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If what your friend comes up with surprises you, don’t reject it immediately. ______, imagine that it is true.

A. Thus B. Besides C. Rather D. Otherwise


rather有多种用法,如表示程度,意思是“颇”“相当”;用于修饰比较级,表示“……得多”;用于rather than, would rather…than等固定搭配,这些用法由于在教材中出现得比较多,所以同学们大都比较熟悉。但是,rather 有两种非常有用的用法,许多同学可能并不熟悉(我们姑且称它为边缘用法),而它们却可能是高考英语比较重要的考点。

1. 用于纠正前面说过的话


I got a B, or rather a B+, on the exam. 我考试得了B,更确切地说是B+。

She is a businesswoman, or rather a banker. 她是商人,更确切地说,是位银行家。

I’m seeing him in May―or rather early June. 我5月份见他――更确切地说是在6月初。

2. 用于引出相反的观点


He did not succeed; rather, he failed long ago. 他没有成功,相反他早就失败了。

No, I’m not tired. Rather the opposite in fact. 不,我不累,恰恰相反,我感觉精力还很充沛。

Twenty million years ago, Idaho was not the arid place it is now. Rather, it was warm and damp, populated by dense primordial forest. 2,000万年前,爱达荷州并不像现在这样干旱。相反,那时的爱达荷州温暖潮湿,有大片的原始森林。


1. She lives in London, _______ she lives in a suburb of London.

A. thus B. besides C. or rather D. otherwise

2. I explained to him how far things had got, ______ had not got.

A. or rather B. therefore C. otherwise D.nevertheless

3. John picked us up in his car, _______ his dad’s car which he’d borrowed.

A. still B. or rather C. yet D. even

4. The child is not at all dumb. _______, he’s very clever.

A. Rather B. Therefore C. Otherwise D. However

5. The ending of the war is not a cause for celebration, but _______ for regret that it ever happened.

A. still B. besides C. meanwhile D. rather


1. C。or rather 表示纠正前面说过的话,并提出更确切的看法,意思是“更确切地说”。句意为:她住在伦敦,更确切地说,是住在伦敦近郊。

2. A。or rather 表示纠正前面说过的话,并提出更确切的看法,意思是“更确切地说”。句意为:我向他说明形势发展到何种程度,或者更确切地说向他说明形势没有发展到何种程度。

3. B。or rather 表示纠正前面说过的话,并提出更确切的看法,意思是“更确切地说”。句意为:约翰用他的车来接我们,更确切地说是用他从他爸爸那儿借来的车。

4. A。rather 用于提出与前面相反的看法,意思是“相反”。句意为:这小孩一点不愚蠢,相反,他很聪明。

5. D。rather 用于提出与前面相反的看法,意思是“相反”“恰恰相反”。句意为:战争的结束没有什么好庆祝的,恰恰相反,人们倒是应该为战争的爆发而感到痛惜。