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(乌鲁木齐市实验学校 新疆 乌鲁木齐 830000)

【摘 要】中学英语教学的一项重要任务就是培养学生学习英语的兴趣,而课堂教学作为中学英语教学的重要环节,是培养学生学习兴趣的重要途径。通过精心设计课堂教学,如采用情景式教学和任务型教学,可以充分调动学生的学习积极性,培养学生的学习兴趣,达到理想的教学效果。


1. 引言 中学英语教学中,学生学习兴趣的培养是一项重要的教学任务。教师在向学生传授英语知识的同时,还应通过各种手段和途径来培养学生的学习兴趣,这样才能保证学生保证较高的学习动机,提高学生学习英语的自主性。而在中学英语教学的各个环节之中,课堂教学是最重要、也是最主要的一个环节。课堂设计的好坏直接影响着学生的学习兴趣,而学生学习兴趣的高低和学生的学习态度和教学效果有密切关系。因此,中学英语教师的一个重要职责,就是通过成功的课堂教学设计培养学生的学习兴趣,最终实现由“要我学”到“我要学”的转变。


2. 学生学习兴趣与课堂教学 外语学习作为一种复杂的社会、心理活动,涉及的不仅仅是对母语和外语两种语言在语言形式、文化、语用等方面的差异性,更和学习者本身的情感有密切关系。情感指“人们对客观事物是否符合自己的需要而产生的态度的体验”(贾琳,2005)。在语言学习中,情感指学习者在学习过程中体会到的感情、情绪、态度等,其中学习兴趣是情感的一项重要组成部分,决定着学习者在学习中的感情和态度等。研究表明,学习兴趣在语言学习,尤其是外语学习过程中起着重要作用(郭书彩,2002)。兴趣是推动学生学习的内在动力,对学生学习动机的形成和学习效果的好坏有直接关系。如果学生对外语学习有浓厚的兴趣,在学习过程中就能发挥主观能动性,采取积极主动的态度进行学习,也更容易体会到成就感。相反,如果学生对外语学习的兴趣不高,就会在学习过程中比较被动,学习的效果相对而言就会低很多。因此,学生的学习兴趣在外语学习中起着重要作用。


3. 课堂教学中培养学生学习兴趣的尝试 笔者作为中学英语教学的一线教师,结合二语习得的现有研究成果和自身教学实践经验,在课堂教学过程中逐步摸索出一些培养学生学习兴趣的有效方法,其中最有效的是以下两种:



以笔者在讲授人教版英语八年级How do you make a banana milk shake?一课为例。本节课的任务是学会使用简单的英文单词以及中学英语句型来描述制作奶昔或汉堡、沙拉等的制作过程。为了使整节课生动、有趣,上课时我将实物带到课堂上。学生在看到这些工具时感到非常新奇,在上课前就有了学习的兴趣。课堂教学过程中,我先在讲台上,一边示范,一边叙述如何制作。学生全身贯注地的听讲、跟读,直至领会。然后布置任务:熟练背诵制作过程的同学可上前面实际操作,制作香蕉奶昔。学生背书的积极性充分调动了起来。

T: Morning, children. It's time for our happy English again. Are you happy?

Ss: Yeah.

T: I'm happy, too.

(Students and the teacher sing the song If You Are Happy together.课件)

T: Last class, I asked you to make a kind of drink or food, and write down the steps in English. Now, are you ready?

Ss: Say Yes loudly.

T: Good! Let's communicate. Who wants to try?

(Every student puts up their hands.)

T: Everyone wants?! Good. (Ask several students to communicate.)

T: Ok, Tom, please.

Tom: Sugar Tomatoes! I cut up some tomatoes, put them into the bowl, and add sugar to tomatoes.


T: Good! Oh, cut up the tomatoes. (板书 cut up)Yeah, add the sugar to the tomatoes. (板书add…to…)That's all?

Tom: Yeah!

T: Tom, what's the meaning of “cut up”.

Tom: 切碎

T: Yes, 切碎 Children, give me examples, ok?

Ss: Cut up the apples.

T: Yeah!

Ss: Cut up the meat.

T: Yeah!

T: What's the meaning of “add…to…”

Ss: 把……加到……上,

T: Examples?

Ss: Add butter to the bread.

T: Right!

Ss: Add solt to the salad.

T: Good!

T: Oh, Tom, how do you know these?

Tom: Look up the dictionary!

T: That's a really good way. Sit down.

T: Next one? Lucy!

Lucy: Apple juice. I peel the apples, cut them up, then put them into the blender, at last, I turn on it.

T: Well done!

T: Lucy, just now you said: Peel the apples. What's the meaning of peel?

Lucy: 剥或削

T: Now can you spell?

Lucy: P-E-E-L.

T: Yes, peel. (板书)Pay attention to “ee”, here pronounce /i:/ Examples?

Ss: Peel the bananas. Peel the pears. Peel the orange…

T: Quite right.

T: Children, Lucy made apple juice, and she said: Put the apples into the blender, so, can you guessWhat's the meaning of “blender?”

Ss: 果汁机。

T:(Surprised.)You're very clever, and try to spell “blender”.

Ss: (根据读音拼写) B-L-E-N-D-E-R. (师板书)

T: Pretty good! B-L-E-N-D-E-R. (领读两遍)

T: Ok, look, this is a blender. (拿出果汁机) Now, you must know what's the meaning of “ turn on” the blender, “turn off” the blender.(动作演示)(板书)

Ss: 打开,关上。

T: Yes ,turn on means 打开, turn off means 关上,examples? Ok?

