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Cairo, with its 18 million inhabitants (last count!) and centuries of historical upheaval and change, can only be described as an assault on the senses. There is no word that can truly capture the epic scale of this city, which draws in the cultures of Europe, Africa and the Orient. At first glance the traffic, the crowds, the vastness and the chaotic rhythm of Cairo can be overwhelming. The wide boulevards and narrow alleys are jammed with everything from luxury cars to donkeys in a frantic bustle that is everyday life in one of the oldest metropolitan cities in the world. The architecture ranges from ancient to medieval to modern. Each successive ruler of the city, the Romans, the Greeks, Arabs, Europeans, refrained from destroying the edifices of bygone eras, thus, preserving a long succession of monuments to the past; visible evidence of a city that has been conquered and reconquered several times over thousands of years. The city, in fact, consists of several separate and unique identities which can only be discovered by exploring its various districts. Cairo is in many ways a collection of smaller cities, each with its own characteristics and way of life. But they all have one thing in common: history. In Cairo, history is not just visual. It is evident in the people and the culture. It is a state of mind. After all, this is the Mother of the World!


When is the best time to visit Cairo? The answer is easy; anytime except for the summer months when the searing desert sun makes crossing the street feel like an exhausting mission. September to April, when the temperatures are mild, is the best period to see Cairo.


Cairo celebrates a variety of Islamic and Coptic Christian festivals throughout the year. A Moulid is a type of festival which is a cross between a religious celebration and a funfair. Lasting about a week, moulids involve Sufi zikrs (trance-like dances), snake charming, curing of the sick, sideshows, food and much, much more.


It is said that man fears time, but time fears Egypt. If you visit

Egypt's best known pyramids at Giza you will begin to understand why. Part of a massive necropolis attached to the ancient capital of Memphis, their wonder lies in their age and in the twin mysteries of how they were built and what for. They are the sole survivors of the Seven Wonders of the World and the planet's oldest tourist attraction. There is not much to see inside the pyramids but climbing down inside these massive structures is an unforgettable experience. Standing guard over the pharaoh's final resting place is 'the father of terror', better known as the Sphinx.


Saqqara is further from the downtown area than Giza and, thus, quieter and more serene. The Step Pyramid of Zoser is believed to be the oldest in the world. The sites of Saqqara are spread out over a large area making it difficult to explore on foot. Hotels in Cairo can arrange a car and driver to take you around Saqqara for a day. Prices tend to be very reasonable.

The Egyptian Antiquities Museum

With over 100, 000 exhibits, it is said that if you were to spend one minute looking at each item in the Egyptian Antiquities Museum the entire tour would take nine months! Most tourists tend to be selective. Tutankhamun's funerary objects, particularly the solid gold death mask and the sarcophagus, are the most popular attraction in the museum. The mummy room, which houses the preserved remains of eleven pharaohs, is also well worth a visit.

Islamic Cairo

Islamic Cairo is a World Heritage site and the oldest medieval metropolis in the world. Strolling through its narrow alleys is akin to walking in a place where time has stopped for several centuries. Bazaars, mosques, minarets and fortresses remind the visitor of the splendor of Islamic culture. But Islamic Cairo is not a museum; it is a lively, lived-in district where trade, the age-old passion of the Arabs is still very much alive and flourishing.

Old Cairo

This district consists of a large walled compound where the city's Coptic Christians, and small Jewish community, lives. It is quieter and less crowded than Islamic Cairo. When the Romans ruled the city this area was known as Babylon and it predates the arrival of Islam in Egypt. It still retains the look of an ancient city and is home to some of the oldest Christian churches in the Middle East. There is a spring here where it is believed that the daughter of the pharaoh found the basket in which the baby Moses lay sleeping.


Khan al-Khalili - even if you have no intention of buying anything, the Great Bazaar has to be seen. This massive market in Islamic Cairo has been operating since the 14th century. It is where everyone, newcomer and Cairene alike, goes to find traditional items: jewelry, lamps, spices, clothes, textiles, handicrafts, water pipes, metalwork. The style of shopping here is a cultural experience in itself. Bargaining is conducted with raised voices and vivid body language. Shoppers and shopkeepers will often sit down to tea, cigarettes and pleasant small talk before negotiations begin. Not the place to go if you are in a hurry! Stores generally are open 10-9 Monday through Saturday; most close on Sunday and during Friday prayer time (the hour around noon).

For non traditional goods you can try one of the many up-market department stores, such as the First Residence Shopping Centre in Giza.

Rest and Recreation

Sitting in a teahouse sipping sweet tea or bitter Turkish coffee and puffing on sheeshah pipes is an ancient form of recreation for Egyptian men. The tea houses provide pipes which can also be bought in markets to take home as a souvenir. The pipe is made of a glass bottle filled with water to cool the smoke, brass fittings and a camel leather hose. The tobacco is a sticky substance that comes in honey and apple flavours. The tea house is a great place to ①wile away an evening watching the locals have animated conversations and play backgammon.

If you fancy something a little bit bawdier than a tea house then you should try one of the numerous belly dancing clubs in the city. Be warned; belly dancing clubs can be traps designed to fleece tourists. Go to Alhambra in the Sheraton Hotel where resident dancer Dina wows the audience with this ancient erotic performance.





开罗全年都在庆祝各种各样的伊斯兰教和科普特基督教的节日。“先知诞辰日”是一种将宗教庆典和游园会相融合的节日。“先知诞辰日”大约持续一周,包括“Sufi zikrs”(招魂之类的舞蹈)、耍蛇、巫术治病、杂耍、餐饮,以及更多的东西。

















upheaval /7p`h1v9l/ n.剧变

assault /9`s5lt/ n.攻击;突袭

frantic /`fr2ntik/ adj.急忙的

refrain /ri`frein/ vi.(与from连用)避免

edifice /`edifis/ n.大建筑物

bygone /`baiG4(:)n/ adj.过去的

monument /`m4njum9nt/ n.有历史价值的建筑物

searing /`si9riM/ adj.灼热的

sideshow /`saidH9u/ n.杂耍

necropolis /ne`kr4p9lis/ n.大墓地

serene /si`r1n/ adj.安宁的

antiquity /2n`tikwiti/ n.古代的遗物

sarcophagus /s3`k4f9G9s/ n.石棺

stroll /str9ul/ v.闲逛

akin /9`kin/ adj.类似的

bazaar /b9`z3/ n.集市;市场

minaret /`min9ret/ n.尖塔

lived-in adj.长时间有人居住的(房屋)

textile /`tekstail/ n.纺织品

water pipe /`w5t9 paip/ n.水烟筒

puff /p7f/ v.抽喷

hose /h9uz/ n.软管

backgammon /b2k`G2m9n/ n.西洋双陆棋

bawdy /`b5di/ adj.好色的

belly dancing 肚皮舞

fleece /fl1s/ vt.骗取

① wile away 消磨