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目的、活动名称、组织者、(地点)时间(1)+ 参与者(2)+ 内容(3、4)+ 意义/感受(5)

参与者、活动名称(组织者)、地点、时间(1)+ 目的(2)+ 内容(3、4)+ 意义/感受(5)


时间、活动名称、主题、参与者、地点(1)+ 内容(2、3、4)+ 意义/感受(5)

时间、参与者、活动名称、地点、主题(1)+ 内容(2、3、4)+ 意义/感受(5)



参与者、活动名称、地点、时间(1)+ 主题(2)+ 内容(3、4)+ 意义/感受(5)


1. 熟记“活动内容前的英文模板”。



In order to support Guangzhou to hold the 2010 Asian Games and protect our environment,an activity was organized by the Youth League and the Students’ Union of our school during the week from January 3rd to January 8th. All the students in the senior grades took an active part in it.

More than 1500 students in Senior Three in our school attended the grown-up ceremony on the playground at 3∶00 p.m. on May 4th, 2011. The aim/ purpose of the ceremony is to build up the awareness of students’responsibility.


Last Wednesday afternoon,an activity on the theme of “how to become a popular student”was held for the students of Senior Three in the school library.

At 3∶00 this afternoon,the teachers and students in Senior Three as well as our parents attended the grown-up ceremony held in the school hall,whose theme is “Growth and Responsibility”.

2. 合理组织“活动内容”要点。

活动感想类作文不可避免要介绍一些活动内容, 考生需适时借助一些句式或连接词(如下文划线部分)将活动内容要点合理连贯地连接在一起。




Students sang a song to express their thanks to their parents first,and then hugged them in the ceremony. Besides, they swore that they would become qualified citizens and devote themselves to society and serve the country.


Some students cleaned the playground,watered the young trees and flowers,and removed weeds. Others collected waste paper,old books,empty cans and old toys. Then they had them sorted and sent them to the recycling center.

3. 阐述“意义/感受”。


After the activity,we all realize that such a drill is not only essential for us but also greatly improves our sense of safety.

After the activity,we feel it’s of importance for us to experience such a drill,which greatly improves our sense of safety.


1. 活动名称

activity,competition,match,celebration,a(n)speech /English /singing /dancing Contest,the English Corner,the English Culture Festival,the School Art Festival,the sports meet,a talent /robot show,a birthday /dancing party,a five-day tour /journey /trip,a ten-day winter camp, the opening /closing ceremony, etc.

2. 组织者和参与者

学生会 the Student Union/ the Students’Union; 学生团委 the Youth League; 班、年级 Class ××, Junior / Senior ××; 选手contestant(s); 参加者the participant(s)

3. 活动内容


参加,出席take part in, participate in,attend

报名参加enter for,sign up for,go for a picnic, go on an outing,go hiking,collect waste paper, exchange presents,put on performances,deliver a speech, give comments,compete with sb. for sth.

The party began/ended with ...

We had quite a few activities such as (doing) sth.

There were various activities including singing, dancing on the stage,a game of tug-of-war on the playground and so on.

4. 活动结果

获得名次come first /second /third /last,get the first /second /third place

赢得比赛win the championship,be /become the champion

输了比赛lose the game,be beaten in the game, fail (in) sth., fail to do sth.

5. 活动意义/感受

sth. provide sb. with a(n) chance/opportunity to do sth.

sth. offer sb. a(n) chance /opportunity to do sth.

display one’s talent for sth. improve one’s ability /skills

enrich one’s life

broaden one’s horizons

have a deep influence on

sth. increase one’s interest in sth.

sth. increase/arouse one’s enthusiasm /passion for sth.

sth. play an important role /part in ...

sth. contribute to ...

sth ... enable /allow sb. to do

sb. have a good /wonderful time,

sb. enjoy oneself,

sb, have great fun

sb. have a(n) unforgettable /meaningful /interesting /exciting /challenging /fantastic evening

sb. have a better knowledge /understanding of sth.

sb. come to realize sth.

Never in my life shall I forget the impressive days in ...


1. 报道下面活动的“活动内容前”部分。

2. 报道下面成人宣誓仪式的程序部分。

3. 发表参加“地球一小时(Earth Hour)”活动的感想。





1. To/ In order to celebrate the great achievements in the past 30 years of reform and opening up,a speech contest organized by Senior Two was held in the gymnasium of our school on the afternoon of March 15th, 2010. More than 1200 people were lucky to listen to the speeches on the spot,including all the teachers and students in Senior 2,the leaders of our school and parents of some students.

2. First,we made an oath,and then a student, representing all of us,made a speech,showing our thanks to not only our parents but also our teachers and talking about our great ideals. After that, some teachers and parents offered us their congratulations and expressed their expectations for our future. Eventually, we watched wonderful performances put on by students from different classes.

3. How meaningful the activity is,for it arouses people’s awareness to protect our earth.

Thanks to Earth Hour, more and more people will pay more attention to protecting our earth.

Though it is a single mass event, people are contributing in their own way to saving our planet and one hour’s going dark means a bright future.


In order to enrich the students’school life as well as to exhibit the achievements of quality education,the Third Science and Art Festival was held in our school between May 19th and 28th. All the students and the teaching staff took an active part in it. There were various activities including exhibitions of the students’inventions and painting works,a singing competition,a speech contest and so on. During the ten days,45 teachers and students were awarded because of their excellent performances. Both teachers and students spoke highly of the festival,saying that it gave us a good opportunity to display our talents and inspired us to be more creative.


责任编校 蒋小青