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连锁英语 第11期

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The State adopts a unified foreign trade system andupholds a fair and free foreign trade order. The State shallencourage the development of foreign trade, help to bringthe initiative of the localities into full play, and safeguard theautonomy of foreign trade operators in their operations.


促进和发展promote and develop

The People's Republic of China shall promote anddevelop trading relations with other countries and regions onthe principle of equality and mutual benefit.



With respect to foreign trade, the People's Republicof China shall, in accordance with the international treatiesor agreements that she has signed or entered into, accordthe other contracting parties which have signed or enteredinto such treaties or agreements the most favored nation ornational treatment or accord the said treatment to the otherparty on the principle of mutual benefit and reciprocity.



The term" foreign trade operator" refers to a legal personor other organization engaging in foreign trade activities inaccordance with the provisions of the law.



Foreign trade operators shall operate independentlyaccording to law and be responsible for their own profits orlosses.


信守abide by

In carrying out foreign trade activities, operators shallabide by contracts, ensure the quality of commodities andimprove after-sale services.



An organization or an individual that does not have alicense for carrying out foreign trade activities may entrust aforeign trade operator as agent to handle the foreign tradeoperations within its scope of business.



A foreign trade operator acting as an agent shall provideaccurate information for the entrusting party such as marketprices and conditions of clients. The entrusting party and thetrustee shall sign a contract, which shall stipulate the rightsand obligations of both parties.



The State may restrict the import or export of goods ortechnologies in order to ensure the smooth or acceleratedbuild-up of specific industries at home.


以……为前提条件be subject to

Goods whose import or export is restricted shall besubject to quota or license management; technologies whoseimport or export is restricted shall be subject to licensemanagement. 对限制进口或者出口的货物,实行配额或者许可证管理;对限制进口或者出口的技术,实行许可证管理。