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这次我们找来了导演和一位美食家就各自的专业来评述“美食”和“电影”共同的哲理――你可以成为你想要成为的人,只要肯努力和坚持朝自己的梦想进发!(PS. 对话中口语化很强,各位读者朋友要注意学习哦!!!)


Brad Bird:《超人总动员》《料理鼠王》的导演

Thomas Keller: 美国最好的厨师之一,拥有美国五大最棒的餐厅之一


Thomas Keller: Anybody can cook. It’s just up to your desire, the determination to make something, to get some emotional connection with somebody. I think you must be actually attached to what you are doing. Certainly, with food, it is very easy because it’s something that nurtures us.[点明“任何人只要想做事,有毅力做就能做成”的观点]

Brad Bird:I am constantly trying to get the audience into the state of feeling and how things feel rather than how things are. I am trying to get something that is very primal, very simple, I think(1), indulging in human aspect of being alive. Every idea comes about in its own way. I had an idea for a film that started with me hearing a song and thinking it was another song.

Other thoughts come out of, just a thought you have of “what if?” or “super heroes must feel defeated sometimes.”[首先要有自己的想法和目标]

Thomas Keller: And the food can be so aspring. It comes in raw form. You think “What am I gonna(2) do with this?” What do we look when we are trying to find a new dish? It is the end product. Then we work backwards. We establish different techniques and different products we gonna use that will result in that end.[用食物作类比]

Brad Bird:The mistake that a lot of people make is thinking that you can force ideas to come. You can’t really. All that you can do is observing what kind of environment puts you in the state of creative mind and then trying to create that environment.


Thomas Keller: One of the excitements of doing something is spontaneousness. How can you make the dish feel spontaneous over and over and over again without something becoming old in your feeling? And that is about us as cooks making sure that each dish that we do is something that as fresh and dynamic as the first time that we did that.


Brad Bird:Animation is in the same way. It’s not the spontaneous act, but if you do it artfully, you get the feeling of spontaneous thought.

Thomas Keller: My mother ran a restaurant as I was the youngest in five boys. I spent a lot of time after school in a restaurant. And what the most important to me to become a cook really was just the fact that my mother would give me a job.[家庭的因素有时也不可小视]

Brad Bird:I made a film started at the age of 11 that took me three years to make. And I attended in some contests and won some awards. And I sent it to Disney. They responded right away and was amazing to me. They opened their doors, and said, “You can work with one of our great animators. Whenever you’re in L.A(3),the door is open.” And I made sure that I will go to L.A. I got assigned to work with Mill Karl. Mill is one of the greatest artist ever lived. He was tough. He was tough. I mean he did it in a nice way. He wasn’t cruel to me but he let me know absolutely where I was coming up short.[童年的经历成就现在]

Brad Bird:I think what you’re trying to do is getting people excited by what you’re excited about. I really love catering moments and I love trying to hit new standards. So many people have greatness in them, you know what I mean. It’s just coaching it out of them.


Thomas Keller: It’s not about perfection. It’s about the quest for perfection. It’s the motivating thing. Because if you realize once, once you think it’s perfect, it’s no longer perfect.[追求完美才能离完美更近一步]

Brad Bird: People have told me that I have been demanding. I think I am enthusiastic demanding. I don’t think I’m mean about it. I think and I go(4)“Great! Now, if you just do one more thing.” I can’t help myself and I go. “Just, can you get a bit that...”

Thomas Keller: What makes it better? What makes you better than someone else? It’s your understanding by what you’re doing and being able to just change a little bit.[有时不需要在乎别人怎么看你,关键是你自己的信念和努力]

(1) 插入语

(2) Gonna 代替 going to,属于俗语体语言,在日常口语交际中经常使用

(3) L.A:Los Angeles的缩写

(4) 用go 表示 say