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写这类文段时常常会含有remind, can’t help thinking of, crowd into/ come to/ spring to mind, recall, bring, remember, never forget, memories等字眼。常用句式有:

1. The story mind me of...这个故事让我想起了……

2. After reading the article above, I can’t help thinking of... who... and...as well as...读了以上这篇文章后,我不禁想起……,他/她……而且……还有,……

3. The story above reminds me of ..., my teacher (parent/ friend), who... He/ She not only... but also...I still remember when...上文的故事让我想起……,我的老师/父母/朋友,他/她不仅……,而且…… ,我仍记得那时……

4. When it comes to sb./sth., memories come crowding into my mind. There was a time when... 说到……,往事一齐涌上心头。曾有一段时间……

5. The story recalls my unforgettable experience with Mr. Lee, my English teacher...At that time, I ... 这个故事使我想起同我的英语老师李老师的那段难忘经历,那时,我……

6. When I... I will firstly think of sb. who always.../ whose... encourages me a lot. What strikes/ impresses me most is that... 当我……,我会马上想起……他的……对我鼓励很大。使我印象最为深刻的是……

7. The story brings back lots of (good/ bad) memories. Last summer/year when...这个故事唤起许多(美好的/不好的)回忆。上个暑假/去年……

8. The (sad/ funny/ moving/ touching...) story drives/ brings me back to ... when... 这个(伤心的/好笑的/令人感动的/使人感触良多的)故事让我回想起……,那时……

9. I can remember sth. as if it had happened yesterday. I will never forget that Spring Festival when... 某事我记忆犹新,仿佛就在昨天。我永远也不会忘记那个春节,那时……



参考文段:1. The story above reminds me of Mr. Lee, my English teacher in Senior One, who helped me a lot. He not only encouraged me to face bravely the difficulties I met with in my English learning but he also helped me with my English, which improved my English a lot. I still remember that he presented me with a book on how to learn English well, for which I longed for a long time.

参考文段:2. After reading the article above, I can’t help thinking of Mr. Lee, my English teacher in Senior One, who encouraged me to face bravely the difficulties I met with in my English learning and helped me with my English, which improved my English a lot as well as cared for us. I will never forget that he presented me with a book on how to learn English well, for which I longed for a long time.


1. 当你遇到挫折时你会想起谁?


2. 回忆你和朋友一起度过的最愉快的一天。


3. “半途而废(do things by halves /give up halfway) ”这个成语使你想起谁或何事?



1. 当你遇到挫折时你会想起谁?

When I meet with frustrations, I will firstly think of Zhang Haidi, paralyzed from the waist down, whose fighting spirit always encourages me never to give up. Though disabled, she fights bravely with the setbacks in her life and acquires great achievements on the translation and literary fields, which surely inspires me a lot. So every time I meet with frustrations, she will spring to my mind.

2. 回忆你和朋友一起度过的最愉快的一天。

When it comes to the happiest day I spent,I have vivid memories of my 16th birthday when I enjoyed a good and unforgettable time with my friend Tom. At that time, Tom spent a whole day being together with me, accompanying me to the baker’s to get my birthday cake and sharing my happiness and excitement. He also gave me a watch as a birthday present, which I like best and treasure a lot.

3. “半途而废(do things by halves /give up halfway)”这个成语使你想起谁或何事?

When it comes to the proverb/ saying “give up halfway”, memories come sweeping back to my mind. I will never forget an incident, in which I took part in the 1000-meter race in the school sports meet and I gave up when I felt breathless and exhausted. Actually, there was only 200 meters left, but I quitted with a cry of disappointment of my classmates. If I had carried on, I would have finished my race.


责任编校 蒋小青