理学家,患有严重的“与异往障碍症”,有异性在场时无法说话)。自从漂亮的Penny搬来后,这五个人之间的闹剧就在笑声中上演了。剧中人物之间的吵吵闹闹、贬损打趣、胡诌海侃都给粉丝们留下了极深的印象。下面就让我们一起来重温剧中幽默搞笑的台词吧。

1. Quotes from the episode The Ornithophobia Diffusion

Leonard: I’m going to the movies with Penny. I don’t want her to think I think it’s a date.

Sheldon: Do you think it’s a date?

Leonard: No, but she might think I think it’s a date even though I don’t.

Sheldon: Or you might think she thinks you think it’s a date even though she doesn’t.

Leonard: Are we over-thinking this?

Sheldon: Not at all.


2. Quotes from the episode The Gorilla Experiment

Sheldon: Why are you crying?

Penny: Because I’m stupid!

Sheldon: That’s no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.


3. Quotes from the episode The Wildebeest Implementation

(To a box of expensive shoes Penny is about to take back)

Penny: I’m sorry, shoes, but you have to go back.

Shoebox (Penny): But, Penny, we love you.

Penny: I love you, too, but you cost more than my rent.

Shoebox (Penny): But Penny, you look so good in us.

Penny: Damn it, the shoes are right!


4. Quotes from the episode The Tangerine Factor

(Howard is teaching Sheldon Chinese.)

Howard: You know, I’m really glad you decided to learn Mandarin (普通话).

Sheldon: Why?

Howard: Once you’re fluent, you’ll have a billion more people to annoy instead of me.


5. Quotes from the episode The Stag Convergence

Rajesh: When I moved to America I was pretty lonely, but when I met Howard my life changed because we could be lonely together.
