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A Bilingual Calligrapher's Brilliant Career

By Huang Zhiyi

Liang Shaoying is a preeminent calligrapher. He staged his first Tokyo solo exhibition in 2003. Recently, his translations of A History of Japanese Calligraphy and A History of Japanese Art have been published in China. These two books provide Chinese readers with an insight into the Japanese culture and add a brilliant chapter to cultural exchanges between the two neighboring countries.

Born in a mountainous village in Xinchang, Zhejiang Province, Liang began to learn how to read and write at age five from his father, a village school teacher. Fascinated by illustrations in his father’s textbooks, the boy practiced himself into copying them. His strong interest in drawings and calligraphy grew with him.

In 1983, he graduated from high school, but his poor mathematics score disqualified him in the college entrance examination. He started working as an art designer at a local print shop. During this period he devoted his spare time to practicing calligraphy after models of ancient masters. In 1991, his calligraphic work won him the top prize at the 2nd National TV Calligraphy and Seal Carving Awards. More than 70,000 candidates participated in the contest. While in Beijing, he found time to visit top-class calligraphers such as Qigong and Shen Peng for advice and knowledge.

If Liang’s winning of the first prize marked a brilliant beginning of his career as a calligrapher, the first turning point of his career came in 1992 when he resigned from the print shop and started studying the Japanese language at Hangzhou University. In addition to the language studies, he spent a lot of time at the university’s library reading literature, history and philosophy. And he also frequented the library of the Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts (today’s China Academy of Fine Arts) where books and magazines of calligraphy in Japanese were available. He visited professors at the academy and enjoyed the great benefit from their advice.

The second turning point of his career came in 1999.

At the invitation of the Rongbaozhai Publishing House, he went to Beijing and worked as an editor for Complete Works of Chinese Calligraphy. The 108-volume collection was designed to showcase the calligraphic art from the Shang (C.1600-C.1100 B.C.) and Zhou (C.1100-221B.C.) dynasties down to the present time. It was the third effort in the Chinese history to sum up calligraphic masterpieces. Such a complete, systematic, thorough, and painstaking study of an art is rare not only in China but also in the world.

Working as such an editor provided Liang with a golden opportunity of a thorough exposure to calligraphic masterpieces. He was able to review more than 1,000 original antique masterpieces. Every two weeks, he paid a visit to Wang Yong, a top calligrapher and knowledgeable theorist in the field. From the master, Liang absorbed both the history of calligraphy in the Qin (221-206B.C.) and Han (206B.C.-220A.D.) dynasties and skills and tips of the calligraphic art.

After winning his first top award in the early 1990s, Liang Shaoying as a calligrapher became more masterly and gradually established himself as a master in the field. Later he won the National Award at the 5th National Calligraphy and Seal Carving Exhibition. The award is the top award of all awards issued at exhibitions held by Chinese Calligraphers“Association. His artworks have been exhibited in Japan, Singapore, Korea, Taiwan and some European countries.

Liang Shaoying is also well versed in histories of music, art, and theater. Since 1989, he has published over 30 treaties on case studies, techniques, historical trends, and artist groups. What is more, he has published articles on Japanese calligraphy and arts, and translated over 20 articles by Japanese scholars.

(Translated by David)