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( ) 1. His motorbike hit a big stone and he ______ .

A. fell down B. fell off C. fell behind D. fell in

( ) 2. I saw Tom ______ out of the school just now.

A. go B. to go C. went D. goes

( ) 3. Don't you remember ______ a talk with Mr Green the day before yesterday.

A. to have B. having C. had D. has

( )4. Our family are going to visit ______ .

A. the Brown B. the Browns C. the Brown's D. the Browns'

( ) 5. She said hello to me when she ______ my garden.

A. pasted B. walked passed C. pass D. walked past

( )6. ______ they ______ a football game at four yesterday afternoon.

A. Were; having B. Are; having C. Do; have D. Did; had

( )7. The man was badly ______ . We should go and ______ a doctor at once.

A. hurt; take B. hurt; ask C. fallen; carry D. hurt; get

( ) 8. My grandpa was only a boy of fourteen when he ______ .

A. left school B. leaves school

C. was leaving school D. left from school

( ) 9. Please ______ the window. It's so cold outside.

A. not open B. don't open C. not to open D. not opening

( )10. Who broke ______ glasses?

A. of both B. both of C. the both D. both the

( ) 11. I hear ______ they'll come back from Guangzhou in two weeks.

A. when B. that C. what D. if

( ) 12. When we do the experiment, we should be ______ .

A. as careful as we can B. as carefully as possible

C. as possible as careful D. as we can as carefully

( ) 13. Buses ______ fewer people than trains.

A. carry B. get C. bring D. take

( ) 14. It's a little strange that the girl always sleeps ______ her eyes open.

A. but B. and C. when D. with

( ) 15.--What's your uncle's job? --He is a ______ .

A. cooker B. cook C. cooking D. cooks

( ) 16.--Don't you like skating? -- ______ .

A. No, I do B. Yes I don't C. Yes, I will D. No, I don't

( ) 17.______ here to ask them something about the traffic accident on the highway.

A. A police is B. The police are C. The police is D. The polices are

( ) 18. I do well in geography ______ Lin Tao is good at history.

A. so B. as C. or D. while

( ) 19. It's quite bright ______ the little boy ______ that physics problem.

A. of; to work out B. of; working out

C. for; to work out D. for;working out

( ) 20. One apple dropped to the ground while he ______ on the beach under the tree.

A. is laying B. lay C. is lying D. was lying

( ) 21. Listen! Can you hear the student ______ English next door?

A. reads B. reading C. to read D. are reading

( ) 22. The girl walked across the bridge ______ a basket ______ her head.

A. and; in B. with; with C. with; on D. and; with

( ) 23. They found a wallet ______ on the ground.

A. lied B. lay C. lying D. lie

( ) 24. When are you going to leave ______ Kunming?

A. of B. to C. for D. towards

( ) 25. Have you got ______ books about science?

A. any B. no C. every D. none

( ) 26.--Has she any books about music? --Yes,but she hasn't many, She has _____.

A. any B. many C. several D. little

( ) 27. Can you find out the answer ______ the question?

A. of B. on C. for D. to

( ) 28. There are books ______ many different subjects in the library.

A. at B. on C. for D. from

( ) 29. The teacher likes the students ______ the work themselves.

A. do B. doing C. to do D. done

( ) 30. Yesterday I borrowed a story book ______ Li Ming.

A. from B. to C. in D. for

( ) 31. He has never lost anything ______ .

A. ago B. at the time C. before D. from now on

( ) 32. Have you got a Chinese -English dictionary? -- Yes, I've got ______ .

A. a B. one C. this D. that

( ) 33. Peter ______ his science book and he's looking for it now.

A. lost B. is losing C. loses D. has lost

( ) 34. Have you traveled ______ train?

A. in B. on C. by D. by a

( ) 35. The man ______ America will give us a talk ______ his country.

A. from, on B. from, of C. of, in D. of, about

( ) 36. Meimei had to ______ the lost book.

A. pay for B. pay C. paid D. paid it for

( ) 37. Jim's mother is a teacher in his school and his father ______ here.

A. teaches too B. too teaches C. teaches also D. also teaches

( ) 38. ______ was pleased at the good news.

A. All city B. Whole the city C. The all city D. The whole city

( ) 39. Don't play with my chalk from now ______ .

A. in B. on C. after D. then

( ) 40. Our English teacher is very strict ______ herself.

A. on B. with C. by D. to

( ) 41. When we speak to people, we should be ______ .

A. as politely as possible B. as polite as possible

C. as politely as possibly D. as polite as possibly

( ) 42. I've lost my new watch. ______ .

A. What a pity B. What a bad thing C. Sorry D. Too bad

( ) 43. This isn't ______ pen.______ is broken.

A. my, Mine B. mine, My C. her, Her D. yours, Yours

( ) 44. Please lend me some money,______ ?

A. won't you B. don't you C. shall we D. will you

( ) 45. They could not find the boy ______ .

A. somewhere B. anywhere C. everywhere D. nowhere

( ) 46. Have you finished your work ______ ?

A. yet B. still C. already D. later

( ) 47. Sorry, I don't know the answer ______ the question.

A. of B. about C. to D. for

( ) 48. We may ______ the book for two weeks.

A. borrow B. keep C. lend D. renew

( ) 49. Are you sure you ______ it?

