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My first day of high school was the best and the scariest. I was in the band, so I had already been exposed to some of the upper classmen at my school during summer drills1) as the band did freshman initiation2) week. We not only were put through the wringer3) as being the new kids on campus, but we also had our first opportunity to begin building great friendships as we found our spot in the high school crowd.

As I walked into the high school, I remember my stomach feeling as if it were about to slide down to my knees on my walk through the hallway to my first class. I could see eyes fixated4) on me as if the older students were trying to figure out exactly what I could have been. Although I was only a few years younger than them, I felt like I was a baby. It's amazing that just a few months before I was one of the coolest kids on school in junior high. I had all the sixth and seventh graders looking up to me. If I dropped a book, they were right there to pick it up for me, hoping to be noticed. However, that day, I was a freshman and when I dropped a book I had the upper classmen laughing at me.

I remember how excited I was when I finally made my way to my locker to find my best friend standing there smiling and waving. I was so happy to see a familiar face. The day did get better. I had some people pick on me and some that I had met during the summer band camp defended me. It was all good. I knew that once I got through the first day, every day thereafter would be getting better. I told myself that after my freshman year was over, I would be an upper classman and the tables would be turned onto another little man5) on campus.

You may go through a few months of teasing and tormenting when you first enter into high school, but after that, the next three and half years will be the best years of your life. When you begin high school, remember how you feel on those first few days. Then, as the years go by and you see younger kids replace you as freshmen, take those memories and use them to help the little guy. You will play a positive role in his or her life.





1. drill [dr?l] n. (军事、体育、语言等的)操练;演习;练习;训练

2. initiation [??n??i?e??n] n. 加入组织

3. put through the wringer: 使受尽折磨

4. fixate [f?k?se?t] vt. 注视

5. turn the tables onto sb.: 扭转局面(使之对某人不利)