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International Students in Zhejiang University of Technology

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The international student program at Zhejiang University of Technology scored a great accomplishment in 2010, as testified by many new records. Last year, 785 students from 65 countries and regions took long or short courses at the university, ranking the university the number one of all the higher education institutions in zhejiang Province in terms of the international student population. Year 2010 also witnessed the first international PhD candidate studying at the university.

Feng Dingzhong, vice president of International College under ZJUT, owes the success of the international student program to a guideline designed to provide excellent services and enable international students to want to come and stay and enable them to love China, Hangzhou and ZJUT in particular.

The guideline works. International students at the college find it easy to love the scenic Hangzhou and establish affinity for Chinese culture.

Jeremy Friendlein

Jeremy Friendlein is an American teaching at the ZJUT. He is also in charge of a China-USA cooperative project. With a history of 15 years dedicated to the study of the Chinese language, he speaks fluent Chinese. As a project supervisor on the campus, he forbids Americans studying at the university from speaking English. Jokingly, he said to us that you would be awarded 1,000 yuan if you caught an American student speaking English in the classroom building. He said that the students from Middlebury College, a top college of liberal arts of America, were forbidden from speaking English there. If they are found violating the rule, they risk being sent back to USA.

Those who know Jeremy Friendlein closely comment that the American really wants his American students to love China and Hangzhou. The American students in his care love him because of his great help and organization and hate him because of his high-handed rules designed to help American students make the most of their studies at ZJUT.

Jeremy Friendlein has a passion for Hangzhou. Upon his arrival in the city, he spent a whole year touring around Hangzhou and spent three year drawing a map of Hangzhou with detailed annotations on sightseeing, restaurants, shopping, jogging and bus routes. The latest version was finalized after more than ten drafts and updates. Today, the map is recommended to foreign students so that they can enjoy the local charms of Hangzhou without wasting time to rediscover the basics. The map is extremely popular with international students. Friendlein has visited almost all the tourist attractions in and around Hangzhou, hiked in almost all the mountains around the West Lake and visited almost all the western food restaurants across the city.

In 2007, Jeremy Friendlein was named a Youth Model by Hangzhou Committee of Communist Youth League of China.


Roland is a handsome young man from Ghana, Africa. He came to ZJUT in September, 2010 to study Chinese. After a semester, he has adjusted very well to the campus life and is on the right track for mastering the difficult oriental language. Back in Ghana, Roland was a university teacher. His mother worried if the son would adjust well to a life so different. Now Roland has a lot of friends on the campus. His friends are amazed by the way he has learned to speak Chinese. They are deeply impressed by his perfect pronunciation. At first he had difficulty in writing and reading Chinese characters. He worked hard for the mid-term examination but he failed to write some words under pressure. He ate nothing that evening because he was frustrated by his failure, worrying that he might lose the scholarship.

Takahiro Kunihiko

A Japanese couple is now studying Chinese at ZJUT. Takahiro Kunihiko, the husband, spent two years teaching Japanese in China from March 1983 to February 1985. After the mission fulfilled, he went back to his hometown Susono City and served as a director for a China-Japan friendship association there. After Shizuoka Prefecture and Zhejiang Province struck up a friendly tie, the husband and wife came to teach Japanese in Hangzhou. The two have been in Hangzhou for six years now. Even one year ago, the couple did not dream of becoming students at ZJUT. In September 2010, the couple applied to an international student course offered by ZJUT. Though retired now, the 67-year-old husband says that in Japan people say it is not late if you start learning something at 60. He now plans to start a Chinese language school back home once he completes the study at ZJUT. He is in the talk with some Chinese friends back in Japan about making arrangements.

ZJUT organizes a full range of after-class activities for international students. In 2006, international students with ZJUT joined a provincial program sponsored by Zhejiang Administration of Education to visit special facilities for international students. In 2007, ZJUT set up an international student friendship association. Also in 2007, international students at ZJUT participated in a kite event organized by the sports authorities and the kite association in Zhejiang. In 2007, international students from ZJUT joined a Zhejiang program to do sightseeing across Zhejiang. In 2008, ZJUT set up an international student basketball team.

The international student program at ZJUT provides services that ensure foreign students to study well and live well on the campus and enjoy life in Hangzhou. At the induction course, every new student receives a handbook that contains maps, rules, scholarship information. Muslin students dine at a special canteen. Since 2007, international students with long-term studies have been insured. Since 2008, a scholarship system has been in place to award the academic excellence of international students. Over the past three years, scholarships worth 300,000 have been distributed.