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By Paul Unwin


The majority of us would think that those who choose to jump off the top of a cliff or building with only a single parachute to save your life before hitting the ground ①are in dire need of having their heads examined. However, practitioners of 'Base Jumping' insist that they're no crazy adrenaline junkies who have exhausted all the extreme and dangerous sports they can think of, and therefore invented this one. According to them, the activity is enjoyed by a large cross-section of society, from solicitors and I.T. consultants to plumbers and students, people of all ages, even up to those in their fifties. Estimates place the number of base jumpers at less than 1500 worldwide, although you can count me out!


What Exactly is Base Jumping?

Base Jumping is basically using a parachute to jump off a tall fixed object. The word 'BASE' is an acronym standing for the four categories of objects from which one can make a jump:

B - Building

A - Antenna (An uninhabited tower, such as an aerial mast)

S - Span (A bridge, arch, or dome)

E - Earth (A cliff or other natural formation)

When a base jumper completes a jump from one of the 4 categories mentioned above, they apply for a 'BASE number', and the aim is to complete all 4.

Base Jumping History

BASE jumps really began in the early 1900's with a certain Frederick Law in 1912 jumping from the Statue of Liberty; Michael Pelkey and Brian Schubert jumped the cliff 'El Capitan' in Yosemite Valley in 1966, and in 1976 in the opening sequence of James Bond's The Spy Who Loved Me, stuntman Rick Sylvester jumped Mt. Asgard in Canada, first showing Base Jumping to the general public.

These early incidents were, however, more experimental, and it was not until 1978 that film-maker Carl Boenish coined the acronym BASE, that the jumps began as a true recreational exercise. Boenish used 'ram-air' parachutes (most modern parachutes we see today are self-inflating so-called 'ram-air' types), and the 'freefall tracking technique' (allowing the jumper to move away from the jumped-off object for safety).

By the 1980's, BASE jumping, largely due to the efforts of Boenish, increased in popularity amongst parachutists and skydivers and hundreds had begun to ②take an interest in and participate in the activity.

Differences between Base Jumping and Skydiving

1. BASE jumps are made from much lower altitudes than skydives.

2. During a BASE jump, the jumper will always be in close proximity to the object he has jumped from, greatly increasing the danger.

3. As a BASE jumper starts with no airspeed and generally jumps from a lower altitude than a skydiver, he will very rarely reach terminal velocity.

Base Jumping Technique

The BASE jumper's parachute has to open extremely quickly at low airspeeds. Also, the cliff or tower that the jumper has launched himself off will always be a danger if the parachute opens backwards, and can cause the jumper to impact with the jumped off object - this is the main cause of injury in base jumping.

Most Base jumps are made from less than 305 metres, leaving very little time to open a parachute. As an example, to fall to the ground from an object 150 metres high would take 6 seconds. In an instance such as this, the parachute must be opened before half the distance has been fallen (i.e. within 3 seconds). Normal parachutes and harnesses are not suitable for this kind of jump, and BASE jumpers use specially designed harnesses and parachute containers with extra large chutes. Scarily, they jump with no reserve parachute, as with such a short jump there would be no time to use one!

Base Jumping Today

In the 1990's the surge in interest in extreme sports led to more coverage and a little more acceptance of BASE jumping, although by most it is still seen as a daredevil stunt and not a sport. However, we will be unlikely to see it as an Olympic event in Beijing 2008 or even London 2012!

Still, BASE jumping remains popular with the movies, and in 2002 the actor Vin Diesel base jumps off a bridge in the movie XXX. It has remained popular with the Bond series also, with an Eiffel Tower jump in 1985's A View to a Kill, and several jumps created by special effects in later movies.

The current record for the highest BASE jump is held by Nic Feteris and Glenn Singlemann after jumping 19,000 feet from Trango cliff in Pakistan.

China's first Base Jumpers

On the 6th November 2004 at 8.30am, China's first BASE jumper, Ding Jianping, leapt off the 345m Jinmao Tower, Shanghai, and into the history books. In 2004 the International BASE jump show was held in the Jinmao tower and six Chinese jumpers joined another 31 from 15 different countries to jump from the top of the tower to the amazement and applause of the thousands of spectators.

6 jumpers from China were selected from more than 100 participants, chosen by Zhang Hesheng, director of the parachute department of the Aero Sports Federation of China, for their skydiving experience. Although the Chinese jumpers had the least experience of the 37 jumpers, Ding was the very first to leap off the building, holding the Chinese National flag.

Although most foreign jumpers had done hundreds of BASE jumps, the Chinese team of 6 only began in May 2004. Hu Weizhong, a female participant estimated that they had only practiced 15 or 16 times during training. All these training jumps were made from hot air balloon due to the lack of a suitable building. Hu commented that during the show they performed what was only their second real BASE jump from a real building.


“Base Jumping(低空跳伞)”基本上就是指使用降落伞从一个高耸的固定物体上跳下。“BASE”这个词是一个缩略语,代表的是人们可以跳下的四类物体:





当一个低空跳伞者在上述四类中的一类场所完成了一次跳跃,他们就会申请一个“BASE number”,而其目标就是完成所有的四类场所。





















adrenaline junkie

在文章的第一段中,用到了一个词组“adrenaline junkie”。这是一个固定搭配,指的是寻求刺激的一类人,这些人对于在危险境地下产生的那种兴奋感是异常着迷的。

parachute /`p2r9H6t/ n.降落伞

adrenaline /9`dren9lin/ n.肾上腺素

junkie /`_7Mki/ n.有毒瘾者

cross-section /kr4s`sekH9n/ n.(有代表性的)抽样;典型

solicitor /s9`lisit9/ n.律师;法律顾问

plumber /`pl7mb9/ n.水管工人

acronym /`2kr9nim/ n.只取首字母的缩写词

antenna /2n`ten9/ n.天线

aerial /`^ri9l/ n.天线

mast /m3st/ n.柱;天线竿

arch /3tH/ n.拱门

dome /d9um/ n.圆屋顶

stuntman /st7ntm2n/ n.特技演员;替身演员

recreational /rekri`eiH(9)n9l/ adj.娱乐性的;供消遣的

self-inflating /self in`fleitiM/ adj.自动充气的

parachutist /`p2r9H6tist/ n.跳伞人;伞兵

skydiver /skai`daiv9/ n.做空中造型动作的跳伞运动员

proximity /pr4k`simiti/ n.接近;亲近

airspeed /`^sp1d/ n.空速

terminal velocity 临界速度;终极速度

harness /`h3nis/ n.(降落伞)背带

chute /H6t/ n.降落伞

reserve /ri`z8v/ n.储备(物)

coverage /`k7v9ri_/ n.新闻报导

daredevil /`d^,devl/ adj.蛮勇的;不怕死的

applause /9`pl5z/ n.鼓掌欢迎;欢呼

① be in dire need of 急需

② take an interest in 对……感兴趣