Ss: Turn on / off the light, computer, TV…

T: But just now, Lucy, you said “put the honey into the blender” I don't think it's the best way of saying this sentence. We'd better say: Pour the honey into the blender. (板书)pour…into…means把…倒进,here, “our” pronounce / :/ such as――

Ss: Pour the water into the bowl.

T: Right!

Ss: Pour the milk into the glass.

T: Wonderful!

T: Wow, Lucy, how do you know so many new words and phrases?

Ss: On the Internet.

T: I think you must be good at computer. Right?

( Lucy smiles happily.)

T: Now, please read and memorize these words and phrases by yourselves. (Two minutes).

(Students read by themselves.)

T: Who can lead us to read? Volunteer!

(Ask two students to lead others to read.)


任务型教学方法(task-based approach)是目前国内外语言教学中的一种重要的教学方法,其具体操作分为三个步骤:任务前、任务中和任务后。任务前阶段需要教师根据特定的教学目的设计选取适当的任务,同时带领学生了解有关任务的背景知识及信息,并告知学生任务的内容、操作方法、要求等。任务中阶段需要教师知指导学生实施任务,并在必要的时候给予一定指导和帮助。任务后阶段需要教师带领学生回顾任务过程,分析任务中出现的问题,并着重提出任务过程中的学生应掌握的核心知识和技能。



(T: My children. You've all done a good job. So, I'll give you a special gift. Do you want to see?

Ss: Yes. (Happily)

T: Ok! The gift is a banana milk shake. (板书a banana milk shake,)and Say:This word pronounce /?eIk/ (Lead students to read)

T: Milk shake means 奶昔. It's a kind of drink. Now, do you want to know how to make it?

Ss: Yes. (Can't help waiting)

T: Ok, Let's learn Unit 3 together. How do you make a banana milk shake? 板书

(Students read the topic.)

T: Then I'll show you how to make it. But, can you give me a hand?

Ss: Say ok happily.

T: Thank you. Describe my actions in English, Ok? Look here. (Take out the blender. 引导学生描述)

Teacher: First―― Students: Peel the bananas. Cut up the bananas.

Teacher: Next―― Students: Put the bananas and ice cream into the blender.

Teacher: Then―― Students: Pour the milk into the blender.

Teacher: Finally―― Students: Turn on the blender. Turn off the blender.

T: Very great. That's ok. Now the milk shake looks wonderful! Have a taste?

Ss: Really want.(Invite several students to taste.)

S1: Delicious.

T: Thank you!

S2: Great. I want one more glass of it. ( Other students laugh.)

T: Now, I can't wait to taste,too. (Have a taste.)Wow, really delicious! After class, everyone can have a taste, ok?

T: Look at the blackboard. Just now, I used First, next, then, finally, (板书)we should know, we use these words can make the listener understand us more clearly. Understand?

Ss: Yes.

T: Ok, now have a test. Listen to the tape, put the sentences in the right order. (课件习题)

T: Let's check the answer.

Task: Make a new kind of drink or food.

T: This class, we've learnt so many ways of making drink and food! Are you excited?

Ss: Answer the teacher happily.

T: Me, too. Now do you want to make a new kind of them?

Ss: Yes. ( Excited.)

T: Ok, look at the screen.(课件展示图片) Wow, here're so many ingredients. Strawberry, pear, apple and so on. Pay attention to this word. Y-o-g-u-r-t, here, o pronounce /D/, ur pronounce /?/, so the word pronounce――/'jDg?t / 生抢读

T: Very good! It means酸奶.

T: Then, choose some of them to make what you like. Work in groups.

(Students work in groups to talk about how to make what they like.)

T: Time's up! Who wants to tell us? (Ask several students to communicate.)

T: Lily!

Lily: Strawberry milk shake. (汇报制作方法)

T: Good! Your milk shake must be wonderful. But, children, first, peel the strawberries, right?

Ss: No, don't need to peel strawberries.

T: Right, washing them is ok! Lily, ok?

Lily: I know.

T: Bob!

Bob: Fruit salad!

T: You're very creative!

Bob: First…then…next…finally…(汇报制作方法)

T: So much?

Bob: Yeah.

T: Oh, your salad sounds delicious. I'm a little piggish.

T: But, How many bananas do you need?(板书, Bob answers: Two.)

How many watermelons do you need? (板书, Bob answers: One.)

How much yogurt do you need? (板书, Bob answers: One cup.)

How much honey do you need? (板书, Bob answers: Two teaspoons.)

T: Students, look here. How many用于对可数名词的数量提问, Such as――

Ss: apples, books, friends…

T: Right!

(One student said: ice cream.)

T: Oh, ice cream? It's uncountable. How much用于对不可数名词的数量提问, Such as ice cream. Examples?

4. 结论 中学英语教学中,任课教师在传授知识的同时,更重要的是要注重培养学生学习英语的兴趣。通过采用情景式教学和任务型教学,教师可以在教学过程中精心设计课堂教学,充分调动学生的学习积极性,不断培养学生的学习兴趣,从而达到理想的教学效果。更重要的是,学生英语学习兴趣的培养,有助于学生自主学习和终身学习能力的培养和提高,并为日后更高层次的学习打下基础。


[1] 方文礼,外语任务型教学方法纵横谈,外语与外语教学,2003年第9期

[2] 郭书彩,外语课堂合作学习中的情感与认知因素,国外外语教学,2002年第2期

[3] 贾琳,情感因素在外语教学中的应用,安阳师范学院学报,2005年