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insight 洞察力

vision 远见

Lasker Award 拉斯克医学奖

artemisinin 青蒿素

malaria 疟疾

diagnosis 诊断

erode 遭侵蚀,受到破坏

glacier 冰川

vanish 消失

Philippines 菲律宾

Today it is clear that Tu’s insight and vision have saved millions of lives, particularly in the developing world, and continue to yield long-term medical benefits in the ongoing fight against this deadly disease.

―On Sep. 23, 2011, 81-year-old Chinese scientist Tu Youyou won the 2011 Lasker Award for the discovery of artemisinin―a widely used drug against malaria. The Lasker Awards are given annually to people who have made major advances in the understanding, diagnosis, treatment, cure and prevention of human diseases since 1945. Dr Tu is the first scientist of China to win the award.

Right now on Earth, water tables are falling, soil is eroding, glaciers are melting, and fish stocks are vanishing, close to a billion people go hungry each day. With the population still growing by about 80 million each year, it’s hard not to be alarmed.

―National Geographic magazine said. With a baby girl born in Philippines on Oct. 31, 2011, global population hit 7 billion, up from 6 billion in 1999.

UARS Re・enters Earth’s Atmosphere

NASA’s decommissioned UARS fell back to Earth between 11:23 p.m. EDT, Sep. 23 and 1:09 a.m. Sep. 24, 20 years and 9 days after it was launched in 1991 on a 14-year mission.

During the re-entry period, the satellite passed from the east coast of Africa over the Indian Ocean, then the Pacific Ocean, then across northern Canada, then across the northern Atlantic Ocean, to a point over West Africa. Data indicates the satellite finally landed in the Pacific Ocean far off the US coast.

Six years after the end of its productive scientific life, UARS broke into pieces during re-entry, and most of it burned up in the atmosphere. Twenty-six satellite components, weighing a total of about 540 kg, could have survived the fiery re-entry and reach the surface of Earth.

It is estimated that there are 370,000 pieces of space junk floating in Earth’s orbit which comes from old rockets, abandoned satellites and missile shrapnel. The European Space Agency said earlier satellite ERS-2 has run out of fuel and is deorbiting. It would therefore also crash sooner or later.

But, we need not worry too much. Experts also said that most spacecrafts will be incinerated upon re-entering Earth’s atmosphere, and the debris will most likely fall into the ocean or hit an uninhabited area.

In which year did UARS end its scientific life?

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EDT 美国东部夏令时间



orbit 轨道

missile 导弹

shrapnel 弹片

deorbit 脱离轨道

incinerate 烧成灰烬

debris 残骸,碎片

gram 克





niche 适合的场所







Food and Culture

It is often said that “one man’s meat is another man’s poison”. When people ask you about the differences between eating customs in China and the West, what is the first thing you think of ? It might occur to you that we use chopsticks while they use forks and knives. You’re right, but there are more.

First of all, the cooking methods of Chinese-style food and Western-style food differ from each other. In a Western cookbook, it is clearly stated how many grams of flour, how many spoons of sugar, how many cups of butter, and even the size of eggs are needed. It is like doing an experiment to cook Western-style food. As long as you follow the cookbook, you’ll surely succeed.

But it is not an ① job to cook delicious Chinese dishes, even if you have got the cookbook. That is because a Chinese cookbook will not tell you the exact dosages of the ingredients. It only says that you put “the right amount” of, for example, salt instead of an exact number of grams. Why? The reason is that people differ in taste in different parts of China. There is a saying like this: “Sweet in the south, salty in the north, spicy in the east and sour in the west.” It is rich experience and skills that make a good cook.

Second, the niches where Chinese and Western people dine are quite different. Westerners value the ② more while having meals. A good restaurant is supposed to be built on a picturesque mountaintop, in a park or as a revolving one on top of a high building in the city center. Western-style food lays more stress on the environment rather than the taste.

Chinese people, however, mostly value the taste of the dishes and the participation of diners. Chinese-style food conquers the world with its taste. There is an old saying like this: “If you want to conquer others’ heart, conquer their stomachs first.” In China, people sit ③ a table and enjoy the food in the same dishes. The hospitable host and hostess will courteously chopstick or spoon some food to your bowl. Friendship will be strengthened in such a way of dining.

Third, Chinese and Western people show their praise to tasty food in different ways. Chinese people will say, “Your dishes are as good as ④ in a restaurant”, while Western people express themselves by saying, “Your dishes taste as good as homemade.”

Reading the text and choose the right words to fill in the blanks.

① A. easy B. special C. difficult D. good

② A. taste B. surroundings C. price D. cook

③ A. on B. behind C. at D. around

④ A. it B. that C. those D. /

(Find the KEY in this issue)