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You’ve heard it before―a princess kisses a frog and it turns into handsome 1)Prince Charming. But what if, instead, she turned into a frog? And that’s not the only attractive factor of Disney’s Oscar-bite movie, The Princess and the Frog.

For most of the last century, the Disney ’toon heroine has been as white as, well...Snow White. The studio’s first feature-film superstar marked her debut in 1937’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

It would take some 60 years for the Disney artists to begin painting their leading ladies with all the colors of the wind, including the Native American 2)Pocahontas (1995), the Chinese 3)Mulan (1998), and the Hawaiian 4)Lilo (2002).

Yet only now, with The Princess and the Frog, have Disney 5)animators put a black female front and center. Ironically, the inspiration for the new film came from two 6)Caucasian men: current Pixar-Disney chief, John Lasseter, and the late Walt Disney himself.

‘‘The story really came from an initial idea of doing an American fairy tale, which hadn’t been done at Disney,’’ said Princess co-director, Ron Clements. Discussion of the character’s race had some of the film’s 7)principals 8)bristling. ‘‘We walk around being black every day, and nobody talks about it,’’ noted 9)Anika Noni Rose, who supplies the voice of lead Princess, Tiana. ‘‘So, I suggest you follow your instinct and let it be nothing to be talked about.’’

Yet the actress continued to talk, ‘‘The big deal is that it will quietly affirm to young, brown-skinned children that they are special in this world, and I think that it is a bigger deal to those of us who grew up without it and are now adults and have been waiting for it. It’s exciting to us, because we know how important it is for our children to have, to be image affirmed.’’

Production was started on Princess in March 2006, long before the election of a new American president. But the coincidence isn’t lost on some members of the Princess cast. ‘‘It is historical in the sense that now there is ‘Obama’ and ‘Tiana,’’’ said 10)veteran character actress 11)Jenifer Lewis, widely known as ‘‘the black mother of Hollywood’’. ‘‘It is a new day,’’ she continued. ‘‘There is hope. There is change. That is what this movie is going to bring.’’

From some perspectives, it is not an American style fairy tale at all. The Princess and the Frog is set in 12)jazz-age New Orleans, where 19-year-old Tiana works as a waitress, saving up 13)nickels and dimes in the hopes of opening up a restaurant of her own. But her life plan is sent on a 14)detour when a 15)dashing, 16)Old World prince, Naveen, comes to town and runs 17)afoul a 18)voodoo-practicing “Shadow Man”, who transforms him into a frog. The frog prince persuades Tiana to give him a kiss in hopes of being restored to his true self. Instead, she turns into a frog, too. The couple ends up 19)on the run in the 20)bayou, where they meet an 21)assortment of colorful characters. Of course, it’s a happily-ever-after story. But the writers throw a few twists into the 22)formula.

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Because the story is set in real, historical America, the divide between rich and poor isn’t just the old 23)medieval hierarchy of princes and peasants. There is no 24)overt reference to racism, but in the opening scene, when a child Tiana returns from the 25)opulent home of her mother’s client, Big Daddy La Bouff, to her own family’s 26)ramshackle 27)abode, the social context couldn’t be clearer.

As a result, Tiana is no 28)wide-eyed dreamer waiting for her Prince Charming to 29)sweep her off her feet. In one of the movie’s wonderful musical 30)interludes, Tiana sings to Naveen, “I’ve worked for everything I’ve got, and that’s the way it’s supposed to be.”

In The Princess and the Frog, the lesson Tiana must learn is that, while dreams can be wonderful, they are not as important as our day-to-day connection with other human beings.

After a decade of devotion to computerized animated classics―from 31)Finding Nemo to 32)Up―Disney finally goes back to her tradition. The Princess and the Frog isn’t just Disney’s best traditionally animated feature since Beauty and the Beast and The Lion King in the early ’90s; it recaptures the fairy-tale magic of a more innocent era while also updating it for a 33)world-wise, 21st-century audience. The smart storytelling combines with spectacular visual set pieces and a spicy musical 34)gumbo to deliver one of the finest films in any genre.







《公主与青蛙》这部影片从2006年3月就开始制作了,比美国总统的换届竞选要早得多。但这部影片里的一些角色和这次竞选的结果不无巧合。“‘奥巴马’和‘提安娜’的出现都具有历史意义,” 享有“好莱坞的黑人妈妈”之美誉的资深女演员詹妮弗・路易斯说道。“新的一天到来了,”她继续说道,“有希望,有变革,这就是这部影片要带来的。”






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