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翻译:许婉燕 People crouched[蹲] onto the tar, stretching. They pulled on pants and coats to combat[抗击] the chill in the forest. They had backpacks[背包] and running shoes. A few had dogs. And in the woods, spots of color decorated the thick brush as competitors in bright-colored clothing set out in a staggered start.

An orienteering club was holding a club meet, an unofficial training competition where members could master their speed and navigation[方向感] and where beginners could get lost.

And find their way again.

A Scandinavian sport (it is still more popular in Europe), orienteering is slowly catching on in America and other places around the world. Finding your way with a map and compass注1 through unfamiliar terrain[地形] is the technical definition of orienteering, but for participants and competitors it falls somewhere between an intense scavenger hunt注2 and a huge game of capture the flag.

Before getting onto the course, the instructor worked the registration[登记] table and provided advice for beginners. He explained to one first-time family that an orienteering map is different from a standard topographical[地形学的]. It uses a larger scale and the compass is aligned[结合] to be compatible[一致的] with the map itself.

The family rented two compasses and set off with maps encased[装入] in plastic. With a level-choice of white, yellow, orange, green, red and blue, they chose white the introductory course.

The difference between courses is distance and complexity. And orienteers are encouraged to go off the beaten path[在人迹罕至的路上]. A beginner can start at any level though a gradual progression is recommended.

ou can get yourself in as much trouble as you want, right off the bat[立即], the instructor said.








“如果想自讨苦吃,你一定可以如愿以偿,甚至从一开始就会遇到诸多麻烦了,”他这样说道。 Tips 1: What Should We Bring?

The club hosting the event will provide the map. A compass may not be needed for a beginners course. If you have one, bring it. Any compass in which you can see the needle will do for now. Some clubs have compasses to rent. If you want to buy a compass, get one with a clear plastic baseplate[底座] meant for orienteering. A lanyard[系索] for the compass is helpful.

Wear comfortable walking clothing that you don't mind getting a little dirty. If it's cold, wear several thin layers of clothing; you will get warm quickly and want to take a layer or two off. If it's warm, wear light pants but not shorts[短裤], since you may encounter brushy vegetation[植物] if you go off trail[小路].

Bring some water and, if you want, something to eat afterwards.




Tips 2: Some Special Terms

Control 检查点 This is the point, circled on the map, which you are looking for.


Course 路线 The course is the set of controls you are looking for.


Leg赛段 A leg is the portion of a course between two consecutive controls.



注2:相当与treasure hunt,寻宝游戏,参加者要按照指示找到规定的物品。