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We Want to Do the Same Thing

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At fi rst, Liu Yuan gave me the impression that she must be a “health nut” because at the dining table, she drank neither wine nor other beverages, just tea. She started her meal with vegetables and fi nished it with meat. I asked her what she had studied and, as expected, she answered ‘medicine’. I continued by asking her how to refuse a toast… and she gave me the simple response: “insist”.

As we returned to Songpan from Hongyuan and Ruoergai, Lv Qiang, Director of the New Lotus Fritillariae Cirrhosae Bulbus Base, Liu Yuan and her two post-graduate students had been waiting for us in the Chuandrup Monastery for some time. Soon, we were taken to the base. It should have been Lv Qiang that hosted the meeting but Liu Yuan interrupted now and then, trying to introduce their common “treasures” by herself: F.unibracteata Hsiao et K.C.Hsia, F.unibracteata Hsiao et K. C. Hsiavar. wabuensis (S. Y. Tang et S. C.Yue), Z. D. Liu, S. Wang et and S. C. Chen, Rheum offi cinale, Notopterygiumincisium Ting, and so on. Her quick temper, wit and speech led me to suppose that she must walk and work very fast. When we fi nally had an opportunity to sit down together and talk, from my expectation of her I already couldn’t help respecting her confi dence, cheerfulness, overfl owing enthusiasm, energy, and her rich achievements. Her teachers and friends often said of her: “Her spirit is always full of happiness and a positive attitude.”

I Love the Medicine of National Minorities

In 2002, Liu Yuan was awarded a PhD in Chinese Pharmacology by Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. At that time, the Southwest University for Nationalities was trying a project to “recruit talent”. Among the 238 people who were accepted that year, she was the only PhD candidate and received a “settling-in” allowance of 30 thousand Yuan as and a scientifi c research fund of another 30 thousand. While nursing her threemonth-old daughter, she took the position of adviser for two classes and studied in the meanwhile. That year, she published a dozen thesis, such as Thin-layer Chromatography of Three Ligusticum Species: Naixiong, Shan Chuanxiong and Chuan Xiong(L. Wallichii). In 2003, in spite of a normal procedure, she was appointed Associate Professor by the university and initiated a precedent amongst the teachers that someone could be Associate Professor just one year later after graduation as a PhD. She was then aged 35.

In the same year, Liu Yuan began to give lectures on Medicinal Plants and Traditional Chinese Medicine.“I prefer to be a teacher, because I like the feeling of standing before a class. I can give my students all that I know. Maybe sometimes they cannot understand a thing I say, but my enthusiasm and my love for what I teach will affect them, and lead them into study. For a teacher, it is the greatest satisfaction and achievement!”

Both her courses include content to identify primitive medicines so Liu Yuan was not satisfi ed to only teach in a classroom: she therefore decided to take her students out for a practice class. She spoke directly to the President who granted her 30 thousand Yuan in person. With the money, she took her students for the Year 2001 (a total of about 100 pupils majoring in Pharmaceutical Engineering) to Mt. Emei by school bus for a wildlife fi eld study.

“Going into the forest, Wow! Everyone seemed to get more energy at once. They ran here and there like monkeys, climbing up this mountain and down another. I divided the students into teams of ten. Each team had a teacher. The teacher would discuss the medicinal plants that they found on the way, giving the students an overall understanding about the plants’ form and properties from its fl owers, leaves, stems, and the roots uncovered from the earth. The students learned much more from such an intuitional instruction than from theories talked about in class. Therefore, my students thought my course made sense.”

In 2005, Liu Yuan was awarded First Prize for Quality Teaching by the university. On http://www. /teacherId66603/, some students evaluated Liu Yuan’s course in Pharmaceutical Botany, including the following remarks on April 28, 2008: “I think a competent teacher is not one who just calls the roll in class and will not let you fail examinations. It is more important that the teacher doesn’t need to call the roll because all students attend. If this is so, how can it be possible that the students will fail? Liu Yuan is such a good teacher!” Someone said “her course is very appealing and her classroom atmosphere lively”; others praise her “modest approach to study, and she treats the students with sincerity”.

Her students’ love for their teacher and her course added more splendors to Liu Yuan’s beloved subject, ethnic medicine. In 2005, by means of purchases in different markets all over the country, encouraging the students of different nationalities to collect local raw folk medicines, choosing examples themselves as she did with her students of the Year 2001 on the Mt. Emei fi eld study, Liu Yuan has collected more than 800 medicinal samples and set up the fi rst Chinese and ethnic medicine center in the Southwest University for Nationalities. The center was immediately included in teaching and experiments for the undergraduate programs of Pharmaceutical Engineering, in the years 2001 to 2004, and Pharmaceutical Preparations for the Year 2004. Gradually, it has played a part in the teachers’ scientifi c research and the students’ plans for their graduation thesis. It has also become an example showcased by the school to leaders at all levels and experts from different organizations.

