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摘 要:






Shaping method for lowdensity lattice codes based on lower triangular matrix


ZHU Lianxiang, LUO Hongyu*


Chongqing Key Laboratory of Signal and Information Processing, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Chongqing 400065, China



To solve the problem that Low Density Lattice Codes (ldlc) cannot be used on the constrained power communication Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channel, the shaping methods were studied. In this paper, a lower triangular H matrix with a special structure was constructed first, together with the hypercube and systematic shaping method, and then the average power was fixed, the position change of lattice point before and after the shaping process, and its corresponding shaping gain were analyzed. The simulation results show that the codeword is uniformly distributed within the Voronoi regions of the lattice after shaping, and these shaping methods can achieve a shaping gain of 1.31dB when Symbol Error Rate (SER) 10-5 and code length 10000 which improves 0.31dB compared with the traditional shaping technique. Power limited lattice points were generated efficiently after shaping.

To solve the problem that Low Density Lattice Codes (LDLC) can not use on the constrained power communication Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channel, shaping methods was studied. In this paper, a lower triangular H matrix with a special structure was constructed first, together with the hypercube and systematic shaping method, and then the average power was fixed, the position change of lattice point before and after the shaping process, and its corresponding shaping gain were analyzed. The simulation results show that the codeword is uniformly distributed within the Voronoi regions of the lattice after shaping, and these shaping methods can achieve a shaping gain of 1.31dB when SER 10-5 and code length 10000 which improves 0.31dB compared with the traditional shaping technique. Power limited lattice points was generated efficiently after shaping.

英文关键词Key words:

Low Density Lattice Codes (LDLC); lattice point; hypercube shaping; systematic shaping

0 引言

格码(lattice codes)可以看作是类似线性二进制码字的欧氏空间,能够达到加性高斯白噪声(Additive White Gaussian Noise,AWGN)信道的信道容量[1],它提供了一个连续字符的编码方法,将整数值信息比特转化为欧氏空间的格点,可以看作是无限星座点在欧氏空间的子集。2007年 Sommer等提出了低密度格码(Low Density Lattice Codes, LDLC)[2],它是一种切实可行的、可达到信道容量的格码。近年来,许多学者都对LDLC进行了相关研究,并证明当码长为n=10000、误码率为10-5时,LDLC距离信道容量仅0.8dB,其译码器具有较低的复杂度[3-5]。因此,LDLC在AWGN信道上及在多入多出(MultipleInput MultipleOutput, MIMO)通信系统中都具有极大的潜力。
