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A Doctor's Beijing Opera Complex

By Chen Feifei, Ren Zejian

Though he is a doctor by profession, Dong Weitong is best known as director of a Beijing Opera Club in Pingyang County, Zhejiang Province. Local Beijing Opera buffs in the county regard him as their leader. In December 2005, the Ministry of Culture held a ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing to commend organizations and enthusiasts from all over the country for their passionate promotion of various kinds of traditional operas. At this ceremony, Dong received a medal for his meritorious promotion of Beijing Opera and his club was also commended.

Dong's passion for performing arts started early in his life. He joined andrama troupe during his middle school years. When he studied in a medical institute in Hangzhou, he was the conductor of the school's singing group and won honors at the citywide competitions. After he came to Pingyang, he began to take lessons in Beijing Opera from a local Beijing Opera fan.


The 71-year-old Beijing Opera zealot comments on his passion for and understanding of Beijing Opera: "It the outset, I thought Beijing Opera could refine my personality, give me fun, and sublimate my spirit. However, the more I know about it, the more I see in it. Beijing Opera is a great and profound art. It represents our nation's fine cultural tradition. The opera touches one's heart and soul. And it is the sound of our nation. What is more, it conveys traditional virtues such as loyalty and filial piety, and promotes our national spirit. The opera can contribute to social harmony and cultural improvement."It was only natural that Dong would organize a club to promote Beijing Opera in Pingyang. In 1992, Dong and his wife came back from a study journey of Beijing Opera and hit upon the idea of organizing local fans into a club. With preparations of four months, the club was founded in 1992 with the government's approval. In 1996, he closed his clinic and devoted his time entirely to the club. He put up 5,000 yuan as startup fund and raised money through tireless lobbying. With the money, he bought a video tape recorder, a VCD player and acoustics. He records Beijing Opera highlights from CCTV which has an exclusive channel for traditional operas, and transcribe the arias, spoken parts, and percussion scores so that the club members can rehearse and put on shows. He even adapts some TV programs into Beijing Opera plays and directs them.

When the club's fame spread far and wide, CCTV, the country's number one television giant sent a group of journalists to report the club activities. The program was screened eight times on CCTV channels 3, 4, and 8 in May and June 1998. In 2003, the club's Beijing Opera shows were again screened in CCTV.

In order to publicize the club achievements, Dong Weitong decided to compile an album entitled The Sound of Beijing Opera in Pingyang. After the work began, his wife was hospitalized for a spine operation. Dong moved his work to the ward. He took care of his wife meanwhile he proofread the manuscript and studied the layout designs. He had worked on the album for about 400 days before it was published.

Dong Weitong has been teaching two Beijing Opera classes at the college for senior citizens since 1995. In order to prepare for these classes, he bought a lot of books as well as audio and video materials. In the past 10 years, he has written three teaching materials for his students. He has organized 48 shows for fans to stage their singings and 13 performances of Beijing Opera highlights.

On his 70th birthday in 2005, he organized a party and invited more than 100 Beijing Opera amateurs. They had a good time singing Beijing Opera arias and then the club members staged various highlights at a local theater the next day. It was the first time that such a privately funded Beijing Opera show was ever performed in Wenzhou. The local media covered the event. China Beijing Opera and a Taiwan newspaper also reported the event.

(Translated by David)