“I love ethnic medicine and would like to follow it as my career,” Liu Yuan said. She hosted“the Curricula Construction, Teaching Methods Reform and Implementation for Undergraduate Ethnic Pharmacology Education”, a key project in education and teaching reform held by the Sichuan Education Department, and won Third Prize for Education and Teaching Achievements awarded by the Sichuan Education Department. She has also taken part in one of the major projects conducted by the Ministry of Science and Technology“Study on Standard Cultivation of the Local Sichuan Medicine Material, Chuanxiong” and won the Third Prize for Science and Technology Advances granted by Sichuan provincial government.

I typed “Liu Yuan” in “the Chinese and Foreign Language Database” of China National Knowledge database, and downloaded 989 results in a minute, above 60 percent of which are about Liu Yuan and her team’s achievements in the study of Chinese and ethnic medicine species, quality, resources and development of new drugs. Then, I typed “the Southwest University for Nationalities + Liu Yuan” into , and got 4170 results, more than 90 percent of which are about her and her team’s scientifi c research results in Chinese and ethnic medicine. The rest were news about her work in the cause of national medicine.

Our Common Cause

In 2004, Liu Yuan entered the Pharmacognostics post-doctoral course of the West China Pharmacy College in Sichuan University, and fi nished in 2007. Although her teaching practice on Mt. Emei was a headache for the school authorities, the leadership saw her sincere concern for her students and course, as well as her real practice and solid work, so many times the Director of Dean’s Offi ce has invited her to hold the Offi ce of Student Affairs. Her fi ve-minute speech won the agreement of 28 among the 29 judges. Therefore, she became the Offi ce Chief, and began to stir up outside practice amongst all colleges and departments in the Southwest University for Nationalities.

“If, for instance, the College of Arts wanted to go out to paint from life, or dance, or hold an evening party, I will give them money no matter how much they wanted. They are very happy because I know how a teacher in the frontline thinks. If his course needs a practice, just sign an agreement against risk-taking and star teaching! All will be fi ne if he follows the normal teaching procedures. For example, as I took my students to Mt. Emei, no one died.”In 2008, Liu Yuan was promoted to a professor. In 2009 as she fi nished her two years’ term as Offi ce Chief, She was appointed Vice-Director to the College of Chemistry and Environmental Engineering. At the same time, she succeeded in applying for a state scholarship and was sent abroad for a one-year study in the Department of Physiology and Pharmacy, the Medical College, the University of Western Ontario, Canada. In 2010 as she returned, she was offi cially appointed ViceDirector. Besides the work on scientifi c research and tutoring undergraduate students, she devoted herself mostly to the application of the subjects of ethnic Tibetan, Qiang and Yi Pharmacy.

“We don’t want any rewards for our work to spread the ethnic Qiang and Yi medicine. My team and I, PhDs in the Institute of Ethnic Materia Medica, the College of Chemistry and Environmental Engineering, my undergraduate students, and the College of Tibetan Medicine in our school, the Tibetan, Qiang, and Yi Medical Hospitals in the Prefecture of Aba, jointly strive to advance ethnic medicine culture all over the country. We help them prepare subject materials, project curricula, make plans for scientifi c research and the training of personnel. We will make appeals to the provincial departments of Health, Education, Administration of Religious Affairs, the State Ethnic Affairs Commission, the Ministry of Education, and the State Administration of Religious Affairs…telling them that we represent the nationality of Qiang here and also need to develop it, just as we also represent the nationality of Yi here and also need to develop it. Traditional Tibetan Medicine embraces a mature theoretical system and a very complete system of personnel training, hospital construction, and medical treatment. Therefore, the program of Tibetan Medicine has been opened in the Tibetology College. It was Mr. Thubten Phuntsog and I that worked together to get the approval for setting up the subject. Now, the next goal is to make Yi Medicine available in the Yi College, and Qiang Medicine in the Qiang College.”

“Now we are making preparations for the Department of Yi Medicine. Last time, I invited people from the State Ethnic Affairs Commission, the State Administration of Religious Affairs, Sichuan Department of Health, Department of Education, Administration of Religious Affairs, the Liangshan Prefecture Government, Bureau of Health, and leaders from various hospitals, to come to our school and attend the forum on the development of Yi medicine. After the conference, we took minutes stamped with the offi cial seal of the Southwest University for Nationalities, and sent them to all the prime principals of the units that had taken part in the forum. As a result, on the next day, the Director General of the Sichuan Bureau of Religious Affairs sent an urgent directive to the Prefecture of Liangshan Prefecture to rebuild the five Chinese hospitals as Chinese and Yi hospitals. The Director has been my teacher. The hospitals rebuilt, he called me to say ‘Liu Yuan, I will knock you down someday! I had thought that Yi medicine could develop step by step, but you push me to speed up again and again!’ It is a masterpiece of mine and another Chinese Medicine PhD!”

