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No one could deny the necessity of empowering women and protecting women from discriminations. However, in the process of raising the female status, the government and the general public always forget, or neglect, the fact that men are also suffering from many forms discriminations in the society.


Domestic Violence


When we think of domestic violence, images of battered women with bruise or black eyes come into mind. And so often that people won't believe that men are victims of domestic abuse and violence.

However, in fact, many men are also the victims of domestic violence. It is estimated that nearly 1 in 3, perhaps as many as 1 in 2, of family violence victims is male in Australia; 4 in 10 in the US and in the UK respectively. The vast majority of perpetrators of intimate partner violence against males are female. Even worse, much less male victims of domestic violence had reported to the police, in comparison with women. And the society turns the blind eyes on the issue.



Little resources have been invested to address and understand the issues of domestic abuse and violence against men, in comparison to that of women. Therefore, support services which are similar to those for female domestic violence victims are almost non-existence or limited in many countries. Virtually nothing has been done to encourage men to report abuse and many men do not even attempt to report the situation because of feelings of shame. "Support services for male victims remain decades behind those for women." Mark Brooks, chairman of the men's domestic abuse charity, the Mankind Initiative, said.


Custody Law


Many law experts view the custody law as biased against fathers and leaning more towards mothers. In many countries, mothers are more likely to receive primary residential custody than fathers in custody decisions. It is estimated that that mothers receive primary custody 68-88% of the time, fathers receive primary custody 8-14%, and equal residential custody is awarded in only 2-6% of the cases in the US. In Japan, family courts also normally grant sole custody to the mother. It is because many judges still consider that women play a larger role in raising the children and women are naturally more nurturing and better caregivers than men as a result of which mothers prevail in these custody cases. This perception is an discrimination against male.




Education is another area where men are severely discriminated because the education system dramatically favors girls from the early childhood education to the university entrance exam. As the early stage education sets the same expectations for all students, ignoring the fact that boys' early progress tends to be slower and more difficult to sit still to learn. Boys' strengths, such as quickness, getting to the point, doing things efficiently are little recognized in the system. It can lead to boys becoming frustrated in studying. And the other public examinations like university entrance exam emphasize on essay-writing and memorizing which are also girls' strength. Therefore, for years now, girls have been taking the lion’s share of success in public examinations and out-performed boys in almost every subject.

Furthermore, teachers are also in more favorable grading of girl. The Journal of Human Resources proves that teachers grade girls not as strictly as boys, when they get exactly the same results on tests. The report of “Gender Expectations and Stereotype Threats” was also demonstrated that teachers tend to expect girls to perform better than boys and that it is a self-fulfilling expectation. This expectation of better performance from girls results in more favorable grading of girls, a leading academic warned.



This institutional discrimination against male causes the drop-out rate for male far greater than their counterparts. In the US, boys were responsible for 79 per cent of expulsions and 72 per cent of suspensions. In New Zealand, schools also expel more male students than female students. In 2011 expulsion rate was 4.3 times higher for males than for females. In the UK, males are 3 times more likely to be expelled from schools. Those male students who are expelled permanently are more likely to experience difficulties such as unemployment, living in poor accommodation and being in trouble with the police in their later life.


Retirement Age Discrimination


The retirement ages for men and women are unequal in many countries. It is a known fact that women retired earlier than men, but their average life expectance is also longer. For example, women retire at 55 and men have to retire at 60 in China but their life expectancy is 74 and 77 respectively, the corresponding figures for Vietnam are 55 and 60 & 73 and 77 and that of Austria are 58 and 64 & 60 and 65. Many men see it a form of discrimination.


Health Care System


When it comes to health, men are more vulnerable than women. One of the key reasons why men is the weaker sex, particularly in term of health, is that more research funding is allocating to the women health research and education.

For example, the death rates for prostate and breast cancer are similar. Research funding between the two cancers is strikingly difference. In the US and the UK, prostate cancer research receives much less funding than breast cancer. In fiscal year 2009 of the US, breast cancer research received $872 million worth of federal funding, while prostate cancer received $390 million. In the UK, prostate cancer ranks 20th in the league table of cancers research funding. Breast cancer receives twice as much research funding as prostate cancer --- ?853 per breast cancer case diagnosed in comparison to ?417 for prostate cancer. Even in private foundations, the picture is the same. For example, at the American Cancer Society, breast cancer receives about twice the number of grants as prostate cancer.



Many health leaflets published by health authorities and other groups are targeting women and focusing on issues like breast and cervical cancer. According to the some men’s rights groups in the UK, finding a medical leaflet targeting men only conditions is difficult in the clinics. Also, the "The Prostate Cancer Gap: A Crisis in Men's Health" reported that news coverage of prostate cancer were 2.6 times less than that of breast cancer between 1996 and 2006.
