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Saving money


Daniel goes to work by bus every day. One day after work, he was 1the bus at the bus stop. After a few 2 , the bus came. But it didn’t stop at the bus stop. Daniel thought it would stop a bit further so he started running after the bus.

But the bus 3 stopped. It kept running. Daniel kept running after the bus4he found that he had already gotten his home.

Daniel was very5 that he could save some money today. He happily told his wife, “Dear, you know, today I run after the bus home. I didn’t have to pay the bus.” But his wife is not happy6 . She shouted at her Daniel. “Do you know how much you can save, if you ran after a 7 ?”


( ) 1. A. waiting for

B. looking forC. asking for

D. looking after

( ) 2. A. days B. minutes C. weeks D. seconds

( ) 3. A. always B. usually C. everD. never

() 4. A. until B. when C. after D. before

() 5. A. free B. surprised C. happy D. busy

() 6. A. at least B. at all C. at first D. at most

() 7. A. bike B. plane C. train D. taxi




1. A本题考查短语动词。一天下班后,丹尼尔正在公共汽车站等车。wait for 意为“等候”; look for意为“寻找”;ask for意为“询问”;look after意为“照顾;照看”。根据语境,丹尼尔是在等车。

2. B 本题考查名词。题意为“几分钟后,公共汽车来了”。

3. D 本题考查副词。题意为“但是公共汽车从来没停下”。

4. A 本题考查连词。题意为“丹尼尔一直在车后跑,直到他发现已经到家”。

5. C 本题考查形容词。省钱了,丹尼尔感到高兴。所以形容词应该用happy。

6. B 本题考查介词短语。但他的妻子根本不高兴。 at least意为“至少”; at all意为“根本不”;at first意为“起初”;at most意为“至多”。根据语境,at all符合题意。

7.D 本题考查名词。题意为“如果跟在出租车后面跑回家的话,你知道你会省多少钱吗”?人不可能跟在火车和飞机后面跑。按妻子的观点,跟在费用高的交通工具后面跑回家省钱多,出租车费用比公共汽车高。




Big John is coming


A very small man worked as a waiter in a bar. The owner of the bar gave him a word of warning: “Drop everything and run for your life if ever you hear that Big John is on his way to town.” The man worked several months without any problems.

Then one day a huge man rushed in, shouting, “Big John is coming,” and knocked the small waiter on the floor in his hurry to get out.

Before the waiter had a chance to stand up, the huge man with a black bushy beard rode into the bar through the swinging doors on the back of a buffalo (水牛) with a rattlesnake (响尾蛇) in his hand. The man knocked over tables, threw the snake into the corner.

He then waved his big fist and broke the bar tables in half as he asked for a drink. The waiter nervously pushed a bottle at the man. He bit off the top of the bottle with his teeth and downed the drink in one mouth, and turned to leave.

Seeing that he wasn’t hurting anyone, the waiter asked the man if he would like another drink.

“I have no time,” the man shouted. “Big John is coming to town.”


( ) 1. What did the owner tell the small man to do when Big John was coming to town?

A. To sell the bar

B. To run for his life

C. To stay in the bar

D. To keep the bar for him

( ) 2. The huge man came into the bar to _______.

A. have a drink

B. pay for his meal

C. eat some food

D. visit the small man

( )3.The huge man was ____ to the small man in the bar.

A. warm B. kind

C. friendlyD. rude

() 4. The underlined word “fist” mean ______ in Chinese.

A.脑袋 B. 脚掌

C. 拳头 D. 指头

( ) 5. We learn from the story that ______.

A.the bar owner didn’t care for the small man

B.the small man had thought the huge man was Big John

C. the huge man wanted to find Big John

D. the small man got out the bar in a hurry when he saw Big John




1. B 细节理解题。短文第一段酒吧主人警告侍者“Drop everything and run for your life if ever you hear that Big John is on his way to town.(如果你听说新兵在来我们镇的道路上,你就丢下所有东西逃命就是)”。 故正确答案为B。

2. A 细节理解题。由短文第四段的…as he asked for a drink可知,高个男人在酒吧里最终只要了一杯酒,可见他是来喝酒的。故正确答案为A。

3. D 推理判断题。由短文第三段可知,高个男人骑着水牛,带着响尾蛇,闯进酒吧,撞翻桌子,挥拳砸碎桌子,通过这一系列动作,我们可以看出,他待人很不礼貌。故正确答案为D。

4. C 词义猜测题。由短文第四段的“他挥舞_____把桌子破碎成两半……”的语境可知,男人用的拳头。故正确答案为C。

5. B 综合判断题。由故事过程可知,酒吧矮个侍者一直认为来人就是新兵,短文最后一句才知道,他也是躲避新兵的。故正确答案为B。