Liu Yuan and her team’s sincere love and ardent work to extend ethnic medicines fi nally won acclamation from the people of Yi and Qiang in Northwestern Sichuan. There is a President of Yi nationality, also a well-known Yi poet, has become a fi rm supporter of Liu Yuan. He said: “Though I don’t understand our Yi medicine, I believe what Mrs. Liu intends to do is a milestone for my nationality, so I support her!” Liu Yuan helped him apply for the subject, prepare materials, and went with him to the State Chinese Medicine Bureau and the State Ethnic Affairs Commission for an application. As the 30 thousand Yuan project was approved, the President became the Principal, an old Yi doctor took the second position, a PhD of Medicine took the third, and Liu Yuan herself, the fourth. Such an arrangement was beyond the President’s expectation, he asked: “Mrs. Liu, shall you be the Principal?” Liu Yuan answered,“Don’t worry! No one but you is so perfectly justifi able. You are a Yi person, speak Yi language, and understand Yi culture; though I know medicine, I don’t know about your Yi pharmacy. What I have is nothing but enthusiasm! I would like to help you with my enthusiasm. It is our common cause, and I will devote my later life to our Yi people.”

We Want to Do the same thing

On August 6th, 2011, Liu Yuan was awarded the title of “Young and Middle-aged Expert with Outstanding Contributions” by Sichuan Department of Health.

Once, Liu Yuan was invited to attend a project review for the New Lotus Company Ltd. As an expert on Chinese medicine, when it was her turn to give a speech, except for some ideas on the project, she talked a lot about the medicinal plants on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Then, her professional, “authentic” and incisive opinions impressed all the experts at the meeting and also aroused a great interest from the boss of New Lotus, Jiang Yun. In fact, the chairman has graduated from the Western China Medical University. It is very rare for a businessman to have accepted professional training among the Chinese pharmacy bosses. They quickly became partners and immediately discussed cooperative projects.

After the conference, Liu Yuan asked Wang Yong (Vice-President), Zeng Ming, (Vice-President) and all PhDs in the Institute of Ethnic Materia Medica, the College of Chemistry and Environmental Engineering, to make a fi eld trip to New Lotus; soon afterwards, people from New Lotus visited the university, and the two sides made an agreement to develop cooperation between the university and the company. In the Fritillariae Cirrhosae Bulbus Base built by New Lotus in Songpan, the school is responsible for technique and scientifi c research, and the company for growing and marketing.

For instance, the teachers studied rheum offi cinale and found the Rheumtanguticum had better quality, especially the species produced in Songpan. The New Lotus turned to the government of Aba Prefecture to ask for support. At that time, Sichuan was still in the process of restoration after the Wenchuan Earthquake in 2008, and the state offered subsidies for the local farmers and herdsmen. The prefecture government thought that it was better to set up a project rather than hand out money directly, thus the farmers could create a sustainable income. As such, growing rheum offi cinale was included in the list of projects promoted by the government. However, the government didn’t implement it by force; instead, they gathered the Village Secretaries and Heads, freely offered them seeds and training, asking them have a try. Four years later, the farmers received a good harvest of rheum offi cinale. 666 square meters of land can produce one ton of dried medicinal materials. The company purchased the rheum offi cinale at the market price of 15 Yuan per kilogram. Therefore, 666 square meters of land can bring an income of more than 10 thousand Yuan. Village Secretaries and Heads made much more money from rheum offi cinale than the highland barley that they had been working with in past decades. News spread fast. Villagers came and required to plant it, so the Prefecture for Science and Technology Bureau extended the range into several thousand Mu.“Actually, we have a vast territory with a sparse population here. Almost every household has a lot of land. Since the common people’s initiative to plant rheum offi cinale has been supported, except on their own property, some even rented 30 or 40 Mu to grow the medicine.” Lv Qiang, the Base Director said, “Thus, the government did solid work for the common people, for them to make more money. The company produced a supply of stable and pure material resources, a win-win cooperation in real sense.”

