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With some 150,000 overseas and 500,000 domestic[国内的]

tourists expected in Guangzhou during the Asian Games, its global image is in for a boost[推进], along with its coffers[金库].

Yin Tao, director of the Institute of Industrial Economy and Enterprise Management under the Guangzhou Academy of

Social Sciences, said the city’s tourism revenue[收入] is expected

to receive $80 million from overseas tourists and one billion yuan ($147 million) from domestic ones during the Games.

In preparation for the influx[流入] of visitors, the city’s

transport network, telecommunications systems and tourism

facilities[便利设备] have all been upgraded, along with

improvements to the quality of its air and water, Yin said.

Michelle Caporicci, general manager of the Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou, said the hotel anticipated[预期] a steady stream of bookings, including tourists, delegations[代表团] from participating countries and members of the Asian Games committee.

“The Games will change people’s perception[了解] of Guangzhou as primarily a business destination, so we are

expecting many more domestic tourists in Guangzhou,” she said.

“Local corporations are taking this opportunity to invite guests to Guangzhou to showcase the city’s potential. The Games will also attract local tourists from the Pearl River

Delta and neighboring cities because of their

proximity[接近],” she said.

The province’s tourism industry is

expected to continue to benefit after the Games, especially due to all the

improvements that have been made in the host city, she added.

Guangzhou had 118 million tourists last year, which generated[产生] 99.404 billion yuan in tourism revenue, including $3.624 billion in foreign currency, according to the tourism administration of Guangzhou.









