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我在浙江经历了许多第一次。我曾第一次在一个环境优美的旅馆和度假胜地休闲, 第一次在西湖上泛舟,第一次购买上好的丝绸,第一次坐竹筏漂流江上,第一次乘牛车漫步乡村,第一次参加圆桌晚餐,品味异国风味的美味佳肴,第一次品尝清香诱人的茶饮和炒甘栗,还有第一次游览风格各异的博物馆。










Eyes on Zhejiang

By Linda Dawson

In October, 2010 I will make my third trip to the Zhejiang Providence for the purpose of building a mutually beneficial relationship between our City of Anderson, Indiana, USA, and our Sister City, the Yuhang District and businesses in the Zhejiang Providence. I come from the central part of the United States which is a very friendly region of our country so not many place’s hospitality impresses me but your wonderful providence definitely has left a lasting memory for me.

Having visited all over China from Guangzhou to Beijing, my favorite is definitely Zhejiang. The people, government and businesses have opened their hearts and treated me with extreme kindness.I have no fear of venturing out to shop or eat even though I do not speak your language.There is always someone that offers to help me communicate, smiles at me and makes me feel welcome.

While visiting companies I was very impressed with the size, cleanliness and efficient operation. The wide variety of companies from the textile industry to the auto related industry shows how diversified your region is and that will keep Zhejiang’s economy strong.In the USA a large portion of our products are “Made in China” and now I understand why with the capable production system that has been established in your area.The Zhejiang Providence is most definitely on its way to becoming a leader in the global economy.

I have enjoyed so many first time experiences in your Providence including relaxing at fabulous hotels and resorts, boating West Lake, shopping for wonderful silk products, bamboo rafting a river, riding a water buffalo cart, delicious round table dinners with exotic foods, sipping aromatic tea and eating roasted chestnuts at a mountain tea house, and visiting interesting museums.

But my favorite experience was visiting the Buddha Shrine at Jingshan Temple.The trip up Jing Mountain was thrilling with the winding road and mountainsides of tea plants and bamboo trees. Occasionally you catch a panoramic view of the mountain ranges that takes your breath away.Then you turn the corner and are surprised to see the mystical temple grounds setting on top the misty mountain. When I entered the temple my eyes were stunned by the huge majestic golden Buddha that towered over me.I kneeled on a bench to pay my respect and meditate a few moments.I was raised a Catholic and still retain some Catholic beliefs but there was something I felt in the temple that was larger than a mere religion.It was a force of life that simplified everything into harmony, peace and goodness.I was humbled by the simple robes and sandals worn by the monks and I was jealous of the happy peaceful smiles on their faces for I knew they had found some secret in living. The incense that was lit to pay respect filled the air with a fragrance that beckoned me to stay longer and enjoy this moment in time.As I approached a spring fed water fountain a young girl was splashing water on her face and saying something to me I could not understand.Our translator said “she tells you to put water on face and be happy”.So I splashed my face with water as the little girl nodded and smiled.Maybe it was her sparkling eyes, maybe it was my imagination or maybe the waters have some magical powers, I do not know but I do know at that moment I felt incredibly happy and truly blessed to be sharing this simple act with this wonderful little child. In another area of the temple grounds I wrote a wish message on a bamboo piece to hang on a wall with everyone else’s.Somehow my hope is this small token will connect me with this area long after I leave. Walking around the ground taking in the unique architecture, I was in awe of the age of this masterpiece.In the USA buildings that are 100 years old are considered “old”, but in China and Jingshan Temple “old” means over a thousand years.It struck me how very wonderful it must be to have such a history and know you are part of a culture that has stood the test of time for thousands and thousands of years.My trip to Jingshan Temple was the most memorable experience I have ever had and will be a part of me forever.

To the people of Zhejiang please know on the other side of the world there is an American that thinks of your community every day and those thoughts makes me smile with warm, exciting memories that will last a lifetime.After traveling all over the world I can truly say Zhejiang “Rocks”.(“Rocks” is an expression used in the USA meaning the best, most unique, number one, etc.)