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The world’s most famous inventors are household names. As we all know, Thomas Edison invented the light bulb, Alexander Graham Bell invented the phone.

Except they didn’t. The ideas didn’t spring, Athena-like, fully formed from their brains. In fact, they didn’t spring fully formed from anybody’s brains. That is the myth of the lonely inventor and the eureka moment.




As the tale goes, Samuel Morse was having dinner with friends and debating electromagnetism when he realized that if an electrical signal could travel instantly across a wire, why couldn’t information do the same? Like most fun eureka stories, it’s a fib. The telegraph was invented by not only Morse, but also Charles Wheatstone, and Sir William Fothergill Cooke, so near to each other that the British Supreme Court refused to issue one patent. Morse’s key contribution was the application of Henry’s electromagnets to boost signal strength.


Like Morse, Alexander Graham Bell invented a technology that would later bear his name. But how much did he deserve it? The problem that Bell solved was to turn electrical signals into sounds. But this was such an obvious extension of the telegraph that there were many people working on it. Philip Reis had already designed a sound transmitter in 1860, and Hermann von Helmholtz had already built a receiver. Bell’s real contribution was “to vary the strength of the current to capture variations in voice and sound”, Lemley writes. In this tweak, he was racing against Thomas Edison. Even Bell’s final product―which combined transmitter, fluctuating current, and receiver―had company. Elisha Gray filed a patent application on the exact same day as Bell, only to lose the patent claim in court.


As just about everyone is taught, Thomas Edison invented the light-bulb. And as just about everyone later learns, Thomas Edison in no way invented the light-bulb. Electric lighting existed before him, incandescent light bulbs existed before him, and when other inventors got wind of Edison’s tinkerings, they roundly sued him for patent infringement. So what did Edison actually do? He discovered that a special species of bamboo had a higher resistance to electricity than carbonized paper, which means it could more efficiently produce light. Edison got rich off the bamboo, and filthy disgusting rich from superior manufacturing and marketing of his product.

The automobile

Today’s cars bear the names of their founders and innovators: Benz, Peugeot, Renault. But have you ever heard of a Dodge bicycle? Or a Mercedes tricycle? In fact, both companies specialized in bikes before moving the autos. The car industry represents the epitome of incremental innovation. Take a tricycle. Add an engine. You’ve got a car. It was Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach who designed the first four-wheel car with a four-stroke engine and Henry Ford who perfected the assembly line. But the long story short is that the car was a typical “invention” that was far too complicated for one person to conceive on his own.

The airplane

Speaking of building bikes, that’s exactly what Orville and Wilbur Wright did before they became the first team to fly a heavier-than-air machine. But, as we’ve learned, every great inventor stands on the shoulders of giants. When the Wright brothers asked the Smithsonian for all available information on the history of flight in 1899, they opened a history that had begun with Leonardo da Vinci’s scribbling and continued all the way to the 19th century gliders of Otto Liliental. But the Wrights solved one of the most nagging problems facing airplane developers―stability―by having “a single cable warp the wing and turn the rudder at the same time”. That was the tweak that put the first plane in the air.

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