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对学生实际语言运用能力的培养的倾向,强调课程从学生的学习兴趣,生活经验和认识水平出发,发展学生的综合语言运用能力”。 然而,传统的语言教学方法使语法教学脱离了实际生活,把语法变成了应试的工具,失去了原有的效用。鉴于此,我改变以前传统的英语语法教学,采用我的学校生活这一主题进行情景法教学。刚步入高一的学生对英语学习充满了浓厚的兴趣,但他们的兴趣往往是一腔热情,需要正确地引导。因此,我在设计定语从句的语法课时,从学生感兴趣的熟悉的学校生活入手,让学生运用基本的定语从句知识在轻松愉快描绘人物、事件、地点和时间,让学生happy to learn and do to learn.




1. show the following riddles and ask students to guess what they are.

1) It’s a tool [which/that] teachers used to write with.

2) It’s a bag [which/that] is always filled with books, pens and so on.

3) He is the person [who/that] is in charge of our school.

4) He is the person [who/that] takes care of the plants and flowers.

2. Test students’memory through presenting the four sentences above without the relative words and lead in the topic (people and places in school ; school things; school events)


1.Show pictures of the famous people from our school: Deng Xiuxin ;Wang Yougui;Zhang Chaojin; and guide students to describe them using attributive clauses.

Deng Xiuxin is the first doctor who/that works on the pomology(果树学).

Wang Yougui is a great composer who/that composed the song“春天的故事”.

Zhang Chaojin is a major genearal(少将)who/that comes from Tiantang Village.

2. Describing places

(1)Match the places with their introductions.

The library a place where/in which we have P.E class.

The dining room a place where/ in which a lot of books are stored.

The playground a place where/in which we sit to have dinner together.

(2)Complete the following introductions about places.

①Teachers’offices are the places ___________they work.

②No.4 middle school is a place __________we study.

③The library is a place__________store a lot of books for readers.

④The computer room is a place _________we learn the knowledge about computer.

3. Introducing school events(time)

(1)Show two pictures about school events and let students guess them.

①It’s a day when/on which we start new semester.----September 1st

②It’s a day when/on which we give blessings to all teachers.----Teachers’day

(2)Ask students to describe the big days shown by pictures. (Children’s Day;April Fool’s Day;New Year’s Day; Arbor Day)


1.Ask students to fill in the following chart

Noun Structure of the attributive clause

A thing Which/that

A person Who/that/whom

A place Where/in which

A day When/on which

A day Which/that

A place Which/that

2.Tell idiom stories in groups.

①Tell the story with the help of the pictures(程门立雪;凿壁借光;悬梁刺股;卧薪尝胆)

②Use 2 or 3 attributive clauses in proper places.

③When one group tell the story, other groups are expected to guess the idiom and count attributive clauses.