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A large company had been invited to a banquet1, and just before the hour the confectioner2, who had been making a large ornament for the table, sent word that he had spoiled the piece. "If you let me try, I think I can make something that will do," said a boy who had been employed as a scullion3 at the mansion4 of Dierre Hardy. "You!" exclaimed5 the head servant, in astonishment, "And who are you?" "I am Jean Baptise, the grandson of Pisano, the stone-cutter," replied the pale-faced little fellow.

"And pray, what can you do?" asked the majordomo6. "I can make you something that will do for the middle of the table, if you'll let me try." The servant was at his wits' end, he told Antonio to go ahead and see what he could do. Calling for some butter, the scullion quickly modeled a large crouching lion, which the admiring majordomo placed upon the table.

Dinner was announced, and many of the most noted merchants, princes, and noblemen of Venice were ushered7 into the dining-room. Among them were skilled critics of artwork. When their eyes fell upon the butter lion, they forgot to the purpose of which they had come in their wonder at such a work of genius. They looked at the lion long and carefully, and asked Signoir Faliero what great sculptor had been persuaded to waste his skill upon such a temporary material. Faliero could not tell; so he asked the head servant, who brought Antonio before the company.

When the distinguished8 guests learned that the lion had been made in a short time by a scullion, the dinner was turned into a feast9 in his honor. The rich host declared that he would pay the boy's expenses under the best masters, and he kept his word.

Antonio was not spoiled by his good fortune, but remaining at heart the same simple, earnest, faithful boy who had tried so hard to become a good stone-cutter in the shop of Pisano. Some may not have heard how the boy Antonio took advantage of his first greet opportunity; but all know of Canova, one of the greatest sculptors of all time.

Weak men wait for opportunities, strong men make them.








①banquet n.宴会

②confectioner n.糖果制造人

③scullion n.在厨房干重活的仆人

④mansion n.宅第,公馆

⑤exclaim v.呼喊,大声说

⑥majordomo n.管家,总监

⑦usher v.领,引路

⑧distinguished adj.著名的

⑨feast n.盛会,宴会