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英文摘要 第5期

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“Symbiosis of International Society” and IR Theory of Peace and Development

JIN Yingzhong(1)

Symbiosis of international society is a proposition universally valid and impeccable. Both the two world wars and the general crisis occurred in the first half of the last century indicated that the change of IR theory was at the turning point of history and that the proposition of symbiosis of international society would inevitably replace the proposition of international anarchism, though it has not been realized to date unfortunately. The post-war development of international society has all the more offered ample resources for establishing the leading position of the symbiosis of international society in IR research. By virtue of the momentum, it is the time to boost the Chinese traditional culture and Chinese wisdom of harmonious philosophy in the scientific explanation of the symbiosis of international society, which is particularly necessary for creating the IR theory of peace and development, sticking to the road of peace and development and contributing to the construction of a lasting peace, co-prosperity and harmonious world.

Strategy for American Innovation and Its Impacts on Sino-U.S. Relations

WANG Guoxing(18)

Obama administration recently has released the strategy for American innovation, updating the new strategic framework of national innovation, further putting forward five innovation action programs and keeping on emphasizing the role of government in national innovation. At the same time, the strategy is more concerned with the innovation in public space, with the efficiency of innovation system and with the role of private enterprises. Notwithstanding, the strategy faces three challenges, including the uncertainty of the innovation, the effectiveness regarding the innovation system that stretches defense-oriented researches to non-defense researches, and the sustainability problem brought about by party politics and high budget deficit. The competition in the strategies for innovation between China and U.S. is within limited areas, rather than a full scale one. The release of strategy for American innovation does intensify the competition to some extent between the two powers, especially in the area of intellectual property. But in areas of basic education, global public space and clean energy, the cooperation and competition will coexist and the same is true between the enterprises-subjects of innovation of the two countries.

Financial Crisis and Readjustment of American Hegemonic Strategy

Pang Aicheng & Huang Fengzhi (33)

Economy is the foundation of politics while finance is the foundation of hegemony. Financial crisis has weakened the U.S. comprehensive national strength, which forced U.S. to have made a series of adjustments in its hegemonic strategy. Economically, U.S. has implemented “economy first” strategy, “internalized” its hegemonic strategy, and consolidated the foundation of American hegemony in the world political economy. In international politics, U.S. has sped up the process of transitional diplomacy, initiating multilateralism and international coordination. In military area, U.S. has moved towards a relatively contracted military strategy, and timely adjusted its overseas military deployment in response to international financial crisis.

The Nuclear Power Debates and the Nuclear Power Policy Development in US

CUI Lei (44)

Nuclear power has been controversial in the United States since the first nuclear power plant was on the blueprint. The debates focused on the cost, safety of nuclear power and whether nuclear energy is clean. In the wake of Japanese nuclear crisis this last March, the anti-nuclear power movement in the United States is on the rise and the debates have been reoriented to nuclear safety, embodied in such issues as the preparedness of nuclear power plants to natural disasters, storage of nuclear waste, new plant construction and license renewal of existing nuclear power plants. The pace of nuclear power development in the United States will be decelerated by the debates in the short term, but in the long run, nuclear energy policy of Obama administration will not be substantially changed.

Poliheuristic Theory of Decision-making and U.S. Presidential Use of Military Force: A Quantitative Test

CHEN Chong & LIU Feng (58)

Poliheuristic (PH) theory postulates a two-stage decision process. The first step eliminates alternatives with an unacceptable return on a critical decision dimension on the basis of a simplifying heuristic and non-compensatory principle, and the second step involves a selection from among the remaining alternatives, employing a more rational strategy. This article attempts to test the two-stage hypothesis and non-compensatory principle of PH model with an emphasis on U.S. Presidential use of military force in foreign policy crises. The data are drawn from International Crisis Behavior (ICB3.0), which spans from 1946 to 2006. The Logistic regression results show that Domestic Political Loss as the key dimension of decision has a significant impact on the use of violence for U.S. presidents in response to a foreign policy crisis, which confirms our hypothesis that leaders tend to make decision based on a non-compensatory principle. And rational factors such as Power Discrepancy, Threats To Influence, and Domestic Economic Conditions are also statistically significant in the second stage. These findings lend credence to PH model.

International Financial System Reform: Assessment and Outlook

The Workshop on International Financial System Reform, SIIS (75)

Since the Great Financial Crisis (GFC) originating from the sub-prime debt crisis of the United States, International Financial System Reform has witnessed substantial progress. As the big two, IMF and the World Bank have both realized their most fruitful reforms in recent years, so do the international regulatory system and institutions. In and after this process, the emerging market economies start to play a more important role. However, the international financial system is still short to be fair, just and effective. In order to establish a really secure international financial safety net and maintain its own interests, China should take G20 as the main platform to further promote the reform of international financial system, strengthen the coordination of international financial regulation, support the diversification of reserve currency system and the internationalization of RMB, consolidate its regional and bilateral financial cooperation in parallel.

International Trade System Reform and China’s Active participation

CHEN Youjun (91)

The post-war international trade system based on the GATT/WTO structure has played a tremendous role in economic globalization and trade liberalization. However, given the shifting trade configuration and distribution of economic power, international trade system faces contradictions and problems, which become the basic cause to a new round of reform of the system. As a big power of trade and an influential developing country, China has actively participated and coordinated the further and deep adjustment of the international trade system, helping the framework-building of a sounder and better multilateral cooperation system of international trade. Moreover, the positive standing of China in terms of its struggling against trade protectionism and pushing for trade liberalization has expanded both the reforms and the goals of the new trade system. In addition, China’s participation has substantially introduced a multilateral coordinated system into the consultation system of the international trade system reform, provides the new system with innovation and influence, and provides the trade liberalization and economic globalization with a concrete status in political sense. In sum, China’s position and role in a just and fair international trade system will become more solid and important. Besides, the manifestation of China’s value is not to revolutionize the traditional system, but to stick to the principle of “taking the essence and going to its dregs”, in order to push for an orderly, effective, equal, harmonious reform of the trade system and to realize a process of development “treating domestic and foreign markets to be equally important, and promoting foreign market by improving domestic market”.

Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Energy Cooperation

SUN Yongxiang (105)

Energy Cooperation within SCO framework started in 2003 against the background that due to the threat of international terrorism and political instability in some energy producers, global energy supply might face disaster and which posed challenge to Asia-Pacific region as well. Energy cooperation is an important cooperation within SCO and the organization has made progress in energy cooperation in recent years. However, thanks to the different national conditions and different national interests in respect of international markets, the cooperation finds itself with problems such as different energy development strategies, lack of mutual trust and understanding, and great power competition in Central Asia concerning energy resources. For sake of that, this essay imparts with some viewpoints.