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How can kids get closer to their families?

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Parents are the closest people to you in the world. They love you just because you’re you. And they would do anything for you.

Like a lot of middle school students, Zhuang Shuxia has a problem. She and her parents don’t get on well. “I really want to be my Daddy’s little girl. But it feels like he just doesn’t understand. He talks to me and doesn’t listen.” said Zhuang, a Junior 3 student in Shijiazhuang, Hebei.

Do you and your parents also have problems?

Well, why don’t you take a walk and have a talk on Saturday? May 15 is the (国际家庭日). On that day, people around the world give thanks for good things about their families and work on family problems.

A study last year showed that 1,500 Beijing families had the same problem as Zhuang’s family. The children, 12 to 15 years old, didn’t like talking with their parents much. They weren’t happy at home. Of course, lots of kids feel like that. But you and your parents will be much happier if you can be friends.

Here are some ways to have a good talk with your parents―Find a good time to talk, like when you’re eating dinner, going out for a walk or watching TV. Tell them something you’re interested in, ask them about their lives when they were young. They love to talk about that! Listen to them carefully, and look them in the eye. Be honest. Your parents will(信任) you more. And a trusting family is a happy family.

1. Zhuang Shuxia and her Daddy don’t get on well because ________.

A. her Daddy doesn’t talk to her

B. her parents don’t love her

C. she doesn’t love her parents

D. they can’t understand each other

2. The purpose of _______ is to let people in the world think more about families and family problems.

A. the writer of the article

B. the International Day of Families

C. the story of Zhuang Shuxia

D. the study of Beijing families

3. The problem discussed in the text mostly happens to ___________.

A. junior school students

B. families in Beijing

C. families in Hebei

D. primary school students

4. The underlined word “that” in the last paragraph means __________.

A. going out for a walk or watching TV

B. something your parents are interested in

C. your parents’ lives in the past

D. some way to have a good talk

5. Which of the following isn’t a good way for kids to get closer to their families?

A. Find a good time to talk.

B. Don’t talk to their parents.

C. Listen to them carefully.

D. Be honest to their parents.



1.D 第一段重点谈到爱孩子是父母的天性,故不选B项。第二段中从Zhuang的话语里可以看出,她爱父亲,但是父亲不理解她。因此问题所在是父女缺乏沟通,故D项是正确答案。

2.B 由文中 “people around the world give thanks for good things about their families and work on family problems”可得出。

3.A由文中 “12 to l5 years old”这个年龄段可推断出,这是主要在初中时期常发生的问题,另外,文中的案例只是说明问题的普遍性,故不选B、C和D项。


5.B 此题是反向提问,即哪一项不是使家人关系更密切的好方法。B项与文章主旨不符;A、C、D三项才是作者给出的方法。故选B项。