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[摘要] 学生在对三种从句的学习中,特别是对名词性从句的学习有很大困惑。针对这一情况和平时的教学积累,可以巧妙地攻破这一难点。

[关键词] 名词性从句 疑问代词 疑问副词




1. who is feeding sheep happily in the yard in the evening?

2. What is a farmer feeding happily in the yard in the evening?

3. How is a farmer feeding sheep in the yard in the evening?

4.where is a farmer feeding sheep in the evening?

5.When is a farmer feeding sheep in the yard?从变成的问句中,可以清楚地看到疑问代词或疑问副词在原来的句中做成分。为下一步引入到初中做准备。初三时,学生们非常熟悉直接引语变成间接引语也就是含有宾语从句的复合句。不过还是先介绍句子的结构 S + P,并且引入连词(并列连词和从属连词),有了他们才会出现并列句和从句(定语从句、状语从句、名词性从句)。接着引入名词在句中的基本作用,它充当主语、表语、宾语和同位语。那么,在复合句中,有些从句的作用相当于名词,可充当主语、宾语、表语和同位语,分别称为主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句和同位语从句。最后,在此时引入直接引语变间接引语也就是含有宾语从句的主从复合句。现将上面句子变成直接引语。

6.She asks me“who is feeding sheep happily in the yard in the evening ? ”

7.She asks me“What is a farmer feeding happily in the yard in the evening ?”

8.she asks me “How is a farmer feeding sheep in the yard in the evening ?”

9.She asks me “where is a farmer feeding sheep in the evening ?”

10.She asks me “When is a farmer feeding sheep in the yard ?”


11.She asks me who is feeding sheep happily in the yard in the evening .

12.She asks me What a farmer is feeding happily in the yard in the evening .

13.She asks me How a farmer is feeding sheep in the yard in the evening .

14.She asks me where a farmer is feeding sheep in the evening.

15.She asks me When a farmer is feeding sheep in the yard .


She asks me “A farmer is feeding sheep happily in the yard in the evening.”

She asks me “Is a farmer feeding sheep happily in the yard in the evening.”


She asks me that a farmer is feeding sheep happily in the yard in the evening.”

She asks me whether/if a farmer is feeding sheep happily in the yard in the evening.

可以看出, that /whether /if不做成分,只起连接作用。但是,that无意义,而whether /if有意义“是否”。从这部分中,学生从宾语从句了解到大多数词的由来,为识别奠定了基础。



1.That she will go to our party is certain.(主语从句)

2.That is why I am late .(表语从句)

3.I quite agree with what you said .(宾语从句)

4.I have no idea when my wife will be back . (同位语从句)


学生掌握了以上两点,再在做题的话就有一定的基础。那么,趁热打铁总结一下名词性从句的关联词:①连接词:that,whether,if;②疑问代词:who,what,Whom,whose,which (有范围的选择)等;③疑问副词:when,why,how,where.



1.caused the accident is still a complete mystery.

A. What B. That C. How D. Where

解析:①判断为主语从句;②缺主语;③配合语境,选择答案为 A。

2. leaves the room last ought turn off the lights.

A.Who B. Whoever C. When D. Where

解析:如果有ever可以不用理会它。①.判断为主语从句;②缺主语,选择疑问代词,排除C,D剩下A,B;③用语境配合发现who针对某个人提问,而加Ever范围放大为任何人,所以选 whoever .

3. I will tell him the news is none of your business.

A.Whether B.If C.Even D.Which



1.用whether不用 if


例如,The question is whether the book is worth seeing.

The news whether our team has won the match is unknown.


例如,It all depends (on) whether they will support us.


例如,She does not know not to stay or not .④后面紧接or not时.

例如,They did know whether or not she was ready.


例如,I doubt whether he will fight for the people.


例如,It is a pity that Xiaohua suffers from AIDS.

4.用 whoever或 whatever引导的主语从句一般不后置,也不用替代词 it.

例如,Whoever wants a book may have one.

5.某些作表语的形容词,如 certain,sorry,glad,sure等词后面也可以带宾语从句。

例如,Iam sorry that Icame so late.


例如,She said (that) she had finished reading this novel and that she borrowed another one.

7.介词后的宾语从句多用what和whether等疑问词引导,不接that引导的宾语从句(except/but that和 in that (因为)除外)。

例如,He found nothing wrong in what he said .

She knows nothing about the man except that he is a teacher.




