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新闻速递 第9期

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The Prime Minister said that he was the right man to steer Britain through troubled economic times.


Breaking off from the G8 summit in Japan, Gordon Brown insisted that the economy was still growing, with “very high” employment rates and comparatively low interest rates.

The Prime Minister also responded to doubts over his leadership by declaring that he would not have stood for the job if he had not thought he was the right man.

“The issue is, can we deal with these three fundamental problems? I believe that you do need the global action that we are talking about and I believe that the British economy is in a better position than most economies.” He said it was essential that summits, such as the G8, helped to create global solutions to the world’s dependence on oil and increase food production.


Only God Can Prevent South Africa Staging 2010 World Cup.


Only God can prevent South Africa from hosting the 2010 World Cup, South African Local Organizing Committee chief executive Danny Jordaan said.

Jordan was furious over reports in the local media quoting FIFA president Blatter as saying he had a Plan B in case South Africa was not ready to host the 2010 showpiece. “I do not believe we will have one security problem at the Confederations Cup or the World Cup.”

The 2010 LOC launched its campaign to employ 5000 volunteers for the Confederations Cup and 15,000 for the World Cup. They would come from all sectors of South Africa and be paid a nominal fee. Foreign volunteers will also be accommodated.Jordan also stressed he was confident that stadiums for the Confederations Cup and World Cup would be completed on schedule, despite reports that some stadiums were lagging behind.


Jet Li Invited to Join Oscar Voters.


Chinese martial-arts star Jet Li is among 105 film personalities who have been invited to join the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, it was announced on Monday.

Li’s membership will entitle him the right to help decide Oscar winners. He also joins the ranks of Chinese stars such as Jackie Chan, Joan Chen and Vivian Wu who have previously been invited to join the academy. The invitees’ fields span acting, directing, producing, editing and writing. They will bring the academy’s voting members to nearly 6,000.



Even with gas prices cresting above $4 a gallon, large SUVs, pickup trucks and even Toyota Priuses barrel down freeways here in suburban Detroit at more than 75 miles per hour―well beyond the 55 mph that was the national speed limit during the 1970s and 1980s.

If the U.S. Energy Department’s calculations are right, all these lead foots could save the equivalent of 29 cents to 94 cents a gallon if they slowed down just to 60 mph―and reduce the fuel they burn by about 7% ~ 23%.

While energy policy debates are abstract, the speed you drive on the freeway is real. Most Americans are in favor of burning less “foreign oil”. Not as many want to slow down to achieve that goal. This is cognitive dissonance on a mass scale. It would be good to talk this out, and Americans will likely get that chance. The idea of adopting a nationwide, slower speed limit is coming around again.


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