A. pay B. paid C. pay for D. paid for

( ) 50. She doesn't like her children ______ in the street.

A. play B. to play C. playing D. played

( ) 51. I borrowed a book ______ grammar ______ the library.

A. on,to B. about,from C. of,in D. with,at

( ) 52. Have you got a new English -Chinese dictionary? Yes, I've got ______ .

A. that B. this C. one D. a

( ) 53. This is the biggest bell ______ the history of China.

A. in B. at C. on D. of

( ) 54. How many English words ______ ? Do you know?

A. have you learned B. did you learn C. are you learning D. you learned

( ) 55. We like playing ______ piano, but they like playing ______ football.

A. a,the B. the,/ C./,a D. the,a

( ) 56. My car is not so expensive as ______ .

A. his B. he's C. he D. him

( ) 57. They are busy ______ their work.

A. do B. doing C. to do D. does

( ) 58. What ______ when I called you on the telephone?

A. did you do B. have you doneC. were you doing D. are you doing

( ) 59. Bill wanted me to ask you ______ with me.

A. go B. going C. to go D. went

( ) 60. You look ill. ______ anything wrong with you ?

A. Have B. Are there C. Has D. Is there

( ) 61. We hope you ______ be late for class tomorrow.

A. not to B. don't C. not D. won't

( ) 62. It's bad manners to ______ on the grass.

A. lay B. lie C. lying D. lies

( ) 63. Have you read this magazine ______ .

A. before B. ago C. for D. on

( ) 64. When I went downstairs, Mum was waiting for me ______ the table.

A. with B. on C. at D. in

( ) 65. Lily's father is an engineer in that company and her mother ______ there.

A. works also B. too works C. also works D. works too

( ) 66. ______ was excited when we heard that our team won the football game.

A. All class B. The whole class C. Whole class D. All a class

( ) 67. He got two letters from his friend but he answered ______ of them.

A. either B. both C. neither D. all

( ) 68. How long did it ______ you to finish drawing that picture?

A. take B. spend C. need D. use

( ) 69. Have you ever seen ______ small bird?

A. such B. so C. a so D. such a

( ) 70. ______ is not easy to see a rainbow now because of the air pollution(污染).

A. People B. Man C. It D. Children

( ) 71. He has ______ that bike for three months.

A. bought B. had C. borrowed D. used

( ) 72. A ______ always thinks his own time is more important than others.

A. football player B. shop assistant C. queue jumper D. Mr. Know -all

( ) 73. Many people were sitting on the bench ______ the doctor.

A. seeing B. for seeing C. saw D. to see

( ) 74. Stand back ! The bus______ .

A. is coming B. will come C. comes D. came

( ) 75. It was midnight already when they ______ home.

A. got to B. reached to C. arrived D. went to

( ) 76. How much did he ______ on the bike?

A. pay B. take C. spend D. cost


1. English is ______ used in the world. (wide)

2. Spring is the ______ time to plant trees. (good)

3. There were ______ of people watching the football match at that time yesterday.


4. We often go ______ in winter. (skate)

5. He did the work very ______ (care). Everybody said he had done a good job.

6. We hope it will be ______ tomorrow, for our picnic. (sun).

7. Jim looks the ______ of all in his class. (thin)

8. The girl often spends two hours ______ every day. (dance)

9. The boy lost his pen. He felt ______ (happy)

10. We hope that the people in the world should be ______ to each other. (friend)

11. He is in his ______ year at QingHua University. (three)

12. I can't eat any ______ (much) because I'm too full.

13. I saw my students ______ (play) on the play ground. I was very happy.

14. We're all very interested in the ______ (nine)lesson of new Book 3.

15. Look! Mum is busy ______ English food for us. (cook)


1. In China the last name is the ______ name.

2. It's sunny today. We're going out for a play. Would you like to ______ us ?

3. England lies to the ______ of France.

4. The Yellow River is the longest ______ river of China.

5. Where two lines meet makes a ______ .

6. You'd better not tell others about it. Please keep it as a ______ .

7. His favourite ______ at school were science and English.

8. We're living in the ______ century.

9. I feel tired these days. I must sit down and rest ______ ten minutes.

10. ______ is short for World Trade Organization.

11. Quick is ______ way of saying fast.

12. The 2008 Olympic Games will be held in ______ .

13. Driving carefully on the road, or there may be an ______ .

14. Relay race is a ______ race.

15. May Day is the ______ People's Day.


1. She has got a new dictionary? (改为一般疑问句)

__________ she ____________ a new dictionary?

2. They cat some old trees yesterday. (改为否定句)

They_________ ___________ _________old trees yesterday.

3. My father will come back in a month. (就划词部分提问)

________ _________ __________ ________ father ______ back?

4. Everybody goes to the shop for ,neat. (反意疑问句)

Everybody goes to the shop for meat, _______ _______ ?

5. Boys are usually not as quiet as girls. (同意句)

Boys are usually ___________ _________ girls.

6. The room is very small. It cannot hold 50 students. (改写句子,句意不变)

The classroom is__________ ________ ________ ________ 50 students.

7. Jim doesn't go to Japan. I don't go to Japan,either. (合并为一句)

______________ Jim __________ I _________ to Japan.