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灭所多玛 第11期

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The DestructionofSodom

The Lord appeared to Abraham by the terebinths1of Mamre. As Abraham was sitting at the opening of his tent in the heat of the day, he looked up and saw three men standing in front of him .He ran from the opening of his tent to meet them and bowed low to the ground. “Sirs,”he said, “if I have deserved your favour , do not pass by my humble2self without a visit .Let me send for some water so that you may wash your feet and rest under a tree; and let me fetch3a little food so that you may refresh4yourselves. Afterwards you may continue the journey which has brought you my way .”They said, Do by all means as you say.?So Abraham hurried into the tent to Sarah and said, “Take three measures5of flour quickly, knead6it and make some cakes.” Then Abraham ran to the cattle, chose a fine tender calf and gave it to a servant, who hurriedly prepared it. He took curds7and milk and the calf he had prepared, set it before them, and waited on them himself under the tree while they ate. They asked him where Sarah his wife was ,and he said, There, in the tent.”The stranger said, “About this time next year I will be sure to come back to you, and Sarah your wife shall have a son.”

Now Sarah was listening at the opening of the tent; and he was close beside it .Both Abraham and Sarah had grown very old, and Sarah was past the age of child-bearing. So Sarah laughed to herself and said.“I am past bearing children now that I am past bearing children now that I am out of my time, and my husband is old.”The Lord said to Abraham, Ehy did Sarah laugh. Is anything impossible for the Lord? In due season I will come back to you , about this time next year, and Sarah shall have a son. ?

The men set out and looked down towards Sodom, and Abraham went with them to start them on their way … So the Lord said, Yhere is a great outcry over Sodom and Gomorrah; their sin is very grave. I must go down and see whether their deeds warrant the outcry which has reached me . I am resolved to know the truth.?When the men turned and went towards Sodom, Abraham remained standing before the Lord. Abraham drew near him and said, Wilt thou really sweep away good and bad together? Suppose there are fifty good men in the city; wilt thou really sweep it away ,and not pardon the place because of the fifty good men? Far be if from thee to do this-to kill good and bad together; for then the good would suffer with the bad .Far be if from thee . Shall not the judge of all the earth do what is just?”The Lord said, If I find in the city of Sodom fifty good men, I will pardon the whole place for their sake”…Abraham said, “I pray thee not to be angry .O Lord, if I speak just once more: suppose ten can be found there?”He said, For the sake ofthe ten I will not destroy it.”The two angels came to Sodom in the evening ,and Lot was sitting in the gateway of the city. When he saw them he said, “I pray you ,sirs ,turn aside to my humble home, spend the night there and wash your feet ;you can rise early and continue you journey.”No,“they answered, We will spend the night in the street.”But Lot was so insistent13that they did turn aside and enter his house .He prepared a meal for them ,baking unleavened14cakes, and they ate them. Before they lay down to sleep, the men of Sodom, both young and old, surrounded the house-veryone without excep-tion. Bring them out,”they shouted, “so that we can have in-tercourse15with them.

“Lot went out into the doorway to them, closed the door behind him and said, “No, my friends, do not be so wicked. Look, I have two daughters, both ,virgins; let me bring them out to you ,and you can do what you like with them; but do not touch these men, because they have come under the shelter16 of my roof .”They said, “But of our way! This man has come and settled here as an alien, and does he now take it upon himself to judge us? We will treat you worse than them.?They crowded in on the man Lot and pressed close to smash17in the door. But the two men inside reached out ,pulled Lot in ,and closed the door. Then they struck the men in the doorway with blindness, both small and great, so that they could not find the door.

The two men said to Lot. “Have you anyone else here, son-sin-law18,sons, or daughters ,of any who belong to you in the city? Get them out of this place, because we are going to destroy it.?As soon as it was dawn ,the angels urged Lot to go. When he lingered19 they took him by the hand ,with his wife and his daughters, and, because the Lord had spared him, led him on until he was outside the city . When they had brought them out, they said ,“Flee for your lives; do not look back and do not stop anywhere in the Plain .Flee to the hills or you will be swept away.”And then the Lord rained down fire and brim-stone20 from the skies on Sodom and Gomorrah .He overthrew those cities and destroyed all the Plain, with everyone living there and everything growing in the ground. But Lot’s wife, behind him, looked back, and she turned into a pillar21of salt.

注 解


2、Humble adj. 卑下的,微贱的,谦逊的,粗陋的

3、Fetchvt. 接来,取来,带来

4、Refreshv. (使)精神振作,(使)精力恢复,更新

5、Measure n. 尺寸,量度器,量度标准,方法,测量,措施

6、Kneadvt. 揉(面等)成团,捏制(面包、陶器等),按摩,捏制

7、Curd n.(常用复数)凝块,凝乳,凝结物

8、Warrantvt. 保证,辩解,担保,批准,使有正当理由

9、Sweep away一扫而空


11、Suffervt. 遭受,经历,忍受vi.受痛苦,受损害

12、For the sake of为了……的缘故

13、Insistent adj. 坚持不懈的

14、Unleavened adj. 未经发酵的,没放酵粉的,未受激发的

15、Intercourse n. 交往,交流

16、Sheltern. 掩蔽处,掩蔽,保护,庇护所

17、Smash v. 打碎,粉碎 n. 打碎,粉碎

18、Sons-in-law 女婿

19、Lingerv. 逗留,闲荡,拖延,游移


21、Pilla n.[建]柱子,栋梁,重要的支持者


这几个人动身走了,朝所多玛城而去。亚伯拉罕送他们上路。……天主说:“所多玛和蛾摩拉地方罪孽深重,怨声已经传到我耳中。我必须到那里去看看他们的所作所为是否和传到这里的那样糟糕。我决定去那里了解真象。”当他们转身走向所多玛的时候,亚伯拉罕仍旧站在天主面前。他靠近天主说:“你真的打算把善和恶都一起毁灭,不考虑有五十个好人而赦免它吗?这决不是你的行为方式,你不会把好坏一起消灭掉的,如果那样好人就会因坏人而受累。你决不能这样的。难道主宰世界的你就不主持公道吗?”天主说:“如果我发现所多玛城里有五十个好人,我一定会为了他们而赦免全城的。”……亚伯拉罕说: “请不要生气,天主啊,我还要补充一句:要是在那里只是有十个好人呢?”上帝说:“为了这十个人我也不会毁灭那个城市。”



