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How to Understand Images in Poetry

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Poetry might be defined, initially, as a kind of language that says more and says it more intensely than does ordinary language. The perfect combination of both condensed form and rich meaning is realized by employment of various kinds of poetic devices, such as figurative language, careful diction, and imagery. Among all the poetic devices, imagery plays a role of great importance. Therefore, for the sake of understanding a poem correctly and deeply, we should be very clear about what images the poet chose and figure out what information he or she intended to convey by using images. In this essay, specifically, Daffodils by William Wordsworth is chosen as an example to see how to improve our understanding of different kinds of images in a particular poem. The poet, credited with ushering in the English Romanticism Movement with the publication of Lyrical Ballads in collaboration with Coleridge, is placed in the highest rank of English poets. More importantly, typical images can be easily found in his works. It’s safe to say the analysis of his work will be of great help to poetry learners.

Ⅱ.Find out images while reading the poem

Imagery refers to words or phrases that appeal to any sense or any combination of senses. Before analyzing specific images, often viewed as “the soul of poems”, first we need to read the poem and try to find out what kind of a particular image belongs to. Therefore, it’s necessary to know the distinction between different kinds of “images”. Usually, there are several different types of images: visual image(from the sight), auditory image(from the hearing), olfactory image(from the smell), gustatory image(from the taste)and kinesthetic image(a moving picture). The concrete images are used to express what the poet felt, thought and experienced. In one certain poem, the poet may not use all kinds of images mentioned above but surely, at least one kind of image will be found in the poem. In Daffodils, it is not difficult to find out that images can be classified into 2 major categories. “Cloud” “daffodils” “milky way” all belong to visual images while “fluttering and dancing in the breeze” “tossing their heads in sprightly dance” and so on belong to kinesthetic images.

Ⅲ.Understand images by understanding related traditions and culture

Among all the visual images, the image of “daffodils” stands out for its role in the poem. Though this word only appears twice in the poem, Wordsworth describes how he encountered daffodils “beside the lake, beneath the trees” and how he felt after the encounter. It is clear that the image of “daffodils” is the main image among all the visual images. The image of daffodils is definitely the most important one in the poem. Since the poet got great comfort from daffodils, it is naturally for us to think he likes them. Furthermore, we may guess daffodils have some positive associations in western culture. However, in western culture, people hold different opinions towards this kind of flower. The ancient Greeks believed the daffodils(narcissus)originated from the vain youth, Narcissus who died after becoming so obsessed with his reflection in a pool he could not leave. The Greeks believe that the gods turned his remains into the Narcissus flower. This led to the daffodil’s being a symbol of unrequited love and vanity. However, daffodils can also represent beauty and are commonly arranged amongst the company of other flowers that give the general message “Beautiful Face”.When associated with moral and social characteristics, the daffodils are viewed as a symbol of strength because of their ability to return every spring, even after the harshest of winters, strong as ever. They are associated with beauty because of their associations with fertility and femininity. Daffodils are also given to people as a token of forgiveness or appreciation for honesty. Therefore, it’s impossible for us to understand the image of “daffodils” in this poem if we only look for evidence in western culture, because the traditional images of daffodils are quite different, even opposite to each other. With the background knowledge in mind, we should go back to the poem and try to find out more details indicating the poet’s feelings and affections.