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The Internet and English Teaching

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【Abstract 】Creative teachers have already accomplished wonders with their students by using such basic tools as paper, pencil and chalk; an abundance of high quality materials can enhance any educational program. As the new century comes near and near with uncased rhythm, a brand new technological tool has emerged and carried great potential for education use, that is, “The internet”. The Internet can and should be used as a teaching tool in a variety of ways. As the use of the Internet is widespread in numerous fields and domains, the applying of Internet in language learning is now ready for us to approaching, inquiring, developing and achieving.

【Key words】Internet english teaching

In the last few years the number of teachers using Computer-Assisted Language Learning has increased markedly and numerous articles have been written about the role of technology in education in the 21st century. Although the potential of the Internet for educational use has not been fully explored yet and the average school still makes limited use of computers, it is obvious that we have entered a new information age in which the links between technology and TEFL have already been established. The development of the Internet brought about a revolution in the teachers' perspective, as the teaching tools offered through the net were gradually becoming more reliable. Nowadays, the Internet is gaining immense popularity in foreign language teaching and more and more educators and learners are embracing it.

Ⅰ.Comparison of Traditional Language Teaching with Internet

Traditional English teaching is teacher oriented. This means the teacher is the boss; he or she decides everything in the English classroom. The teacher prepares the lesson before class, and then imports the knowledge to students at class. The teachers monitor the students' interaction by asking questions. What students could do is just to answer the questions negatively. There are seldom interactions between teacher-student and student-student. Voice of students is seldom been heard. This kind of teaching method is tedious and tiring. Most of the students have already fed up with it.

As far as Internet is concerned, it is very useful for English teaching, that is, the teacher can use it for gathering information for their classes. In addition to the communication benefits of the Internet, the Internet can also be used to retrieve and access information. The Internet is therefore a virtual library at one's fingertips; it is a readily available world of information for the language learner. In addition, the Internet is easy to operate, and the vast knowledge of the Internet and technology is necessary for instructors to apply the tools. The Net also offers interpretative English teaching methods, which involve visual image, text and also audio and video chip with variety of subjects. At this time, the students tend to have positive attitude on the learning process. Therefore, they are more likely to achieve more.

Ⅱ.The Internet as a Teaching and Learning Tool

In addition to the communication benefits of the Internet, the Internet can also be used to retrieve and access information. The World Wide Web is therefore a virtual library at one's fingertips; it is a readily available world of information for the language learner. While the Internet offers numerous benefits to the language learner, a few such possibilities are examined here, in the context of language learning.

Perhaps one of the most essential pedagogical principles of language teaching is one that emphasizes the study of language in a cultural context. The Internet is a valuable resource to both language teachers and learners. As discussed previously, e-mail on the Internet allows language learners to communicate with native speakers. The Internet can also be used to acquire information from language resources for a variety of purposes. For example, students can access current information from countries around the world. They can obtain geographical, historical, social/cultural, economic, and political information from the countries in which the target language is spoken. Students can read web versions of daily newspapers and same-day news reports from sources such as the French Embassy's gopher service, the daily Revue de Press (Armstrong and Yetter-Vassot, 1994). Such experiences can allow learners to participate in the culture of the target language, which in turn can enable them to further learn how cultural background influences one's view of the world.

The Internet also serves as a medium for experiencing and presenting creative works. While students can peruse the information on the Net, they can also use it as a platform for their own work such as essays, poetry, or stories.

Ⅲ.The Internet Benefits

Although the Internet has been available to most people, only recently have educators been realizing the potential that Internet can have in second and foreign language classrooms do. Internet provides a rapid and effective way to its users, and it has pervaded all aspects of the education, business, and economic sectors of our world. While the Internet offers numerous benefits to the language learners, some such possibilities are examined here or in the context of language teaching.

The Internet provides supplemental language activities, which can also provide students with additional practice in specific areas of language learning. These include reading tests and comprehension questions, grammar exercises, pronunciation exercises possibly through the available multimedia capabilities, cloze tests, vocabulary exercises, and so forth. Students can search the Web for such sites, or teachers may recommend specific sites on the Web.

In a world where the use of the Internet becomes more and more widespread, an English Language teacher's duty is to facilitate students' access to the web and make them feel like citizens of a global classroom, practicing communication on a global.


[1]Armstrong, K.M. & Yetter-Vassot, C. (1994). Transforming teaching through technology.Foreign Language Annals, 27(4):475-486.

[2]Davis, B. & Chang, Ye Ling. (1994/95). Long distance collaboration with on-line conferencing.TESOL Journal, 4(2):28-31.