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I think English is easy to learn.


The maths problem is not difficult to work out.



I have a lot of work to do today.


She has some questions to ask.


Would you like something to eat?


(3)某些表示状态特征的系动词,如sound, seem,smell,taste(尝起来)等有时也用主动形式表示被动意义。例如:

The music sounds beautiful.


The flowers smell sweet.


Those apples taste good.


(4)有些动词,如lock,sell,wash,read, write,open,wear,cook,burn,keep,feel等,其主动形式在一些具体场合表示被动意义。例如:

The door won't lock.这门锁不上。

This book sells well.这本书很畅销。

Does the cloth wash well?



The box is too heavy to carry.


The sentence is too hard to understand.



She'll tell you which to choose.


I don't know what to do next.


He hasn't decided whom to invite.



The accident happened two hours ago.


Great changes have taken place in my hometown.



1. They will build a road here.

2. My father is mending my bike now.

3. What did you say at the meeting?

4. We must finish our homework first.

5. Shall we water the flowers?

6. People often see her read in the open air.

7. My mother bought me a new pair of shoes.

8. Did he break the window?

9. We should take good care of the trees.

10.The children don't play basketball well.

11. We are making paper flowers.

12. Miss Li teaches us maths well.

13. We produced the car in China.

14. Have you posted your cards yet?

15. They saw many birds fly away.

16. Will the teachers take us to the car factory?

17. We had done it before you came back.

18. Have you finish writing the book yet?

19. You can look after your sister this afternoon.

20. They were watching a TV play when I came home.


1、 Thousands of trees_______every day.

Aare cut down

B are being cut down

Chave been cut down

D had been cut down

2. Football_______in most middle schools in many countries.

A playB plays

C is playing D is played

3.He_______a warm welcome at the station.

A was given B gave

C was givingD has given

4. The room_______again tomorrow afternoon.

A will be cleanedB will clean

C is cleaned D cleans

5.All the answers_______already.

A have been found out

B have found out

C are found out

D were found out

6. A dinosaur show_______at the museum next week.

A are to be heldB is to be held

C are holding D will hold

7. The Great Wall_______all over the world.

A are knownB is known

C will be knownD knows

8.The bird_______fly away yesterday.

A let toB is let to

C was letD was let to

9.Water_______into ice under 0℃.

A will changeB can be changed

C should change D must be changed

10.A strange sound_______last night.

A was heardB hears

Cheard D is heard

11. A black car_______him by his uncle.

A sent toB will send to

C was sent to D will be sent for

12. My shoes_______. I want a new pair.

Ais worn outB wore out

Cwere worn off D were worn out

13. Many new houses_______for teachers since last year.

Aare building B built

Chave builtD have been built

14. The river smells terrible. People must_______dirty things into it.

Abe stopped throw

Bbe stopped from throwing

Cstop to throw

D stop from throwing

15. The medicine_______cool, clean and dry.

Amust keepB must be kept

Cmust be carriedD must be in

16. The lost boy_______this early morning.

A found B was founded

C was foundD had found

17. These flowers_______sweet.

A is smelling B smelt

C is smelt D smells

18. Rice mustat the right time.

A be harvested B harvests

C be harvestingD been harvested

19.The room on the bus .

A is tookBhas been taken

Care takenD taken

20.Can such a thing______from happening again?

AstopBbe stopped

CstoppedD be able to stop


















1. A road will be built by them here.

2.My bike is being mended by my father now.

3. What was said by you at the meeting?

4.Our homework must be finished first.

5. Will the flowers be watered by us?

6. She is often seen to read in the open air.

7.A new pair of shoes were bought for me by my mother.

或 I was bought a new pair of shoes by my mother.

8. Was the window broken by him?

9. The trees should be taken good care of.

10.Basketballisn'tplayed wellbythe children.

11. Paper flowers are being made by us.

12. We are taught maths well by Miss Li.

或Maths is taught well for us by Miss Li.

13. The car was produced in China by us.

14. Have your cards been posted yet?

15.Many birds were seen to fly away.

16. Shall we be taken to the car factory by the teachers?

17. It had been done by us before you came back.

18. Has the book been finished writing yet?

19. Your sister can be looked after by you this afternoon.

20. A TV play was being watched by them when I came home.


1-5: ADAAA 6-10: BBDBA

11-15: CDDBB 16-20: CBABB


1.You are expected to finish the work soon by us.

2. The important problem has been discussed by us at the meeting.

3.The exercises like that are often done by the students in class.

4.A new bridge will be built over the river by them next year.

5.Has your homework been done yet?

6.This kind of bikes is made by the factory.

7.The maths exercise books must be handed in before class.

8. The room is used as a meeting-room by us.

9.Can the trees be finished planting by them tomorro?

10.It may be done a little earlier by you.

11.She was seen to go out from the school by me.

12.A birthday present was given to me by her.

13.Water hasn't been finished carrying by us.

14.Can the work be finished in two hours?

15.The matter has never been said to me by him.