The different sides of the winwin project not only went far in their cooperation, but also made progress every day. The New Lotus set up a greenhouse to enable a 365-day supervision of the raw medicine’s growth environment and biological traits, investing a lot to build a meteorological station so as to monitor the weather for 24 hours a day. The data will be sent back to their headquarters in Chengdu, and became the fi rsthand data on the medicine’s growth and development. On the other hand, Liu Yuan’s programs, such as “the Technical Specifi cations and Quality Evaluation on How to Transform the Ethno-drug Wild Herb Plumbaginis Zeylanicae, into a Household Plant”, a project belonging to the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Sichuan Science and Technology Department’s project on “How to Screen the New Anticancer Medicine, Herba Plumbaginis Zeylanicae, by Biological Techniques, and Study Its Activity and Toxicity Metabolic Mechanism”, the Sichuan Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine’s “Technical Specifi cations and Quality Evaluation on How to Transform the Tibetan Medicinal Material, Wild Acanthopanax Giralddii Harms into a Household Plant” enjoyed a vast space in the base for experiment and verifi cation. As a result, she became a candidate for Outstanding Youth Subject Pace Settlers granted by Sichuan Province.

“Our project with the New Lotus is to do nothing but help herdsmen in the pastoral area to increase their income. Like Professor Tang Xinyao, a senior of mine, who has devoted all his life to the study of Fritillariawabuensi S .Y. Tanget S. C. Yueh. In 2010, the species was examined and approved by the state, and listed in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia. Afterwards, it became legal and farmers could plant it and the pharmaceutical factory could purchase it. With Fritillariawabuensi S .Y. Tanget S. C. Yueh, one grower makes 400 thousand Yuan in a stroke! We can do even more than this, so the New Lotus has constructed a new base in Songpinggou, the County of Mao, and induced the surrounding Qiang people to plant Fritillariawabuensi S.Y. Tanget S.C. Yueh. Our two sides will continue our cooperation and build another base in Hongyuan. The reason we have done all this is with but one aim, to improve the husbandry economy in Northwestern Sichuan, help the government adjust the industrial structure, and make use of ethnic medicine to benefi t and increase the income of the herdsmen. Actually, our school, the New Lotus Company and the Aba Prefecture government are all doing the same thing!”

A Team in Real Sense

In the end of Year 2012, Liu Yuan was transferred to be Vice-Director of the Institute of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, mainly responsible for“the Specifi c Biological Resource Preservation and Utilization Park”. Talking of her ideas for the future, she said she and her team would build in the Hongyuan Base “the Plateau Ethnic Medicine Herbarium, a conservation base for the Plateau’s Ethnic Medicinal Plants’Germplasm Gene Pool, a base to breed the best seeds of the Plateau’s Ethnic Medicinal Material, the Plateau Ethnic Medicine Material Large-Scale Development and Standardized Cultivation Base, as well as a technique to transform the Wild Plateau Ethnic Pharmaceutical Materials into household plants”. The work is full of responsibility and challenges, but she likes the challenge.

“In my team, including Director Wang Yong, Vice Director Li Jian, Vice Director Zhong Jincheng, Vice Director Wen Yongli, Mr. Li is a Tibetan, Mr. Zhong, a Hani, and Mr. Wen, a Chinese growing up in the Tibetan area. We get on well with each other, a true and sincere friendship. We all have our own directions, different from each other. I don’t understand their motivations and they don’t know mine, however, we support and depend on each other, exclude the diffi culties and feel anxiety for each other. It gives me a warm feeling because we are a team in a real sense, an integral whole. We all do our best for the Institute of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, in which I am very confi dent. I love the new cause very much and will not mind the hard work on the highland. Because it is so remote, I am afraid that there will not so many people to come and help the cause, which is why the New Lotus would like to cooperate with us, and why we can do it for them, because we want to do the same thing and we can complement each other’s advantages. For example, we embrace the platform of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission and can seek support from the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Science and Technology, and the State Administration of Religious Affairs. They, the companies, can extend our study results on a large scale and become an industry to help the common people increase their income and help patients recover. It makes sense to spread such cooperation between the government, enterprises, universities or scientifi c research organizations all over the country.”

In 2009, Liu Yuan went to Canada for study. Her teacher was an ethnic Chinese studying panax quinguefolium. In Canada, it doesn’t snow from May to October. Every month, Liu Yuan would hire a driver and rent a car to head for the farm to pick up samples until October, when the snow covers the mountain, plants fall and stop growing. Like the staff in the New Lotus Fritillariae Cirrhosae Bulbus Base, the farm keeps only a few longtime daily administrators. “When the real harvest season begins, the Canadians will do it this way: they use a harvester to turn over the earth like a bulldozer. All leaves and stems of the panax quinguefolium are collected into the machine to be made into fertilizer, then, they use an excavator to dig up the panax quinguefolium under the earth out and collect it. Then, it is time for them to employ thousands of people to work on it and eventually cultivate the medicine so that agricultural industrialization should follow. Now, we cooperate in producing the New Lotus, though it is still in the fi rst stage, because to plant medicines on the highland, especially on the TibetQinghai Plateau, will require much organization and cooperation with sincerity on a basis of equality. The winding course we have experienced cannot be repeated because it has been so long and complex. We can only survive by becoming a real team, to make progress together and, as a matter of fact, build our common family well.”